
On Stage => Live Performances => Topic started by: Tya on 31/10/08, 16:58

Title: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 31/10/08, 16:58


Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945F) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 31/10/08, 16:59
next :

360 club Surabaya ,sat 8 november 2008

http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19056.msg390664.html#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,19056.msg390664.html#new)
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945F) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 31/10/08, 17:24
Upcoming :

Embassy Jakarta 21 nov

Haha Menado    26 nov

X-one Bogor      19 des

cheers . . . .
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 31/10/08, 18:18
CP :

Tya Durland

+62 857 820 54 555

ym/email : tya_saxile@yahoo.com

Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......(photos updated)
Post by: echaaaa on 15/11/08, 04:35
Photos of our twisted crazyness  ;D ;D ;D ;D :





videos uploaded soon . . . . . . . cheers

Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 15/11/08, 21:16
my god....sehari ini gw liat foto ini dah brp kali yah?di tempat yg berbeda pula....hehehehhe...
chaaa...gak butuh vj yah?drpd belakangnya gambar pertandingan bola hehehehehe....

comment this pic: DOUBLE HOT..hehehehe...dua2nya merah :P

can't wait tgl 21...semoga bisa liat.....sekalian liat DJ Nekat chaaa...kekekekekeke...(u know what i mean )
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 15/11/08, 22:18
Huahuahua.. Sekali2 gpp laah clubbing skaligus nonton bola.. Hehe.. Itu di 360 Club-Sby,Chan..
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 15/11/08, 22:40
yup i know 360 :)

kebanyakan bola juga gak baik lohhh...hahahahhaha.....echa dah kayak bola tuh palanya :D
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 15/11/08, 22:48
huahahaha emang makin bulet gw

tgl 21 bkal jd peristiwa historikal kudu d abadikan tuh hahahaha
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 15/11/08, 22:49
huahahaha emang makin bulet gw

tgl 21 bkal jd peristiwa historikal kudu d abadikan tuh hahahaha
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: luthfi on 16/11/08, 19:50

bols jug tuhhh,
ati2 neng jangan angkat paha tinggi2 :-[
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: VageeL on 16/11/08, 20:20
wedehhh mantappp.... ;D ;D

suatu foto yg menajupkan....  ;D*bgs* *bgs*

echa emang gak ada dua nya...  *bgs* *bgs*;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: olis on 16/11/08, 20:27
mantap!!!!!1 *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: dedoSixteen on 16/11/08, 20:37
ya ya yah !!! cukup tau cha,,cukup tau gw
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 16/11/08, 20:38
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 16/11/08, 20:37
ya ya yah !!! cukup tau cha,,cukup tau gw

wakakakakakkak rese luuu makanya cepetan balik nyong . . .
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: vjzephir on 16/11/08, 21:18
putri emang cakep yeee
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 16/11/08, 23:53
catch us @Embassy Jakarta Friday,21 nov 2008 ya guys . . . . .

thx for all the support
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: phetox86 on 17/11/08, 09:35
 ;D ;D ;D

cha2....tgl 21 maen jam brapa dirimuw.??? :-\ :-\ mo liat "keatas ahh........(hee...ngarep nih)
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo(VIDEOS !!)
Post by: echaaaa on 20/11/08, 01:47
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55TpwNNSgx0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55TpwNNSgx0)
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 20/11/08, 02:06
sori videonya miring T_T yang ngambil gambar udah miring juga :P
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo (2nd Video !!)
Post by: echaaaa on 20/11/08, 02:27
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425jzwUXNic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425jzwUXNic)

ga miring sekarang  :P

Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 20/11/08, 04:19
catch them @ Embassy jakarta Fri 21st November 2008 on 23:40 wib ....... cheeers

with special appearance by @khd@ !!!

Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Natasya on 20/11/08, 10:08
harus pada liat aksinya di tanggal 21 besok....
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: ano08 on 20/11/08, 11:00
wah bisa diusahkan datang ni,cukup lama juga ga liat embassy.........
siap meluncur dj,perform berapa lama cha?????
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 20/11/08, 11:15
Rencananya Echa main jam 1/2 1.. Dtg ya.. ;)
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: wedhus on 20/11/08, 11:50
wiiihhh...echa sadis... *bgs* *bgs*

mau donk cha ditumpahin.... ;D...
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: ano08 on 20/11/08, 12:01
sip.....sip.....kalo gtu.....bungkus.....
sukses lah wat besok......
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: DJFoo on 20/11/08, 16:30
Suksess broooo. . .

Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Natasya on 20/11/08, 16:39
waduh rata2 yg dtg pada liat bola doank ini..ckckckckc
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 20/11/08, 20:42
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: Tya on 23/11/08, 01:04
Updates :

Coyote surabaya      12 desember

Princess Palembang  13 Desember

cu there . . .
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: VageeL on 23/11/08, 04:00
mantapp dah mau ke sby & palembang lg nih si echa....

pasti bnyk yg nitip ni hehehhe... *piss*
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: dj ungu on 24/11/08, 20:09
cuanggihh.. speechless gw kalo ketemu princess jo.. damm she so sweet..
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: echaaaa on 26/11/08, 02:48
Quote from: dj ungu on 24/11/08, 20:09
cuanggihh.. speechless gw kalo ketemu princess jo.. damm she so sweet..

pura pura ga liat mode : on ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: dj ungu on 26/11/08, 18:26
wuakakakakkak.. gw juga ah,, pura pura ga ngerti mode on.. on en on en on en on enon.. halah
Title: Re: Introducing DJ Echa (1945MF) Liveset Ft Princess Jo .......
Post by: AdaGio on 27/11/08, 15:52
wow...... MEEEEEERRRRRRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH......!!! suit suit..
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