ayoo apa yach ?? ;) ;)
Green Joker brarti nih ;D
apa doong kasi tauu dooong :-\
mercy ijo 8) ... yippie *tepuktangan*
wuihhh banyak pohon n tumbuhan nih..hehehe happy birthday eyang..
bw dj siapa lagi nih dari luar???
selalu keren di bulan november !!!!
Kita mah percaya deh jamuan nya!!kekekeke
Quote from: stdfans on 02/11/08, 20:43
ayoo apa yach ?? ;) ;)
...2 minggu lagih nih....bocorannya belom ada nih (?)
Richie Hawttin donkz... :P
initial W nih kayaknya
wew...kayanya erbe2 disana warna ijo semua... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
:D ijo juga bagus!! 8) 8) 8) 8)
apa naga mo ganti kulit!!!! (?) (?) (?) (?)
;) ;)
11 Years of Spinnin' STADIUM ANNIVERSARY
Born in 1978, Luciano is a DJ since 1993 and a producer since 1997. In the mid-90's, he was promoting Sense Club and Encuentros con la Technocultura in Santiago de Chile in the company of many initiators of the Latin American electronic music scene: Senor Coconut AKA Atom Heart, Ricardo Villalobos, Dandy Jack & brother Adrian Schopf, Washington Miranda, Argenix Brito, Microman etc.
He's played radio stations and DJed clubs & events in Santiago and Latin America, Germany, Spain & Holland, settling in Switzerland in 2000 to release on Mental Groove Records in Geneva, where he also holds a residency at the Weetamix club. His releases appear on the Transmat, Perlon, Lo-Fi Stereo, Bruchstuecke and Klang Elektronik record labels.
Luciano's mixed Swiss & Chilean identity shows in his music, a somewhat mystical blend of deep techno & electro that integrates southern elements in rhythms and colorful patterns in sound. His collaborations with Ricardo Villalobos (Playhouse, Perlon, Warp, Force Inc etc.) as Sense Club are especially rewarding, as is his partnership with Pier Bucci and Argenix Brito as Monne Automne.
Mellowing his style as times goes by, getting more experimental and spacey with a fresh style of his own, Luciano's production is destined to the wiser dancefloors that have enjoyed his live sets in Peru, Chile, Argentina, the U.S., Spain, Germany & Switzerland. DJ-wise, Luciano's trade relies on groovy & minimal.
level 1 : DJ JOEY (decadance), DJ CHILLING
level 2 : DJ MYRA ALEXA & DJ LOLA ALICIA (beat architect), DJ NIDYA
level 3 : VALENCIA BAND & all Resident DJs
level 4 : DJ IXAN (beatclub), DJ ALI (SOZ)
Supported By:
Concrete Sounds
91.60 FM
Free Magz !
Edirol Visual Artist Indonesia
Sound of Zeus
Yamoré Remix
Lucie, Tom Et Clementine
Amelie On Ice
Capricciosa EP
Future Senses EP
Alain Brito
Conversando Con Mi Hija
Blind Behavior
Live @ Weetamix
Alpine Rocket
La Limonada De Pepe Bombilla
Superlongevity 2 - Indio Muerto
Hosomaki: Mix 2 - Future Senses
Post Office 2 - Yaki Soba
Orange Mistake
Stone Age
Funk Excursion
Ananas - Tomorrov Cocktail
Ruta 5 - Austral
Ruta 5 - Austral
Superlongevity 3 - Tanz Glatte
The Western Edits (Original by Isolée)
Smokkin Jakkit
Yamoré ( Depth Mix )
The Vegetable Orchestra (Mixy Floaty)
El Salvador Remixes
Membrillo EP (Luciano reconstruction)
Introducing Light & Sound
Migracion (Cameleon Mix )
Pacheco (Family Mix )
The Ride (Dancehall Remix )
Love Dose
http://rapidshare.com/files/122036058/Luciano_Ibiza_Voice_Podcast-12-06-2008_Part002.mp3 (http://rapidshare.com/files/122036058/Luciano_Ibiza_Voice_Podcast-12-06-2008_Part002.mp3)
http://rapidshare.com/files/122029881/Luciano_Ibiza_Voice_Podcast-12-06-2008_Part001.mp3 (http://rapidshare.com/files/122029881/Luciano_Ibiza_Voice_Podcast-12-06-2008_Part001.mp3)
http://rapidshare.com/files/136365969/01-welcome_to_the_future-luciano_live__amsterdam_-cable-02-08-2008-1king.mp3 (http://rapidshare.com/files/136365969/01-welcome_to_the_future-luciano_live__amsterdam_-cable-02-08-2008-1king.mp3)
http://rapidshare.com/files/142302030/Luciano_-_Fabric_Radio_Mix.mp3 (http://rapidshare.com/files/142302030/Luciano_-_Fabric_Radio_Mix.mp3)
http://rapidshare.com/files/143632376/Luciano-Bodytonic_podcast_20.08.2008_UMP3.mp3 (http://rapidshare.com/files/143632376/Luciano-Bodytonic_podcast_20.08.2008_UMP3.mp3)
Great Dj.., LUCIANO..!!!! *bgs*
Happy XI Anniversary to Stadium Jakarta..!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
green concept:
kenapa green?
lantai 2 dj2nya wanita.. :)
11 years and still spinning..Happy Anniversary for my lovely home club: Stadium *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
..wew akhirnya keluar jg flyernya,...Luciano Padini....\m/....asyik2 kog tracknya.....dipastikan hadiiirrr... *tepuktangan*
Mampuuus... :P
gelisah ui :-\
Quote from: stdfans on 13/11/08, 13:29
green concept:
kenapa green?
lantai 2 dj2nya wanita.. :)
:-[ :P :-[....mauuuuu...lt 2 ajah....he..he..he..
Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 13/11/08, 22:47
gelisah ui :-\
nape lo ???
gejala BBAB ? ;D
Quote from: PaketBegadangRp10000 on 14/11/08, 09:52
Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 13/11/08, 22:47
gelisah ui :-\
nape lo ???
gejala BBAB ? ;D
susah ngurusin orang suges!!!wakakakkakakaka
hail to LUCIANO & Stadium,
sayang gw pasti ga bisa hadir nyo..
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 14/11/08, 10:42
Quote from: PaketBegadangRp10000 on 14/11/08, 09:52
Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 13/11/08, 22:47
gelisah ui :-\
nape lo ???
gejala BBAB ? ;D
susah ngurusin orang suges!!!wakakakkakakaka
dipastikan berangkut kakak ;D
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wahh.. udah keluar... happy anniversary stadium *tepuktangan*
Quote from: stdfans on 02/11/08, 20:43
ayoo apa yach ?? ;) ;)
Oooo kelinci + green concept = Playboy Ijo *bgs*
Gokil Stadium semakin mencerdaskan bangsa dengan menghadirkan Luciano... ;D
Dengerin Luciano di Fabric 41 udah maknyus banget, apalagi kalo dateng langsung? *bgs*
Dateng atau ga ya? :-\
Quote from: club2club on 15/11/08, 22:41
Gokil Stadium semakin mencerdaskan bangsa dengan menghadirkan Luciano... ;D
Dengerin Luciano di Fabric 41 udah maknyus banget, apalagi kalo dateng langsung? *bgs*
Dateng atau ga ya? :-\
...kalo lu mau nambahin sks byar cepet lulus...mending lu dtg ajah de... *piss*
wah wah wah,, wahhhhh,, waahhh
seeedddaappp!!! *bgs*
pasti gokilz nih anniversary STD yang ke XI!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
met ultah ya eyang naga!!! ;D
(apple ijo kluar lagi ga ya..) 8) 8) 8)
warming up set sebelum luciano siapa nih?
siappp ;D ;D
reunian ma eyang ;) ;)
welcome to the vortex.
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* gokil, uda bday lagi aja ya std, smoga tambah sukses ya..
kalo bisa room nya di perbanyak lagi ya hehehe biar ga waiting list nya klamaan ;D ;D
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
widihhhhhhhhhh mantafff bgtttt hijau neh ceritanya mbah naga....kalo bisa sekalian Mercy ijo juga dong hehehhe sukses yeee
selamat menikmati entertaining dari lt 1 sampai lt 4
dengan jenis musik yg berbeda2...tapi tetap house :)
Heppi Bersdey bang naga...:)
ada perubahan dong di gedungnya/interiornya......atau paling gk logonya....
biar lbh caem and gk serem hehehe
manstabbbb mbah naga ulang taun.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
moga2 ga ada lg erbe2 jelek n silop2 :-\ ... wakakkaka :-*
happy anniversary stadium 8)
wkwkwkwk jadi pengen boker gw :-\
lantai berapa & jam berapa buat house house yg menyenangkan dan bisa joged joged ? ;D
om sidrink maen jam brapa ya ? (?)
Quote from: stdfans on 17/11/08, 13:30
selamat menikmati entertaining dari lt 1 sampai lt 4
dengan jenis musik yg berbeda2...tapi tetap house :)
yoi... house to house 8)
cakeeeeppp!!! :D
keep on rokin STD.. *bgs* *bgs*
Happy XI Anniversary to Stadium Jakarta..!!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* 8) 8) 8)
L U C I A N O !!!!!!!!!
Dark Music + Dark Atmosphere = PERFECT
will be there!!
Happy Bday Stadium! :-*
Quote from: Mr Din on 19/11/08, 22:33
L U C I A N O !!!!!!!!!
Dark Music + Dark Atmosphere = PERFECT
will be there!!
Happy Bday Stadium! :-*
ati2 lo din ..
Quote from: Rangga_ocean on 19/11/08, 22:40
Quote from: Mr Din on 19/11/08, 22:33
L U C I A N O !!!!!!!!!
Dark Music + Dark Atmosphere = PERFECT
will be there!!
Happy Bday Stadium! :-*
ati2 lo din ..
iiiiih selalu hati2 gw kalo ada elo ga..
auhuauhauuhuaahauhuha *devil on da dancefloor*
Luciano....mantapppp.....stadium 11 tahun widihhh 11 tahun juga donk gw kenal stadium...selamat yeeee.....yang stadium aman trusss :)
gk ada mampusnya nie tempat........
g baru liat ini...
itu luciano ko lucu banget yaaaaa
:-* :-* :-* :-*
*tepuktangan* HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO STADIUM JAKARTA!! *tepuktangan*KEEP GREAT!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
VJnya Gokielzzz... 8)
Quote from: dweetha on 21/11/08, 19:03
g baru liat ini...
itu luciano ko lucu banget yaaaaa
:-* :-* :-* :-*
Hati-hati wit, product impor mengandung melamin... :P *piss*
happy aniversarry for stadium...
LT 6............ Kpal merapat ;D ;D ;D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f85nCWsb9s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f85nCWsb9s)
bumperna aja gokilz gituw..
sapa sech nih yg bwat.. boleh daptar kursus gak.. *piss*
Success for STD (Sekolah Tinggi Disco) *piss*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* GO STADIUM *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: humzie on 24/11/08, 17:53
bumperna aja gokilz gituw..
sapa sech nih yg bwat.. boleh daptar kursus gak.. *piss*
Success for STD (Sekolah Tinggi Disco) *piss*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* GO STADIUM *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
oohh...mau daptar di sekolah visual dugem yach??
boleh mas...daptar ma rendy or sunshine aja yach...dia lg terima pendaptaran..hueheuheuhe...
Waaah..om adhie main yaa?
Sukses y om sm libremotionna..
yu..datang yach...ia saya main di lt.4
buat deejay2 lt 2 yg bakalan maen full support gurls.. :)
coly ane gak bisa dtg :(.masi ada tugas......
----MET ANNIVERSARY aja buat STADIUM---from: Classic club DJ's
flyernya triippyyyy bangetttt
;D ;D ;D
bumpernya jg goskil! *bgs*
hahahhaah.. gila keren bangett flyernya yang item.. boleee bangett.. ahahaaha
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: adhievizuale on 24/11/08, 23:31
yu..datang yach...ia saya main di lt.4
saya boleh ikutan nonton om adhie main ga...? ;)
Quote from: secret admirer on 26/11/08, 16:56
Quote from: adhievizuale on 24/11/08, 23:31
yu..datang yach...ia saya main di lt.4
saya boleh ikutan nonton om adhie main ga...? ;)
boleh om...di tunggu yach...
AAANNNJJJRROOOTT LUCIANOOOO!! ko baru ada di RA hari ini sih? telat nih posting-nya :p
tambah lagi linknya. keren bgt nih
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4HBTRAAO (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4HBTRAAO) (Luciano @ Siloclub 16/05/07)
oia, mau nanya nih. biaya masuknya berapaan?
Quote from: Mario 78 on 13/11/08, 14:17
..wew akhirnya keluar jg flyernya,...Luciano Padini....\m/....asyik2 kog tracknya.....dipastikan hadiiirrr... *tepuktangan*
beda orang, bos. ini sih luciano doang. hehehe.
Quote from: danzig on 27/11/08, 08:58
Quote from: Mario 78 on 13/11/08, 14:17
..wew akhirnya keluar jg flyernya,...Luciano Padini....\m/....asyik2 kog tracknya.....dipastikan hadiiirrr... *tepuktangan*
beda orang, bos. ini sih luciano doang. hehehe.
gw tau...karna awalnya dikasih tau Luciano padini sm Om Bob gondrong... :P...udah denger jg gw livesetnya luciano Bozzz.. ;D
Quote from: Mario 78 on 27/11/08, 12:25
Quote from: danzig on 27/11/08, 08:58
Quote from: Mario 78 on 13/11/08, 14:17
..wew akhirnya keluar jg flyernya,...Luciano Padini....\m/....asyik2 kog tracknya.....dipastikan hadiiirrr... *tepuktangan*
beda orang, bos. ini sih luciano doang. hehehe.
gw tau...karna awalnya dikasih tau Luciano padini sm Om Bob gondrong... :P...udah denger jg gw livesetnya luciano Bozzz.. ;D
mantap deh kalo gitu. sampai jumpa di dancefloor yaa :D
WADUUUUHHH kayanya pake kacamata dulu ni 8)
HAPPY XI ANNIVERSARY STADIUM *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
luciano gokils, sayang bentrok acaranya *piss*
Quote from: rakabitor123 on 28/11/08, 01:18
udh ga musim kacamata d sana boss.... *piss*
wahh..keci tuh bumpernya!! *bgs* *bgs*
pasti...full nih STD.
request for AC nya di full juga yah...keep it freezzing! *tepuktangan* ;D *tepuktangan*
cant wait for it
wah.. .gokil nie
ada yang punya rundown? katanya selesainya senin dini hari ya? luciano maen jam brapa?
mantapp happyu birthday std
Quote from: danzig on 28/11/08, 09:05
ada yang punya rundown? katanya selesainya senin dini hari ya? luciano maen jam brapa?
biasanya sih kalo guest dj maennya sekitar jam 1-2an pg sob....selesai senin pagi?iyalah....dr sabtu-tutup senin pagi sob..... *piss*
tapi luciano jam 1 hari minggu kan, bukan senin? thanks berat.
tonight2.... go luciano, go libremotion..
see ya tonite Eyang!!!! dah lm nh ...hhihihi
go Luciano...Go bg Adhie!!
wew ga terasa udah 11 thn ... :D
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY STADIUM...... KEEP ROCKING GUYS...... *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
commentnya di sini dunk...heheheh
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19714.new/boardseen.html#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19714.new/boardseen.html#new)
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 11/11/08, 00:46
wew...kayanya erbe2 disana warna ijo semua... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
:D ijo juga bagus!! 8) 8) 8) 8)
apa naga mo ganti kulit!!!! (?) (?) (?) (?)
;D wakakakakakak ..
kynya erbe2 d std Gambar muka lo deh conk :-*
ahahahaha,,ampun deh