
On Stage => Live Performances => Topic started by: electrofux on 08/06/09, 16:32

Title: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: electrofux on 08/06/09, 16:32
ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgdIFtODSv0#lq-lq2-hq)

MC-909 midi out,Electribe MX-1 midi in,running pattern loop.
Electribe MX-1 output to MC-909 input sample source,MC-909 out put to audio recorder on PC,Visual recorded seperated.
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: m1d1d4t4 on 08/06/09, 17:40
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: teguhwulung on 09/06/09, 11:02
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: midijunkie on 16/06/09, 13:04
dah tua man.. ;D
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: dewarella on 25/06/09, 02:27
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: kiki^munky on 25/06/09, 07:45
Goookiiiiiilll Iman... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Klo ke Bdg kabarin gw ya man???  ;)
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: applestereo on 25/06/09, 09:27
Wahwahwahwawhawhahwah... ampunnnn... senior gw niiihhhh
Title: Re: ELECTROFUX / Dubstep on MC-909 & MX-1 / Editted by ChainSmokingBastard
Post by: deefoundation on 25/06/09, 12:08
dulu kyknya sering perform di jkt.....
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