Guys -- Hope to see you all at Centro on the 20th for our event featuring DJs from both sides of the Pacific -- support and respect always.
Wow Reuben...........
Support Guys.........
sokil neh *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
cieeeh ciiieeehh ciieeehhh
reuben nih yeeeee.. hehehehe
support ya bro..
support for adhe bro sm mas Pite............hehehehehehehe......
-the rise of 135 BPM !!!!-
Hail DJ SICK & VJ Fariz a.k.a 5.0!
PS: DJ SICK will also be spinning @ Synan Broadcast on the 14th of July ! Stay tuned on Indika FM !
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
support terus deh...beibeh...
@ bro teuteup guokil ku yee ntr...
jgn lupa madonna na...di maenkan...
thanks guys for the support ...
Bro .. tetap pasti ada Madonnanya n pasti pumping banget..
Pite, 135 bpm .. well i don't know them yet but i'm sure they'll be great..
Gue paling mulai dari classics of prog trance a la Cold Harbor n Armada style n lanjut ke some harder trance.
Hope to see you guys there.
Support guys..
DJ SICK a.k.a Derry kan ya ?..
anjrit keren banget namanya 135 pm !!!
support deh buat trancepoeple !!
Hmmmmm 135 bpm..., goodluck guyzzzz... ;)
ciee ciee...dj reuben... uhuyyy...
sukses yah.. ;)
Quote from: BuNi on 11/07/07, 15:19
DJ SICK a.k.a Derry kan ya ?..
u betcha !
cieee reuben....
hajaaaaaar cink!!!!!
sedaap! *bgs*
@beben bin Roi
good luck mate....siiiappp..ancur ancuran.....wah,kalo acara ada DJ adebro,ada beben biasanya nya banyak cw cw cantik gitu yg ngumpul.trance geli geli basah gitu soalnya yang dibawain...hehehe..ssookkiilll....support jg buat indra!! *tepuktangan* *bgs*
ada dj import..
reuben,,,, cieeeeee!!!!!!! boleh deh disambangi,,,,,
guys .... thanks so much for the support n look forward to seeing you on the dance floor..
@ Baim -- embur! ;) BTW where's my DVD bro? hehehe. seeya there..
Support broooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Sikat Brooo..... nyong ambong manise....... teteeeeuuupppp.......
Hahahae! Support!!
@ DJ Beben:
good luck for the gig..jangan kalah sama robert hehe
ben hajar bleeeehhh...!!!
@beben bule
ada sob,dibawa tiap hari di tas gue.......armin van buuren,trance god 4 me,my life,my music....ntar gw bawa ke tempat lo bro pas gue kesana...sori ya lama..huhuuuu
@ DJ Reuben:
..bermula dari ngobrol2 ga jelas di room chat..sampe akhirnya sekarang gabung di M1/43 dan have gigs...mantep...
Support as always:
ga ada bocoran lg nih ??? jauh nih...butuh info!
eh om reuben maen, halah ini sih gokil.
hadir om ben gokil ni pasti hehe ;D ;D
akhirnyaaaa! hahaha!
ajegileee beben!!
maaf ya ga bisa hadir, karena bentrok,,,
good luck ! ;)
8) Beben beraksi *tepuktangan* gw support Ben... ;) *bgs* *bgs*