
On Stage => Live Performances => Topic started by: m1d1d4t4 on 15/01/09, 09:27

Title: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 15/01/09, 09:27
Dalam waktu yg bersamaan, muncul gosip bahwa akan muncul 3 groove box baru dari 3 perusahaan yang berbeda. Ini masih gosip loh, jadi masih ada kemungkinan hoax

Native Instruments Releasing Maschine Groovebox

Motu Getting into the Groovebox Business with BPM

copy paste dari : http://livepa.blogspot.com/2009/01/namm-2009-motu-getting-into-groovebox.html
All I have is a blurry scan but from the image above here are the specs that I could discern.

Drum machine style operation with VST support
Run as a tempo synced plug-in with your favorite DAW
Live Midi Recording
Unlimited Sample layers
Built in drum synthesizer
Drag and drop sequence capabilities in song mode
15+ GB of sounds built in
"Deep" Synthesis engine
4 Pad banks with full kit capabilities and 2 racks
Complete internal mixer with effects
SP Mode which emulates the SP1200.
Nothing on pricing or details, but again something impressive coming out of the site. The built in LCD screen on this thing (if real) looks amazing and equivalent to the waveform and sample editing screens one would see in your computer software.

Beat Kangz Releases the Beat Thang

The Beat Thang is a 16 track sampler (and rompler?) that features six digital effects types, waveform editing and beat creation. Full spec list below.

Sampling with onboard waveform editing
Over 3000 Blazin' Brand new sounds designed by The Beat Kangz
16 Track MIDI sequencer
500 production ready Platinum beats and loops created by The Beat Kangz
Sleek design and styling with customizable "Paintz" and "Grillz"
Convenient, light-weight portable design with internal rechargable battery
USB In & Out
Pitch and Mod Wheels
On Board FX including Reverb, Delay, Automated Filters and tons of Crazy "Freak FX" including "Chopped and Screwed"!!!!
On Board "Mo Bang" Mastering with EQ and Limiting
256 MB Ram standard
2 High Speed SD Card Slots
Export Beats to a Mac or PC
Very Easy to USE!!!
More top Secret Features and Surprises that we dont want our sleezy, thieving corporate competitors to know.... but we'll tell ya soon!

Some more specs have been posted over at the Harmony Central Forums by what appears to be the company itself.

General Information
2 Headphone Jacks
Carry audio output via USB. USB Connects to any Hard drive, USB keys can also be read and write to
Read directly off of the SD cards. 2 Slots capbable of 16GB's each
256 MB Ram Stock!
512 Flash for user content on board. Higher if its a custom order
Stereo Mic Line input with Phantom Power
Sampling, and Resampling of outputs
Tempo sync Delay, Mastering, Reverb, Filters and tons of other weird FX
Plans to open FX section to 3rd party developers . Can you say VST (Ed. Very interesting.....)
Custom Paint. Any Color LED's, Custom Grillz
Each pad can have 16 layers with independent pitch, cut off res, pan, velocity, vol and a single pad can be spread across a whole keyboard with Loop points so you can sample synths strings or anything and turn it into multi layered patches.
PC Drum Kit builder with Drag and Drop capabilities
Sequencer Information
96 PPQ
1000 Sequences
500 Songs
Individual Bar Length which can be changed in real time even while recording. (Ed. Excellent!!)
Quantize and Swing can be changed in real-time.
All your Songs, Sequences, Beats, Kits, Patches, Samples and settings that are on your SD cards are always there and show up just like the presets.
13 Pads with Velocity
8 Pad banks per track
16 Tracks
Pad and Track mute and Solo
Mixer with level control FX send, Pan, Pitch Automation, Filter and EQ Automation per Track including (Low Pass, Band Pass, Hi pass, Low Shelf, High Shelf and Notch, Automated Q control to)
Dynamic Kit and Patch creator which is easy and to use. Samples can all have categories (Kicks, Snares Hats etc) App for converting your own samples into the categories and the ability to create your own.
16 Layers per PAD with velocity, pan, pitch ,cut off, res and volume control
Can create multilayerd patches that span a keyboard from one pad or multiple. Each bank can have a different patch (keys and bass or drums and synth )
Lets hope they aren't over promosing here and under delivering.
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: 7 on 15/01/09, 10:54
Yg jadi gosip..bakal beneran diproduksi massal? Atau tetap diproduksi, tapi belum tentu masuk Indonesia hehehe :P
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: Syndromatic on 15/01/09, 11:39
Wuih, boleh bgt niy ...
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 15/01/09, 14:40
Quote from: 7 on 15/01/09, 10:54
Yg jadi gosip..bakal beneran diproduksi massal? Atau tetap diproduksi, tapi belum tentu masuk Indonesia hehehe :P

concern utama masih "akankah jadi diproduksi atau nggak" ndra, soal masuk indo pa nggak kan bisa nitip-nitip temen yg lagi di luar :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: 7 on 15/01/09, 16:39
Tapi ini spec-nya udah keluar gini ted. Kalopun sampe ga jadi bikin..gokil juga nih orang yg udah bikinin platform synth-nya ;D ;D
Kalo ga jadi dibuat..kira2 kenapa ya?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 16/01/09, 01:32
ya pertimbangan marketing lah ndra, apakah dia feasible untuk long run-nya. jangan2 diproduksi tapi cuma bentar kayak roland dengan seri mc nya. agak simalakama juga sih kalo menurut gue, kalo dia diproduksi massal dan dijual dengan harga yg relatif murah, hidupnya kayanya ga bakal panjang dan bakal jadi pasaran juga. kalo kaya Elektron DrumMachine dan MonoMachine kan emang groovebox yg "boutique" banget tuh, ketauan harganya mahal, tapi masih "eksklusif" banget dan masih idup sampe sekarang.

Yg BPM sama Maschine sih gosipnya dia itu semacem Muse Receptor, jadi dia cuma hardware host buat VST gitu, bagus sih, jadinya mungkin kita bisa pake berbagai macam synth yg selalu update kan, ga kaya roland mc yg soundnya itu2 aja (kalo kita males ngulik synthnya hehehe).

Yg Beat Thang gw sih curiga aja, soalnya kayanya gimmick banget modelnya.

Kalopun semua jadi diproduksi massal, gw paling ngiler ma BPM tuh :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 20/01/09, 04:26
kayaknya hoax ini.. klo pun jd yg diproduksi adalah versi sofwer..

tp yg motu itu bikin ngiler jg ya ted..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 21/01/09, 01:12
banyak yg curiga juga gitu ri, ini kayak software, tapi kemungkinan dengan dedicated controller gitu, jadi kalo manggung tetep musti bawa laptop
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 21/01/09, 08:10
mungkin jadinya adalah sofwer + controler bundle.. tp aku ga nolak kok klo ternyata ada hardware nya.. walakakakakak..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 21/01/09, 09:27
Native Instruments Maschine udah keluar videonya :D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYVQR-YdVJI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYVQR-YdVJI)
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 23/01/09, 22:53
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 28/01/09, 21:43
alat2 tersebut akan di produksi di indonesia ketika ahmad dhani sebagai pentolan DEWA 19 merubah kiblat musik Indonesia dari Pop-rock-alternatif ke Electro-massive-one-man-standing huahhahaha  *piss*

(maap sking bingun mau nge-reply tp tangan ini terus menekan tombol2 di keyboard. halah.......  *piss*

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 28/01/09, 22:04

aih, gitu gitu kan alat kita samaan ma punya doi bo
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 30/01/09, 11:35
EH BO, tau ga alatnya doski kan bwat ganjel majalah

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 30/01/09, 23:03
ganjel pintu kali ah, dasar bencong :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: DJFoo on 31/01/09, 09:25
Sialll  .  .  .
Bikin kpengen ajaaa . . .  :'(
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 01/02/09, 10:04
ya... ya... jgn dimasukin hati, masukin ke yg lain aj

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 04/02/09, 13:15
Quote from: m1d1d4t4 on 21/01/09, 09:27
Native Instruments Maschine udah keluar videonya :D

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: fugue on 04/02/09, 20:27
semua produk yg diatas dah keluar video demo nya hohohoho..................
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 05/02/09, 02:37
asemik.. nabuuuuuuuuuungg..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 08/02/09, 20:33
beliin dong wul..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 08/02/09, 23:07

tenang.. setelah kartel kita besar.. kita borong semua.. :P
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: fugue on 09/02/09, 01:49
itu harus hehehehe.....
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 10/02/09, 21:01
mengamini semua harapan kalian :D

mas lintang, midi thru box nya jadi tak?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 12/02/09, 02:00
kmu duluan aja yg beli ted..
klo dah bosen seken nya tawarin ke kita.. :P
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 12/02/09, 14:03
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 12/02/09, 23:42
AMIIIIIN semoga rejeki berlimpah dan harga groovebox semakin turun

*kayanya keren tuh kalo gw jadi caleg, bikin posternya sembari dikelilingin groovebox (ga mau kalah norak sama caleg-caleg lain)*
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 13/02/09, 20:59
yg mo beli si uma malahan,blon menghubungi kamu toh??

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 13/02/09, 21:05
eh li, ada sekenan apaan??hihihihi
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 14/02/09, 16:23
uma belom kontek kontek tuch om lintang
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 16/02/09, 04:25
aku mo buka lapak groovebox seken..
trs melu iman.. gawe komunitas musisi elektronik pupus harapan.. hahahaha..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 16/02/09, 12:58

kayaknya seru nih..

alkisah di sebuah pusat pertokoan alat musik elektronik di blok 'groovebox dan sampler'

begini.. ni.. (cuma khayalan jgn dimasukan hati pren hehehe)

wulu buka lapak, tedi suplaier, lintang jaga toko, dan aku..

buka warung disebelah sapa tau ada yg aus.. mari beli teh botol dulu

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 16/02/09, 17:20
"dipilih dipilih... EA bekas, ER bekas, ES bekas, EMX bekas, ESX bekas, Korg banting harga!"

*membayangkan suasana pasarnya*
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 17/02/09, 00:45
bang kabel midi sekilo brapa??yang KW ada gak??hehehee
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 17/02/09, 00:53
ga ada kabel midi bang, disini adanya antar jemput midi

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 17/02/09, 10:04
muraaaaaaaaaaah.. muraaaaaaaaah.. miditransport jauh dekat 1.500..

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 19/02/09, 16:28
eh iki lho malah dadi dodolan


Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 20/02/09, 00:31
miditransport ke bali brapa duit bangg??
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 20/02/09, 11:16
murah aj

seng penting wadon jhe

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: applestereo on 23/02/09, 11:17
Waduuuhh ramai hyaaa pasarnya... beli ah.............. baut se-ons berapa bang... pada lepas nih....  ;D ;D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 24/02/09, 05:40
ayo.. ayo.. kimcilers pada daptar neeeh.. murah.. murah.. ke bali..

kapan tangggggggggg?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 24/02/09, 12:29
tang, soundboutique.org ga bs di buka tang...
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 24/02/09, 13:32
anyooook ke balhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 25/02/09, 06:40
bentar.. bentar.. hostingan baru didapat.. makanya cepetan kumpulin profil dsb ke lintangggg..
ikutan juga ga ted? kumpulin ke lintaaaaaaaanggg..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 25/02/09, 12:05
udah kirim profil ke mas teguh :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 08/03/09, 17:01
- bentar2,design lg di godok trus di pepes dulu..baru naek dah tuh materi..sabar preen..

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 08/03/09, 17:13
MIKRO KORG XL mas tedd...beliii doonggg..tar kita numpang pegang hehehee
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 08/03/09, 19:49
transferin duidnya mas lintang, langsung brangkuts!

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 10/03/09, 12:22
hajar bleh
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 13/03/09, 00:56
suarane apikk tenan mas tedd,bikin reviewnya  disini doongg..punya wulu mo di tuker tambah tuh,sayang vocoder nya dah bumpet huahhahaaa..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 15/03/09, 12:39
gimana mau review, lah barangnya ndak ada di depan mata jah.... :D

makanya beliin dong :P
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 15/03/09, 23:22
wul,berangkat giih dah
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 16/03/09, 04:33
sek yo cah.. tak nguli ben iso tuku microKORG XL..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 16/03/09, 09:38
jual aja mobil jaguarnya mas :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 16/03/09, 14:36
sayangnya bukan mobil itu mas.. cmn pender jaguar jeeeee..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 17/03/09, 01:21
yah iseng2 nyambi OT lah, biar bs ke beli microkorg  XL

masak kalah ama coldplay....

guys kita ini elektronik lho...

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 17/03/09, 17:02
jd perlu PSR ya guh? dah punya disket terbaru dari diskodut lom?   ;D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 17/03/09, 17:54
wanjeng... PSR.... pernah loh dulu perform dengan PSR 500 + Laptop berbasiskan FL mwahahahaha...
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 17/03/09, 20:11
emang psr salah apa?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 17/03/09, 20:42
salah asuhan kayanya.... kalo diasuh roland udah jadi groovebox tuh :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 18/03/09, 03:52
wakakakakaak.. PSR salah ejaan..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 20/03/09, 23:33
bagus tuh suaranya PRS , cocok buat ngerock..apalagi yang hollowbody..nyusss hauahhahaa!!
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 20/03/09, 23:34
tambahin AX 1000 dikit hehehhee
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 22/03/09, 02:59
ma rectifier.. yeeaaah..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 22/03/09, 18:14
ada lg yg beru

yaitu MEDELI

dpt anda jumpai di Gramedia book store

brngkt sekarang atau kehabisan guyss..  :-\
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: lenrico on 23/03/09, 19:25
MEDELI ki opo guh?? buku motivator??HAUHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 24/03/09, 06:01
MEDELI workstation lokal

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 25/03/09, 00:25
hunting tekan gramed barang guh?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 25/03/09, 11:18
prospek acara edukasi lah wul
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 25/03/09, 23:16
ooh.. iyo yo.. kan edukatif ya? ;D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 26/03/09, 23:45
menjadikan groovebox bukan hanya alat yg bersifat eksklusif

bukan alatmusik yg hanya di mngerti komunitas/kelompok bahkan beberapa orang saja..

groovebox/ music productin hardware/ synthsizer/ sequencer hardware

adalah alat musik ga konvensional atau bukan pada umumnya (maap klo sotoy)

dengan kehadiran rilis alat2 d.a menandakan bahwa setiap evolusi ini telah terjadi progres yang luar biasa di dunia musik digital ataupun analaog..


serius mode : on
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 27/03/09, 02:50
hmm.. ok.. nice..

cuman yg aku ga yakin mpe sekarang, karena semua gears itu integrated ( synth, drum machine, sampler dalam 1 kotak), akhirnya kecenderungannya adalah hanya butuh satu tombol untuk memainkan musik, maksudnya tinggal pencet tombol play dan.. VOILA.. you can hear the music..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 27/03/09, 12:53
tp bagaiman dengan proses pengerjaannya?

ga segampang pencet play kan?

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 27/03/09, 19:30
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*



*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Check :

http://www.chandracom.net/vstdrum.htm (http://www.chandracom.net/vstdrum.htm)
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 27/03/09, 19:31
NI Maschine keluar juga di Indonesia

benar dugaan saya, ini adalah vst + dedicated controller, bukan stand alone unit
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 27/03/09, 20:13
nah lo.. berapaan tuh?
mang ga bisa stand alone yah ted?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 27/03/09, 21:50
street price US$699

nggak bisa, ini jatohnya midi controller, cuma udah ga perlu repot2 mapping karena interfacenya udah sama dengan softwarenya

untuk live performance, mungkin laptopnya bisa diumpetin di bawah meja, biar terkesan hardware only live p.a :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 28/03/09, 17:19
klo dah maen umpet2an gini neh.. ;D

bahannya bagus ga sih mas ted? takutnya sangat plastik.. paling nett $599 lah yaa..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 29/03/09, 21:16
bahan plastik mas, harga di chandracom $669
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 30/03/09, 06:46
ayo.. dah ada yg coba.. beli dah ted.. ntar tak bantuin nyoba ;D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 30/03/09, 08:12
iya ted, beli...


Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 30/03/09, 09:36
iyaaaaaaah.. biar bisa langsung review..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 30/03/09, 13:49
emoh, musti pake komputer mas, repot :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 01/04/09, 06:51
ya gpp lah.. wong sekarang semua serba komputerized..
wekekekeke ;D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 02/04/09, 00:22
beli, efek mobil2an ae ah..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 02/04/09, 01:06
beli efek cembung aja..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 06/04/09, 13:57
ted beli tb nya aj
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 06/04/09, 18:25
bela beli bela beli...... duidnya om :D
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 07/04/09, 10:02
dah ada yg coba machine blom?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 08/04/09, 10:42
main- main dulu ah ke kelapa gading
nyobain maschine
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 09/04/09, 15:38
mesti pulang dari kelapa gading udah jadi "proud owner" nih...
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 10/04/09, 14:09
wah.. serius guh??

di ulas lah..
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 10/04/09, 23:26
@ arie and Teddy

rencana hari minggu bsk nih...

Pasti saya ulas..

tunggu ulasan saya dengan banyak alasan
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 13/04/09, 15:11
ciaelaaaaaaaaa.. "arie.."
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 13/04/09, 23:15
Arie sihasale

sale panggang..
sale goreng..

Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: flex on 15/05/09, 04:24
great groove... more samples... maaaaooooo donk... hehehe
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: midijunkie on 19/05/09, 07:03
tgl 30 maen d jogja yah?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 23/05/09, 15:54
siapa wul?
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 23/05/09, 23:23
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=23270.new#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=23270.new#new)
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: dimza on 09/06/09, 18:36
nice info niy,,,

makin dmajakan ajah para musisi elektronik,,
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: harriz on 10/06/09, 20:39
Title: Re: [GOSSIIIP] 3 calon groovebox baru akan dirilis
Post by: teguhwulung on 17/06/09, 23:48
Quote from: dimza on 09/06/09, 18:36
nice info niy,,,

makin dmajakan ajah para musisi elektronik,,

apanya yg dimanjakan nih?
wong abot le tuku kang....  *piss*

Quote from: harriz on 10/06/09, 20:39

pergi membunuh?  *piss*
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