
On Stage => Live Performances => Topic started by: midijunkie on 28/11/08, 05:04

Title: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: midijunkie on 28/11/08, 05:04
ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
5 Des 2008
Jogja National Museum Jogjakarta
B.E.R.H.A.L.a. | Cacat Nada | L. Enrico | m1d1d4t4 | Hey! Goodboy | midiJUNKIE | Uma Gumma

8PM onwards


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Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 28/11/08, 10:09
yay :D
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: olis on 29/11/08, 08:42
Insya Allah gw dtg..
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 30/11/08, 02:11
datang dan ramaikanlah :D
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: DJFoo on 30/11/08, 20:11
Dateng yuuukkkk. . .
Bawa laptop biar apaan tuh. . .?

Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 01/12/08, 01:46
biar bisa sambil ngerjain tugas :D
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: dj ungu on 01/12/08, 17:13
mm pengen ikut euyy.. jauh ya..
heheheh noce concept, mybe nexttime we can be invite ya (CSG dan TSP)
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: lenrico on 01/12/08, 17:46
monggoh monggoh pinarak...
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: midijunkie on 02/12/08, 08:45
semoga bisa mengundang lebih banyak teman..
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: teguhwulung on 04/12/08, 13:47
ayo dateng
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 07/12/08, 16:14
udah dateng :D
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: bullebali on 07/12/08, 17:03
Nice meet u teguhwulung & m1d1d4t4  ;)
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 08/12/08, 15:35
nice to see you too mister :D
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: midijunkie on 12/12/08, 04:12
thx buat temen2 yg dah support ELECTROCITY | in circuitry..

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: teguhwulung on 15/12/08, 16:09
wah thx juga bwt bullebali =)
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: teguhwulung on 15/12/08, 16:09
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: midijunkie on 08/01/09, 07:09
cek lah ;)

http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20576.new.html#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20576.new.html#new)
Title: Re: ELECTROCITY | in circuitry
Post by: ivan d on 15/01/09, 00:43
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*full support ...  *bgs*
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