
General Hype => Main Talk => Jakarta => Topic started by: schizo on 04/09/07, 18:45

Title: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 04/09/07, 18:45
Hey Guys..smua yg da pernah dateng ke "EQUINOX" (X2) share pengalaman'nya duoonk..apa yg berkesan,apa yg menarik perhatian,performance dr residents n guest dj'nya..n syp yg guest dj yg paling loe pengen liat main di EQUINOX ?!
but the most...apa yg kurang dr Equinox ?! apa yg mesti di improve ?!
tnx..tnx.. *piss*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 04/09/07, 18:50
btw jgn lupa sebutin acara yg menurut loe yg plang keren yg pernah diadain di equinox ....
hihihihi....tnx loh..
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: doddo on 04/09/07, 18:55
Equinox...Ade'nya X-Lounge !! hihihi..kaka'nya mo renovasi dulu yaaa...
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: iaz_holic on 04/09/07, 19:11
emang Vertigo denger" maw renovasi...???
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: kay on 06/09/07, 02:46
klo bs p'du2kna jgn ada om2 gak jls  :-\ :-\ malez bgtz....
klo ladiezna ok d..jrng k atas g biasa dbwh truz  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: bless the child on 06/09/07, 03:16
it's fun, Great......
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/09/07, 10:42
pokoknya semua acara keren deh, apa lagi klo schizo yang main !!

tapi paling mantab waktu ethnic main, sama besok nih ultah free ada eja sama ethnic !!

cuma sayang gw blom sempet main di equinox !!! hiks !!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: kc on 06/09/07, 11:05
yang kurang dari equinox?

kurang kenceng kali ya..

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/09/07, 11:11
hahahahahahaha !!!!

kemaren waktu ultahnya indika udah kenceng tuh !!!

hihihi !! biarkan lah equinox jadi penyeimbang di tengah kekencengan !!!

mau mabuy2 santai sambil rnban? jam 10 - 12 di equinox !!! hahahahaha !!!

peace !!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: fallenangel on 06/09/07, 11:35
wahh blom mencoba lagi.. 2x kesana penuh bgt om-om bule bersama brondongwatinya.. hehe.. seinget gw areanya sih udah keren, gede abis, soundnya jg mendukung... errmmm ACnya dikencengin lagi deh..

besok ksana lagiii.. ultah free ;D
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/09/07, 11:43

hihihi !! siap !!! kita RNban !! nanti klo kurang kenceng tinggal kebawah !

hahahaha !!!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: fallenangel on 06/09/07, 13:45
wkt itu ada MC yg lucu.. tapi gw lupa siapa...  :-[
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/09/07, 19:54

siapa nis?bukan gw khan? hahahahaha !!!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 11/09/07, 19:59
@ fallen angel : syp ya mc lucu? soalnya yg pernah ng'mc di equinox tuh cm pDouble & trickz doank..
@ sixteen : sorry jo gw ga pny kuasa mutlak utk nentuin guest dj..klo bs siy loe dah main dr kpn tau..

tp emang plg gokil equinox pas ultah free..sadis tuh...
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: fallenangel on 19/09/07, 10:58
hehe iya sadis bgt sampe ga bisa gerak..
takut roboh wakakakakakkak (gak lah)...

ermm tapi pengen deh denger lagu yg baru2, masa itu2 ajahh...  *piss*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: princessyana on 19/09/07, 22:41
aduh sebel bgt ga dtg ultah free gara2 kemacetan jkt yg menggila, jd gabisa liat pdub ngemc deh..

tp bsknya equinox jg gokil tuu. cream emg plg top deh...  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 20/09/07, 17:15
@ fallen angel : ethnic & cream beberapa kali nyelipin beberapa lagu baru koq pas di ultah free....emang tp kbanyakan msh lagu" anthem yg uda mulai jadul..tp mo bilang apa? smua tetep teriak klo lagu" itu dimainin koq..hehehehe!!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: didjeri on 21/09/07, 11:14
Cukup satisfied...luas bgt...tapi tetep aja padeeet trus...klo lg mo nyantai bentar biasanya gw mampir sebentar di equinox...soal musik sih gw pribadi lbh comfy X2..tapi equinox toop..!!..
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: dave_elbracht on 01/10/07, 12:55

trgantung selera kynya.....
tp gw pribadi krng suka
music nya.....
tanyaken nnaapaa....
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: HerardDaydow on 11/12/07, 13:40

pasti.. .equinox sangat memuaskan...

rumus menyenangkan di equinox:
schizo on d decx + fatal X2 + sdikit whisky aja...

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 12/01/08, 00:19
@ schizo my lovely brother ...  :-* :-*

Equinox itu :
1. Club terkeren yang pernah gue jelajahi di Indonesia ...hehehe  *bgs*
2. Sangat menghargai RnB HipHop ..gue sangat bangga berada didalamnya !!  *tepuktangan*
3. Residentnya canggih" ... apalagi SCHIZO !!! huhuhuhuhu....  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D ;D
4. Gue pernah bikin mixtape disana .....  ;)

Tapi...kapan ya gue bakal main disana..???!! hehehehehe...  (?) (?) *piss*

Pokoknya mah Equinox ..... da' Best !!!!!

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 12/01/08, 00:32
setuju sama Tips nya Herard !!! tapi mau gue tambahin lagi ...

Tips & Tricks at Equinox :

1. Schizo on da' deck with 4 channel live mixing
2. Fatal X2 or Undercover on your hands
3. 2-4 tequila double shoots
4. Brings a lot of your friends including "ehmmmm" u know what i mean..??!
5. Make your self at home
6. Last but not least, the most important bring a lot of cash or credit card !!! hehehehe..

I'm sure & I'm promise you'll happy all night long and feel the never ending journey ......
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 12/01/08, 00:37
event paling menarik :

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: aKeyZ on 12/01/08, 01:24
@Schizo a.k.a blondie

Equinox = Satisfaction Guaranted

keren banget sob..betah disana hehee..
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: aKeyZ on 12/01/08, 01:26
Quote from: Bobby Never Die on 12/01/08, 00:32
setuju sama Tips nya Herard !!! tapi mau gue tambahin lagi ...

Tips & Tricks at Equinox :

1. Schizo on da' deck with 4 channel live mixing
2. Fatal X2 or Undercover on your hands
3. 2-4 tequila double shoots
4. Brings a lot of your friends including "ehmmmm" u know what i mean..??!
5. Make your self at home
6. Last but not least, the most important bring a lot of cash or credit card !!! hehehehe..

I'm sure & I'm promise you'll happy all night long and feel the never ending journey ......

bner banget tuh!!
Schizo (4 Channel Live Mixing) + Fatal X2 (2 Gls) + Undercover (1 Gls) + Tequila 2 Shots =
betah ampe pagi...
dance all night long!!!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: aKeyZ on 12/01/08, 01:29
B'day bash nya Schizo kereeeeeeeeen buangedh!!
bareng juga ma b'day nya sania!!
meriah banget+crowded bgt, tapi memuaskan...
pa lagi pas closing schizo bawain "Crank That" Mantabh!!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 17/01/08, 22:37
makasi smua'nya !!
jd malu...wakakakakak...
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 17/01/08, 22:39
Hidup Fatal X2 !!!
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: aKeyZ on 20/01/08, 04:05
Quote from: schizo on 17/01/08, 22:39
Hidup Fatal X2 !!!

HIDUP !!!! *tepuktangan**tepuktangan**tepuktangan**tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 22/01/08, 15:45
hiduuuuuup  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;D *tepuktangan* ;D *tepuktangan* ;D *tepuktangan* ;D *tepuktangan* ;D *tepuktangan* ;D
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: luthfi on 22/01/08, 21:29
yah men tiap kesana lagu jam 12nya kanye west - stronger terusss.

gw akuin sih emang rame terus, parah.
trus isinya sipit2 semua hauhauhaua *piss*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Dua Essensi on 25/01/08, 05:13
Pas anniversarynya BSI situ keren mainya, btw schizo2 maen bola lagi yuks... Hahaha.... BS 4 Life
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: andresking on 21/02/08, 02:04
trakhir ke sana jumat kemarin.
Keren Om,,,
kebetulan dj yg dari singapore kmrn gw suka stylenya.
Bukti :

Quote from: aKeyZ on 12/01/08, 01:24
@Schizo a.k.a blondie

Equinox = Satisfaction Guaranted

keren banget sob..betah disana hehee..

Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: colis on 01/03/08, 12:24
equinox = seru,cewe2 lucu,fun,goyang dombret dikit... :)
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 12/05/08, 09:35
udah lama jg nih ga ksana???

apa kabar ya DJ SCHIZO.....?????hehehehehe...
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: ears_extacy on 18/05/08, 18:51
equinox is the fabolous place,,, *bgs*
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: schizo on 24/11/08, 00:58
Trima Kasih smua atas pendapat"nya...yg jelas pendapat yg jelek pasti kita usahain perbaikin, yg bagus kita pertahanin..

tnx ya once again..
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: White^^Horse on 25/11/08, 19:01
bwt gw cukup keren lah equinox.

soalnya bwt pecinta R&B mau ke mana lagi selain di equinox dan blowfish???
Title: Re: Does "EQUINOX" satisfy y'all ?
Post by: colis on 25/11/08, 19:12
selain equinox kan masih ada x-lounge juga.... quality musicnya juga gak kalah kok sm equinox
gak jauh bedalah sm equinox, kan residentnya x-lounge juga pernah maen di equinox juga
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