General Hype => Label / Event Organizing => Topic started by: 7 on 09/08/07, 10:11
Microchip was brought to life by the principal notion of three very different individuals, Alvin K, Indra7, and Gibran Sani. These three characters have been making an effort in pushing the tech-house sound into the ears of the public persistently, long before those sounds were heard in any club in Indonesia. They were the first and foremost in this particular scene, and on this stage is where they flourished. They were triumphant in introducing tech-house music to their homeland, proven well by large labels that finally came up with big events that invited international tech-house big names to perform.
Microchip was formed on August 1st, 2007 with a basic idea that is quite simple: the desire to form a community which will grow in the long run, not only music-wise but also in terms of lifestyle, especially media in general. Our orientation is leaning towards the German art community.
In order to carry out this basic idea, Microchip started out with a monthly regular event, GLIMPSE. We ourselves give meaning towards Glimpse as "a vessel where everyone may take pleasure in listening to music that in the past could only be heard in the privacy of their own rooms, but now can be enjoyed freely with no pressure or intimidation whatsoever; that so-called 'bedroom music' can now be appreciated by everyone in a public setting".
The progress that we detect in Glimpse prepares us to set in motion our other regular events that will be launched in the near future. A small execution of those future plans to expand has been revealed through our very own "Glimpse Special Edition" that brought international talent in to the picture.
Besides regular events, our scheme for other events that we have planned are not only restricted to music, but also music combined with arts in general. We would like our events to have their own uniqueness that will leave a strong impression in the hearts of the people who attend them.
The collaboration with Basement House, another significant local event organizer, in fabricating the new years event "Sounds of Gili" on the Gili islands of Indonesia, has also escalated our image in the local dance scene.
Currently, Alvin K & Indra7 are unified in focusing on Microchip, whereas Gibran has decided to prioritize his solo project that will be released soon.
We have many high hopes that are still outlines of ideas in our minds, and we are working hard in making these thought come to reality, with the intention of improving the local dance-sound panorama as well as slowly stepping into the international environment.
Suryani Asikin +628111893606
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Sangar semua nih... ;D ;D ;D
@mbo: Macan kali sangar.. ;D ;D
wah... orang2 lama yang handal dikemas dalam packaging baru ? hehehe... nice brothers.... :)
Thx brur ;)
Dateng ya tgl 25 agustus hehehe.
Btw,denger2 situ udah lvl 3 nih? ;D ;D
Quote from: 7 on 09/08/07, 11:31
Thx brur ;)
Dateng ya tgl 25 agustus hehehe.
Btw,denger2 situ udah lvl 3 nih? ;D ;D
insya allah ya bro.. kalo ga ada aral melintang hehe...
level? haha belom bos.. baru 5 kok :P
Quote from: bimzkee on 09/08/07, 11:27
wah... orang2 lama yang handal dikemas dalam packaging baru ? hehehe... nice brothers.... :)
hihihihi !! 7 orang lama yah? hahahaha !!!
mantab nih pasti !!! *piss*
Quote from: bimzkee on 09/08/07, 11:33
level? haha belom bos.. baru 5 kok :P
ihhh sadis dehhh lvl 5!!! gue resign deh kayanya bok dari robotgedex.Over contract mau gak?hihi ;D ;D
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 09/08/07, 11:43
hihihihi !! 7 orang lama yah? hahahaha !!!
mantab nih pasti !!! *piss*
sejak 1908,do... :P
datang yak tgl 25 ;)
hihihi !!!
berarti loe tau dong lagu indonesia yang 3 stansa?
hihihihi !!! klo ngga ada apa2 pasti mampir ndra !!!
pokonya lo ga boleh ada apa2 tgl 25 ;D ;D
Quote from: 7 on 09/08/07, 11:48
Quote from: bimzkee on 09/08/07, 11:33
level? haha belom bos.. baru 5 kok :P
ihhh sadis dehhh lvl 5!!! gue resign deh kayanya bok dari robotgedex.Over contract mau gak?hihi ;D ;D
hihihi.. sorry sob.. yg ini aja belom lunas :P
wahh... keren nih... maennya 3deck sekaligus? apa b3b? hehehe
kalau bisa nanti mampir ah kesana..pengen liat... *tepuktangan*
Sukses yah ;)
@Ricco: Thx ya brur.
Buat yg tgl 25 nanti..utk opening set bakalan B3B.Nanti jam 11-3 baru sendiri2 maennya ;)
sadis gangbang mainnya !!! hihihihi !!!!
@7: hehehe jam2 autis? heuheueh *piss* opening jam berapa? 10?
@Ricco: opening jam 10an deh bok..datang yaw ;)
Ini dia yang gw cari, event yang full of Tech House!!! *bgs* *bgs*
penting tuh,brangkutzzz lah....!!! 8)
Support pastinya! Ajak2 eke dong hihihi colongan.
Quote from: deefoundation on 12/08/07, 17:43
Ini dia yang gw cari, event yang full of Tech House!!! *bgs* *bgs*
penting tuh,brangkutzzz lah....!!! 8)
Ditunggu kedatangannya ya bos ;)
Quote from: audie_alb on 12/08/07, 22:54
Support pastinya! Ajak2 eke dong hihihi colongan.
Hihihi..tenang bok,event Glimpse edisi mendatang jij pasti diajak ;)
iya nih..pada dateng ya..kita juga bagi bagi CD lhooo... ;)
.. flyer will be around this week ..
- k -
makin sakses aja nihh kayanya oom 7..
salut! *bgs*
Quote from: deefoundation on 12/08/07, 17:43
Ini dia yang gw cari, event yang full of Tech House!!! *bgs* *bgs*
penting tuh,brangkutzzz lah....!!! 8)
bener-bener fo...secara juga lo lagi demen juga kan....hehehehe...
o ya fo lo dicari yang berinisial A...tuh...
Quote from: walasok on 13/08/07, 15:57
makin sakses aja nihh kayanya oom 7..
salut! *bgs*
Thx ya sob ;) :)
Quote from: wedhus on 13/08/07, 16:14
Quote from: deefoundation on 12/08/07, 17:43
Ini dia yang gw cari, event yang full of Tech House!!! *bgs* *bgs*
penting tuh,brangkutzzz lah....!!! 8)
bener-bener fo...secara juga lo lagi demen juga kan....hehehehe...
o ya fo lo dicari yang berinisial A...tuh...
Berinisial A...?? Siapa yah..?? He..he...
Quote from: 7 on 13/08/07, 10:32
Quote from: deefoundation on 12/08/07, 17:43
Ini dia yang gw cari, event yang full of Tech House!!! *bgs* *bgs*
penting tuh,brangkutzzz lah....!!! 8)
Ditunggu kedatangannya ya bos ;)
gw juga penasaran pengen liat DJ Asking ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Quote from: deefoundation on 14/08/07, 12:07
gw juga penasaran pengen liat DJ Asking ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Si Asking ga maen di acara Glimpse sob..tapi dia bakal maen di acara NITEGROOVES di Forbidden Citi tgl 31 Agustus ini bareng Anggarez (Basement House) dan Oki Koro (DigitalSix) hehehe
Please come to our first monthly event :D
We really need your support here ;)
apa sih yang engga buat indra 7 !!
support abis2an deh !!! *piss*
Menarik tuk didatenginnieh,!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8),,,
Dedo: Awas lu ga hadir ;D ;D
Mario: Dateng ya sob :D
yah !!! malem paling ndra !! ada acara 17an dulu di komplek !!!
ini acara tgl 25 boy...emang di komplek lu tgl brapa sih 17an-nya? :P
invite dj-dj tech house dong cingko .....
kayak ewan person,silicone soul,deetron dll deh.....
Quote from: kedondong_vibes on 02/10/07, 16:51
invite dj-dj tech house dong cingko .....
kayak ewan person,silicone soul,deetron dll deh.....
Tenang masboi..pasti kita usahain deh pelan2 sembari ngumpulin modal hehehe :)
Sementara ini kita mau nge-build scene tech house lokal aja dulu sama ngumpulin crowd2nya biar solid ;)
Anyway thx buat masukannya ya sob
keep support for microchip....
Tenang masboi..pasti kita usahain deh pelan2 sembari ngumpulin modal hehehe :)
Sementara ini kita mau nge-build scene tech house lokal aja dulu sama ngumpulin crowd2nya biar solid ;)
Anyway thx buat masukannya ya sob
bro jadinya forum betawi tech atau paguyuban tech house cikini nih? ;D ;D full supprott buat microchip, for those about to tech ;D *piss*
Quote from: anggarez on 03/10/07, 13:57
bro jadinya forum betawi tech atau paguyuban tech house cikini nih? ;D ;D full supprott buat microchip, for those about to tech ;D *piss*
Pasundan Tech Bersatu,bro hihihi.. ;D
temu kelompok muda mudi tech-house se jabodetabek ;D ;D
Quote from: 7 on 09/08/07, 10:11
3 different breeding ground of the local dance scene sound, brings together a unique
sound of the deeper dancefloor tunes by 3 people of different collectives, holding out
the vibe of tech-house and minimal up-bringing.
Microchip are:
Alvin K
Please come to our first monthly event, GLIMPSE, at Forbidden Citi. Saturday 25th of August 2007, starts at 10 pm. There will be free mixtapes from the three of us! ;)
*Your Monthly Tech-House Provider*
goodluck ya jo ;)
may the force be with you (and agus too, wkakwaka)
Thx ya bok..mampir2 lah ke acara Glimpse edisi ke2 tgl 3 nov bsk di forbidden citi hehehe ;D
Glimpse is back! With special 2 hours set from Basement House All Star!
Quote from: 7 on 22/10/07, 10:02
Glimpse is back! With special 2 hours set from Basement House All Star!
@ didi: datang ya boww ;)
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 13/08/07, 15:38
iya nih..pada dateng ya..kita juga bagi bagi CD lhooo... ;)
.. flyer will be around this week ..
- k -
cing alpin bagi cd mix eloe dong !!!
cing alpin bagi cd mix eloe dong !!!
siap...nanti di siapin deh :)
Huhuyyy!!! Salute!!!! Good Luck Guys...
tech teruuuusss...teruuusss techhhhh....
@ Debon: Thx ya bon :) Mampir2 kalo sempet ;)
@ Bayu: Tunggu giliran elo,sob hehehe ;D ;D
cihuuuyyyy....ditunggu ditanggapnya lah pokoknya
support... *tepuktangan*
Quote from: iPoD on 31/10/07, 01:08
support... *tepuktangan*
Thx,mate ;)
mixtape loe kirimin ke gw yah !!! klo ngga upload di multiply loe nanti gw down load !!
udah tuh..gue post di topic lu yg godskitchen.Upload di multiply lama bok hehe
Watch for Microchip's next event:
- SOUNDS OF GILI (with Basement House; 30 dec 07 - 01 jan 08 @ Gili Trawangan, Lombok)
- GLIMPSE: January 19th 2008 @ Forbidden Citi, with local guest DJ
- GLIMPSE: February 2nd 2008 @ Willow, with INTERNATIONAL guest DJ
Big Thanks for Basement House yang selama ini jadi partner untuk acara SOUNDS OF GILI NYE di Gili Trawangan....big thanks juga utk Ugug yang sakit sakitan & Robin yang udah jadi tour guide utk para tamu..
Ndra, sabtu ini meeting yee...
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 03/01/08, 15:26
Big Thanks for Basement House yang selama ini jadi partner untuk acara SOUNDS OF GILI NYE di Gili Trawangan....big thanks juga utk Ugug yang sakit sakitan & Robin yang udah jadi tour guide utk para tamu..
sama2 sobb..!! pokoknya job descript kita bener2 adil dan kompak bgt deh. sehingga akhirnya kita bisa mengibarkan underground music scene di gili dgn sukses. hehe :P
love much,
basement house
@ K: Sip..sabtu ye ;)
realita bok....
kapan undang Joris Voorn nih ?....atau Deadmau5 :)
salute !!!
@ Ableh
untuk big names kita emang ada plan utk undang...tapi gak mau keburu buru...kita start dari yang kecil kecil aja dulu supaya pas udah siap untuk bawa DJ DJ besar tech house nanti fondasi kita juga udah kuat. Visi kita juga untuk mengibarkan kembali bendera underground di Indonesia...
bulan maret ini kita bakal invite dj tech house dari australia yang emang selalu jadi opening act utk DJ DJ luar main disana, tepatnya di brisbane....
untuk info nya tunggu aja ya.....
thanks for the support...
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 04/01/08, 16:36
@ Ableh
untuk big names kita emang ada plan utk undang...tapi gak mau keburu buru...kita start dari yang kecil kecil aja dulu supaya pas udah siap untuk bawa DJ DJ besar tech house nanti fondasi kita juga udah kuat. Visi kita juga untuk mengibarkan kembali bendera underground di Indonesia...
bulan maret ini kita bakal invite dj tech house dari australia yang emang selalu jadi opening act utk DJ DJ luar main disana, tepatnya di brisbane....
untuk info nya tunggu aja ya.....
thanks for the support...
alpin memang moooyyyy .....:)
Jgn lupa dateng ke GLIMPSE tgl 19 Januari 2008 di Forbidden Citi ya :)
kaco nih, udah mulai tertular penyakit deep sama tech house gitu gw disini !! my god !!!
@ Dedo
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 04/01/08, 19:55
kaco nih, udah mulai tertular penyakit deep sama tech house gitu gw disini !! my god !!!
Congrats Do..nanti sepulangnya lo dari UK, langsung dibaptis ya di sini ;D ;D
wahh gw dukung banget nih kalo MICROCHIP ampe bisa bawa deadmau5...gw pasti hadir di event lo!
;) ;) ;)
@ club2club
thx ya..tp sebelum bisa bawa deadmu5 dukung juga dong :) :) :) :)
gw dukung selalu kok....
@ uyaB
siap !! schedule utk lo udah ada kok sekitar tengah thn.... :)
Quote from: sin.AD on 07/01/08, 15:55
gw dukung selalu kok....
:-* :-*
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 07/01/08, 16:33
@ uyaB
siap !! schedule utk lo udah ada kok sekitar tengah thn.... :)
yihaaaaaaaaaaaaa...jayalah selalu microchip...
@7: kenanga kagak jadi2 nih kayanya....
@sinad: eh yuk yuk...sekalian ajak niang & si dajed.Kapan nich brod? Hari minggu?
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 05/01/08, 12:03
@ Dedo
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Quote from: 7 on 07/01/08, 09:34
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 04/01/08, 19:55
kaco nih, udah mulai tertular penyakit deep sama tech house gitu gw disini !! my god !!!
Congrats Do..nanti sepulangnya lo dari UK, langsung dibaptis ya di sini ;D ;D
hihihi..makin bimbang gitu gw !!! hahaha !!! di sini ngga ada yang suka hiphop !! sial !!!!! *piss*
ada acara buat buat tech house lover nih.... :)
dateng ya teman teman... 8)
GLIMPSE special edition.Datang ya guys ;)
gila !! abis duit gw beli record tech 4 kemaren !! sial !!! mulai mewabah nih !! nanti klo loe mau nyari dj tech house UK gw cariin deh , buat acara glimpse !! hihihi
@ Dedo: Gue dibeliin ga nich? :-X *piss*
**GLIMPSE** March'08 edition
Feel free to come guys ;)
eh bok manteb banget sih nih eventnya.. aw~ full support sob! eh tapi suitable for uplifting crowds gak nih lagu2nya?
;D cingcai lah
Dear friends and family,
Terhitung sejak tanggal 14 Maret 2008, management Microchip saat ini di-handle oleh Ani (+628111893606). Segala kepentingan booking dan business development bisa langsung menghubungi Ani. Dan untuk kepentingan promosi bisa menghubungi sdr. Adit Muluk (+62811168146).
Thx utk attensinya ya ;).
To Ani & Adit: Welcome to the family *tepuktangan*
(Indra7 & Alvin K)
Yaaa betullllllllll...!!! Thanks for the warm welcome, 7 .. :-[ Jadi, silahkan contact saya ya untuk urusan perbisnisan Microchip .. ok ok ok *bgs*
***Ani = bul = Suryani Asikin***
selamat ya buat ibu manager baru ;D *piss*
:) :) :)
yuuuuhhuuuu...sabtu ini pada dateng ya teman teman...
ada special set dari MIKE WOWOR & ANDREE UCHIEL...starts 9pm...jangan pada telat yaksss...
:) :)
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 26/03/08, 11:47
yuuuuhhuuuu...sabtu ini pada dateng ya teman teman...
ada special set dari MIKE WOWOR & ANDREE UCHIEL...starts 9pm...jangan pada telat yaksss...
:) :)
bocoran tracklist dong sekali-sekali mas alvin :)
@ Ableh:
Bocoran tracklist yg bakal gue maenin di Glimpse bsk;
01.Pick & Mix - Kanio
02.Black Market (Nu Disco Mix) - Stephan Bodzin
03.Moods (Valentino Kanzyani Mix) - Shlomi Aber feat.Lemon
04.Minimalistic Therapy - Pig & Dan and Tattoo
05.Negra Lorenza (Plazma Kid Mix) - Neutrino
@ ableh
ini ada list mixtape gw terakhir
1. Biomes – Luciano Pizzela (Max Cavalerra Mix)
2. Tension Release – Max Cavalerra
3. Another Day Acid – SCSI 9
4. Space Department – Max Cavalerra
5. Smile & Recieve – Swayzak (Cassy Mix)
6. Another Way – Swayzak (Richard Davies Mix)
7. Sweep – Blue Foundation (Jim Rivers Dub)
8. Low Enhance – Solar (Love Triangle Mix)
9. Space Bird – System 7 (Dubfire Space Mix)
10. Beneath You - Mark Mendez
11. Runaway Ballet – Inaqui Marin
12. Take My Hand – Jonas Bering (Kate Simko Mix)
13. Beautiful Life – Gui Boratto
untuk GLIMPSE besok, dateng dulu ya..nanti dikasi bocorannya deh :) :)
@ 7
04.Minimalistic Therapy - Pig & Dan and Tattoo, maksutnya Pig & Dan dan elo yaakkkk.... :P :P
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 26/03/08, 12:20
04.Minimalistic Therapy - Pig & Dan and Tattoo, maksutnya Pig & Dan dan elo yaakkkk.... :P :P
Hehehe..i wishhh,Vin ;D ;D
Quote from: dunant on 05/03/08, 14:45
eh bok manteb banget sih nih eventnya.. aw~ full support sob! eh tapi suitable for uplifting crowds gak nih lagu2nya?
hahahaha..asli manteb banget
Penting nih orang......
"(Michael Mayer) expertly scouts and attracts the talent, sequences the tracks, and
sets the tone for the enti re sound" – Pitchfork (Fabric 13 review)
It's been a long and prosperous road for MICHAEL MAYER since the 2002 release of his mix CD IMMER -
proclaimed as a genre-defining moment for minimal house and techno, the praise from fans and the
media was nothing short of overwhelming, throwing KOMPAKT's co-founder and musician into the
spotlight as one of the worlds favourite DJ's and dance music tastemakers.
Since then, MICHAEL MAYER has been a very busy guy and certainly hasn't ceased to continue to
provoke the ears and tastes of thousands. In 2003, he was invited by the esteemed London club
FABRIC the mix FABRIC 13. One of the strongest selling FABRIC releases in the series, XLR8R recently
proclaimed it as one of the 100 most influential albums of it's time and PITCHFORK called him "one of
the year's most vital artists, a sort of weatherman who determines which way the wind blows in Berlin,
Cologne, and any place where ears are cocked.". But it was 2004 that proved to be a landmark year for
MICHAEL MAYER thanks to the release of his debut solo full-length "TOUCH". Stating that he "took a
very personal approach to this record. I wanted to get as close as possible to the ideal of a techno
track", MAYER succeeded on all aspects and thoroughly translated as a producer the depth and
dynamic he's been able to accomplish as a DJ. He spent the following year relentlessly touring around
the globe and inbetween managing to continue his duties as co-A&R for KOMPAKT and manage
operations of the company's distribution wing. Over the past year Michael's found inspiration in the
recording studio where he's managed to churn out remixes for many, including MISS KITTIN, NATHAN
FAKE, DEPECHE MODE and his teenage heroes the PET SHOP BOYS. It's certain that 2007 will see the
emergence of his new project together with SUPERPITCHER aptly named SUPERMAYER.
But let's get back to what we're here for...IMMER 2. Following up the fanfare and acclaim surrounding
the first IMMER couldn't have been easy and to say that IMMER 2 has been highly anticipated is truly an
understatement. Rolling on with the cliché, the process has been slow but absolutely worth the wait.
MICHAEL MAYER took a year to compile the tracklisting that you see and hear now – these tunes are
truly integral parts of his DJ sets and hold a strong personal relationship to him. IMMER 2 continues
where the first left off, offering a panoramic view of the current scene and a hopeful glimpse into the
future. So what separates this mix from the rest of them out there you may ask? MICHAEL MAYER's
mixing abilities add a distinct level of personality and charm that relates to the classic procedure of
elevation and drive yet he incomparably transforms dance tunes into song like you've never heard.
Highlights include the heavenly static intro from up-and-comer SOMEONE ELSE (Foundsound), the
Detroit-esque whispers from CROWDPLEASER & ST. PLOMB (Mental Groove Limited), the devastating
disco transition that TODD TERJE's remix of LINDSTROM (Feedelity) brings to drive this mix to it's peak.
And of course, SUPERMAYER's epic remix of the underappreciated GEIGER (Firm).
Now to double your fun...in an unprecedented move, KOMPAKT and KOMPAKT-MP3 unite for this first
edition of IMMER 2. This limited edition CD will come with a FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD COMPILATION
featuring 7 of MICHAEL MAYER's favourite tunes. Those who purchase IMMER 2 will find an inserted card
in their CD containing instructions and a unique password that will enable them to download the
Frost (12") New Transatlantic (NTA)
Heaven (12") New Transatlantic (NTA)
Elbchaussee (12") New Transatlantic (NTA)
17&4 (12") Kompakt
Stereolove / Monosex (7") Kreisel 99 with Tobias Thomas
Twin Peaks / Frost (7") Kreisel 99
Pensum (12") Kompakt
Eldar (12") Art Of Perception
Speaker (12") Kompakt
Love is stronger than pride / Speicher 2 (12") Kompakt Extra
Privat (12") Kompakt
X / Speicher 14 (12") Kompakt Extra
Bring it back / Unter null / Speicher 7 (12") Kompakt Extra with Reinhard Voigt
Supertiel Remix / Speicher 8 (12") Kompakt Extra
Touch (CD) Kompakt
Touch (2xLP) Kompakt
Lovefood (12") Kompakt Pop
Sky Dumont / Speicher 28 (12") Kompakt Extra with Reinhard Voigt
Transparenza / Speicher 36 (12") Kompakt Extra with Reinhard Voigt
Donna Regina - Star Ferry (12") Karaoke Kalk
Mathias Schaffhäuser - Nice To Meet You (12") Blaou Sounds
Die Sterne - Bis Neun Bist Du OK (12") L'Age D'Or, Epic
Andreas Dorau – Girls in Love (12") Ladomat with Forever Sweet
Andreas Dorau – So ist das nunmal (12") Ladomat with Forever Sweet
Andreas Dorau – Die Menschen sind kalt (12") Ladomat with Forever Sweet
Sven Väth - Face It (12") Virgin
Senior Coconut - La Pollera Colora (12") Multicolor Recordings
Jeff Samuel - Bidooba (12") Lo-Fi Stereo ASCII Edition
Bodo Elsel - Fantasie Mädchen (12") Playhouse
Paul Johnson - Get Get Down (12") Fuel Records
Egoexpress - Telefunken (12") Ladomat 2000
Ural 13 Diktators - Diskossa (12") Mental Groove Records
Sven Väth - L'Esperanza (12") Club Culture
Wassermann - W.I.R. (12") Profan with Tobias Thomas
Robotman - Hypnofreak (12") Poker Flat Recordings
Justus Köhncke - Jet / Shelter (12") Kompakt
Antonelli Electr & Miss Kittin - The Vogue (12") Italic
Frank Martiniq - Adriano (12") Boxer Recordings
Ferenc - Yes Sir I Can Hardcore (12") Nitsa Recordings
Psychic Warriors ov Gaia - Kind Of Prayer (12") Terminal Antwerp
Wolfgang Voigt - Nachschub (12") Kompakt Extra
Peter Licht – Sonnendeck (12") MOFA Schallplatten with Tobias Thomas
Paul Nazca - Emotion (12") Scandium Records
The Modernist - Protest Song (12") Wonder
Benjamin Diamond – Strange World (12") Diamond Traxx
Agoria – Sky is clear (12") PIAS France
Toneträger - Welcome Back, Kotter (12") Spinner Ace Records with Tobias Thomas
Superpitcher - Happiness (12") Kompakt
Ulf Lohmann Because Kompakt 100 (2xCD/4LP) with Tobias Thomas
Ada – Maps / Blondix 2 (12") Areal Records with Tobias Thomas
Lo Soul – You know (12") Playhouse with Superpitcher
Nathan Fake - Coheed (12") Traum Schallplatten
Miss Kittin - Happy Violentine (12") NovaMute
Baxendale - I Built This City (12") Kompakt Pop
Depeche Mode - Precious Ambient Mix (DVD Single) Mute Records (UK)
Depeche Mode - Precious Balearic Mix (12") Sire Records Company
Mikkel Metal – Lukon (12") Echocord
Adolf Noise aka DJ Koze – Der Grundton (12") Freude Am Tanzen
Gui Boratto – Like you (12") Kompakt Pop with Superpitcher
Pet Shop Boys - Flamboyant (12") Parlophone Records
Geiger – Good evening (12") Firm with Superpitcher
DJ Mixes:
Kompakt Köln Präsentiert Michael Mayer (CD) Neuhouse / Neuton
Michael Mayer - Immer (CD) Kompakt
Michael Mayer - Fabric 13 (CD) Fabric
V.A. - Speicher CD 1 (CD) Kompakt Extra
V.A. - Spei
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 26/03/08, 12:20
9. Space Bird – System 7 (Dubfire Space Mix)
spacebird progressive techno tuh bro...keren abnget :)
future heroes for techno scene nih .... :)
@Sepur: Pur..dateng dong sabtu ini ke willow ya.Kangen nih gue ga gosip2 sama lo di dunia nyata hehehe ;D
Quote from: bulgur on 10/04/08, 10:59
No doubt about it :)
Jumat ini kalo sempet mampir2 ya bos ke event reguler kita: http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=14588.0
ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo
Wedeeehhh .. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Gileeee Danish W banyak amat label nya bangg.. Doyan apa gimana?? Pure / UVG / Dafkaf / Microchip skalian gak?? hahaha
Gileeee Alvin K.. Salaman dulu dong brooo.. Ntar dikasih rokok dehh.. hahahah.. *piss* *piss* *piss*
Liaatt Lagi ahhhh.. Mau liat Andre Dunant Joged gergajiiiiii.. grosookk grossookk grossookkk..
@ nuril
kali ini minta rokoknya marlboro merah yak....;D ;D ;D
Huge Support to alvin..!!!!
thx bro....kapan nih kita dikasi kesempatan bawa GLIMPSE ke jogja ?? :)
Buat yg lagi jalan2 ke Bandung atau tinggal di Bandung dan sekitarnya...datang ya :)
Dearest friends,
Lie in wait for the celebration of our 1st anniversary !!!
..where we will come back to our roots
..where we will devour the feeling of immense great times with Microchip inhabitants!
August 1st, 2008
Look out for our shout-outs to you...
Expect a trip to the yesterdays of the year!
Love, love, love,
*us at Microchip*
weittsss, mantaps lahh
gak berasa dah satu tahun ajah yaa.. :)
Mohon dukungannya ya :)
gue dukung brot..tapi jam 10 pulang yak...
@sinAD: Pasti brod..gue tau lo ada meeting penting.Jadi pake mobil? ;D
hahahahhaha.. mukenye bayu pas baca sms itu harganya sejuta ndra!
mana baru pyar2nya itu...kanciang...
@ CSB: Kebayang sih brod..hehehehe.Makanya bay..lain kali mawas diri ;D ;D
Coming soon this August 1st 2008 @ Willow
This Saturday (Oct.25th 2008) @ Willow ;)
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19426.0.html (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19426.0.html)
Be there ;)
Support, love tech house n minimal
Udah ada yg denger Efdemin? experimentalis dari berlin. musicnya based on techno. sempet eksis sekitar akhir 90an, dengan sound experimental yang cenderung ke arah detroit. thn lalu dia ngeluarin unmixed cd.
http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/7hkar2f0/fdmnfdmn.rar (http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/7hkar2f0/fdmnfdmn.rar)
http://www.myspace.com/efdemin (http://www.myspace.com/efdemin)
Technonya lebih ke arah suburban lounge. Nuansanya deep, calm & enak bgt didenger sambil baca novel + beberapa botol beer :)
kalo ada yang punya lagu lagunya yang paling update boleh dong di post disini. Thx ya....
Entitled Carry On – Pretend We Are Not in the Room, the mix looks to be well in line with his recent RA effort in conjunction with his Pigon partner Oliver Kargl.
Patrice Scott properly kicks things off with detours along the deep house route for Scott Grooves, Brothers' Vibe and The Persuader.
To close out the mix, Efdemin will pimp some of his own work, with a new track called "America" and Pigon's "Kamm," before topping the whole thing off with some epic drum & bass—Photek style.
01. Efdemin-America (Original Mix)
02. Tobias-Second To None (Original Mix)
03. Minilogue-Doiicie (A Version)
04. Tony Foster-It Is All Around Us (Original Mix)
05. Brothers' Vibe-Cuero Para Mi Gente (Altered Vibe Mix)
06. Surgeon-Floorshow (1.2)
07. Patrice Scott-Deep Again (Original Mix)
08. Dettmann & Klock-Blank Scenario (Original Mix)
09. Pigon-Kamm (Original Mix)
10. The Showroom Recording Series-Watcha Waiting For? (Original Mix)
11. Craig Alexander-Soul Revival (Original Mix)
12. The Persuader & Stephan Grieder-Kaos (Original Mix)
13. Photek-T' Raenon (Version)
14. Efdemin-Carry On - Pretend We Are Not In The Room (Continuos Mix)
http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part1.rar (http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part1.rar)
http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part2.rar (http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part2.rar)
http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part3.rar (http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part3.rar)
http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part4.rar (http://www.uploadjockey.com/download/5134567/carry_on-pretend_were_not_in_the_room.part4.rar)
sengkyu bro uyab....
your welkam mr alvon...
sob & bro,
ada mixtape temen gw anak melbourne, REZA. Dulu wktu di bandung dia ikut ADVARK, pas pindah ke melbourne dia bikin label PLUS62 bareng sama mayo (future10).
Weekend ini Reza jadi opening set nya jerome isma ae di melbourne, dan rencana nya desember ini dia balik. So kalo ada kesempatan, mungkin bln januari kita akan undang dia main, dan kemungkinan LIVE set.
untuk sementara, dengerin setnya si reza aja dulu..
http://www.sendspace.com/file/l56owd (http://www.sendspace.com/file/l56owd)
- :) -
Quote from: underwaterplanet on 05/12/08, 14:14
http://www.sendspace.com/file/l56owd (http://www.sendspace.com/file/l56owd)
Mantep banget mixsetnya *bgs* *bgs*
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/board,19.0.html (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/board,19.0.html)
;) ;)
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20963.0.html (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20963.0.html)
Iseng iseng abis bikin mixtape baru. Tetep tech house tapi sanaan dikit (?)
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=22687.new#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=22687.new#new)
Silakan dicicipi ;)
- alvin k -
lo bikin mixtape dmn sih brot
bikin di rumah .. home made ..
bisa nebeng gak brot
bisa dong..tinggal bawa harddisk ato usb aja
gue juga nebeng brot..gue turun di tampur tapi ya
boleh..titip sepatu deh :P
Follow Microchip @Twitter.com for gig schedule, latest mixtape, or any other info related to us
www.twitter.com/indra7 (http://www.twitter.com/indra7) (Indra7)
www.twitter.com/lovemeifyoudare (http://www.twitter.com/lovemeifyoudare) (Alvin K)
kalo gua follow @perezhilton aja gimana brot?
follow @indraherlambang aja brot, gosip2nya selalu up2date ;D
Kapan nih guys eventya lg? ditunggu loh *piss*
Sukses yah MICROCHIP........!! ;)
-Rumus Management-
@ Rumus: Thx Rumus. Event berikutnya ada di Agustus ini. Nanti kita kabarin :)
Quote from: 7 on 28/07/09, 11:08
@ Rumus: Thx Rumus. Event berikutnya ada di Agustus ini. Nanti kita kabarin :)
saya ikut event yg october aja mas mikrosip yah yah
emang lo udah balik bulan oktober do? October bakal ada event special buat temen temen yang selama ini support kita lho ... ditunggu aja deh pokoknya :)
balik vin gw october...asikkkkkkkk........ajak2 yah
oh iye..lo skr udah techno ya do. goodbye hiphop dong nih abis GG? hauhauhauhauhau ;D ;D
techpop gw ndra, masih dong NWA remixannya danny howells...hihihihi
just a reminder
http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=25533.0 (http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=25533.0)
pada dateng ya guys :)
SUPPORT buat MICROCHIP The Guardian of TECHNO! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* and buat om Indra FSOP hehe GBU om (Gua butuh uang) hehehe Jobnya yah om pingin main bareng MICROCHIP nih ihiiiiy ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* kecup basah!! :-* :-*
Follow us at Mixcloud
Alvin K: http://www.mixcloud.com/alvin_k/ (http://www.mixcloud.com/alvin_k/)
Indra7: http://www.mixcloud.com/indra7/ (http://www.mixcloud.com/indra7/)