
On Stage => Live Performances => Topic started by: echaaaa on 28/10/11, 14:59

Title: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 28/10/11, 14:59
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RobotRock is the brainchild of DJ Echa & Adit Putra,combining their musical skills,they've created a live electronic band,where its just not a playback,pre recorded audio,but a real live sampling,synth,looping and arranging

Experimenting with various styles of music like rock, reggeae ,hiphop,house and beyond ! RobotRock main goal is to rock any Stage ! Anytime anywhere!

With Loco D holding the beats and bass with drum machine and sequencers,his scratching also fill in the music while Adit Putra put in massive leads and Melodies armed with Synthetizers and samplers , Jonskee MC is their Hype Man ,as their frontman and party rocker,his Ryhmes fills the music and get partygoers hyped out to the max !

On the Vocals we have the Beautiful and talented Teeta ,Experienced with top 40 band,her angelic voice provide the journey and story for the band live performance, RobotRock is aimed to bring Dance Music and Rock then transformed them into live electronic dance anthem as well as performing their own track.

As a band their uprockin performance is a definite rockin experience! Their groove will get you dancing like nobody's watching !

for booking and more info : ronalddayanbali@gmail.com

Follow us on Twitter : @robotrock_

Like us on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/RobotRock/189738864439775 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/RobotRock/189738864439775)

Title: Re: Introducing ...... RobotRock! Live
Post by: lazydog | rico on 28/10/11, 15:18
RobotRock, roll out! ... sukses echa, adit, jongskee
Title: Re: Introducing ...... RobotRock! Live
Post by: echaaaa on 28/10/11, 15:20
upcoming show :

29th October Sky Garden Bali

5th November 88 Bali
Title: Re: Introducing ...... RobotRock! Live
Post by: Gober on 28/10/11, 21:18
sukses robotrock!!!

demo dong
Title: Re: Introducing ...... RobotRock! Live
Post by: echaaaa on 28/10/11, 21:27
thx for the support paman,demo menyusul blom sempet bikin sondklot nih
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Gober on 28/10/11, 21:44
ai angkat jadi artikel ya. sori gua edit dikit biar sesuai standart. :)
Semoga sukses robotrock! ditunggu lagunya asap...
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 28/10/11, 22:45
sukses ya, preview dong..

itu yang pake helm, robot musuhnya dono ya? :P *piss*
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Dyk Hillebrandt on 29/10/11, 04:48
previewnya donkk....  *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: erwiengroovy on 29/10/11, 13:58
Keren cha!!! support...! pada penasaran demo neh, yg di videoin dong gigs nya,,,,,sapa tau banyak yg naksir :)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: sapta on 29/10/11, 19:01
Manteppp echaa adith  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Jhone on 30/10/11, 02:31
yg pakai helm ajib!!! di tunggu demonya...
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: iaz_holic on 31/10/11, 15:19
suppoorrtttt .... yeeaaayyyy ...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
ituuu ituuu mass masss yg pakee helm .. pastiii chubby chubby lucuuu gitu dehhh hhii... :D..
minta dong mass demonya kita" mau dengerr ..  :-[ :-[  :-*
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: dj ungu on 02/11/11, 08:52
mantabb ca.. buset makin subur ya lu.. .. keren2
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: frestyintani on 07/11/11, 12:12
uhuuuuyyy! keren chaaa
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 09/11/11, 00:13
makasi supportnya temen2 maap single kita blom bs di share dulu soalnya masi proses mixing and mastering :) buat yang di jakarta bisa mampir ke Luv Bar 9 des di bandung 10 des di mansion , kita bakal all out audio visual + some robotic madness :)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Wind:p on 10/11/11, 03:59
penasaran, ditunggu main ke makassar ;)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: erwiengroovy on 10/11/11, 04:18
ROBOTROCK ide brilian that's what we called "THINK OUT OF THE BOX" numpang dijadiin contoh di artikel : http://malangdjcom.blogspot.com/2011/11/think-out-of-box.html (http://malangdjcom.blogspot.com/2011/11/think-out-of-box.html)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 10/11/11, 23:52
Quote from: Wind:p on 10/11/11, 03:59
penasaran, ditunggu main ke makassar ;)

insya allah kalo ga ad halangan merintang NYE bro :) wish us luck
Title: (VIDEO) Re: Newcomer - RobotRock Live at 88 bali (VIDEO)
Post by: echaaaa on 11/11/11, 02:17
RobotRock @ 88 Club Bali (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_yre9zC_oU#ws)

well its not exactly profesionally taken so mind the shaky pics and sound :) meski ada beberapa kesalahan seperti gw lupa matiin efek vokalnya tita di awal dan beberapa salah sequence (yeah that helmet is a bitch gw ga bisa liat apa2 dah gw ganti kok)

but this is what a full on RobotRock show , audio+visual and performance art (pyrotechnic blom kita pake di sini soalnya kita masi berkutat dengan sistem yang aman but will do that in jakarta and bandung)  , big ups to our show director @ronaldizco for creating an epic show and arranging a team of so many people (yes robotrock is more than 4 people for the show all those weird robots is our team)

robotrock is more than music , its the whole 9 yards .....

mohon maaf kalo masi banyak kurang,were still new,were nobody just a bunch of people that love music and showmanship , kritik dan saran terbuka lebar


Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 12/11/11, 20:25
upload lagi cha :D
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 13/11/11, 22:46
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 12/11/11, 20:25
upload lagi cha :D

siaap tunggu hasil yang bagusan,kmrn terlalu repot ngurus performance art,dancer,visual sampe lupa bawa handycam T_T ini yang rekam bukan kita tapi salah satu temen yang kebetulan bawa kamera , well try to make more professional video next ....

updated doang Upcoming RobotRock Show : 3 des @ Sahara Club Lombok , bandung,jakarta,semarang and makkasar coming soon and will be updated :)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: Thomas.Hendri on 20/11/11, 12:45
support!!! keren nih... demo dong cha  *piss*
Title: (VIDEO) RobotRock - FAP (live)
Post by: echaaaa on 24/11/11, 18:42
test salah satu singel kita live, ini baru part gw doang blom di fill in ma adit , iseng2 ngetes di kamar :)

Making Robot music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vn3uIDHLks#)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: dion on 24/11/11, 19:01
yeah... sukses show perdananya...

satu kata yang nyankut pas gua baca postingan lo, yaitu pyro, gua tunggu tunggu ampe terakhir ga ada juga. ternyata gua kelewat baca kata belum didepannya. hehehe...

sedikit comment, dancernya kurang robotic.
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 24/11/11, 19:25

yup untuk pyro mang kita blom pake , masi eksperimentasi sistem yang aman,ga lucu kan kalo di show kita clubnya kebakaran T_T

untuk dancer thx untuk kritiknya kita bakal coba tingkatin lagi,kerennya sih punya asimo 5 biji buat prop cuma mahal hahahaahahhaha
Title: (DEMO) RobotRock - FAP
Post by: echaaaa on 26/11/11, 06:23
http://ravelex.net/forum/original-release/%28demo%29-robotrock-fap (http://ravelex.net/forum/original-release/%28demo%29-robotrock-fap)
Title: NEW VIDEO - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 04/12/11, 20:13
Please Download the VIDEO of @robotrock_ rocking performance for free and easy via BB at : http://t.co/UtyYJ834 (http://t.co/UtyYJ834)
Title: RobotRock Upcoming schedule update
Post by: echaaaa on 17/12/11, 00:24
28 December 2011 - 88 Club Bali
31 December 2011 - Luvbar Jakarta
14 Januari     2012 - Boshe Bali
28 Januari     2012 - Muse Samarinda (TBC)
17 Febuari     2012 - Kuta Beach (@infoBALI first annyversary)
18 Febuari     2012 - Pacha Bali

for bookings : robotrockbali@gmail.com
Title: RobotRock - a few live photos and updated schedule
Post by: echaaaa on 05/01/12, 03:48
14 Januari     2012 - The Stones Bali
25 januari     2012 -  Brewers Bali (Accoustic Set)
27 Januari     2012 - Balikpapan (TBC)
28 Januari     2012 - Muse Samarinda (Confirm)
17 Febuari     2012 - Kuta Beach (@infoBALI first annyversary & RobotRock Single Launch)
18 Febuari     2012 - Kutabex Bali (Accoustic Set) & Pacha Bali

19 - 24 febuary RobotRock Tour (more info coming soon)

for bookings : robotrockbali@gmail.com

below are some photos from lastnite at Boshe bali
Title: RobotRock (Video) live at Boshe Bali
Post by: echaaaa on 05/01/12, 23:53
RobotRock Live at Boshe Bali (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M1yzVcEqh8#)

RobotRock Live at Boshe Bali part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X60AcdeabkM#)

photos : http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.276747852379675.70659.106909686030160&type=3 (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.276747852379675.70659.106909686030160&type=3)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 13/01/12, 19:41
Robotrock is now Endorsed and official artist for RELOOP DJ Gears
Title: RobotRock on Trans7 ...tune in
Post by: echaaaa on 16/01/12, 14:09
RobotRock live coverage from Boshe club Bali on Jam malam Trans 7 at 23.45 WIB tonight and please follow us @robotrock_

Title: Updated Schedule - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 23/01/12, 20:35
25 januari     2012 -  Brewers Bali (Accoustic Set)
28 Januari     2012 - Muse Samarinda (Confirm)
14 Febuari     2012 - Corner Manado
17 Febuari     2012 - Kuta Beach (@infoBALI first annyversary & RobotRock Single Launch)
18 Febuari     2012 - Kutabex Bali (Accoustic Set) & Pacha Bali (Club Set)

19 - 24 febuary RobotRock Tour (more info coming soon)

for bookings : robotrockbali@gmail.com

follow us @robotrock_

Title: RobotRock on Trans7 (Video Streaming)
Post by: echaaaa on 02/02/12, 00:22
http://www.mytrans.com/video/1629/gemuruh-tiga-pesta/ (http://www.mytrans.com/video/1629/gemuruh-tiga-pesta/)
Title: RobotRock - Updated Schedule
Post by: echaaaa on 21/03/12, 23:51
24 March : Hugos Jogja

30th March : Benoa Square Bali (Jack D outdoor Event)

31st March : Klapa Bali w/ Fabio XB & Cinta Ramlan

Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 26/03/12, 12:10
photo report from jogja : http://ravelex.net/forum/yogyakarta-party-reports/welcome-to-the-rockshow- (http://ravelex.net/forum/yogyakarta-party-reports/welcome-to-the-rockshow-)!-a-one-day-adventure-of-robotrock-at-hugos-jo-38347/
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock updated schedule
Post by: echaaaa on 03/04/12, 23:55
4 Mei Mint Club Bali

9 Mei Dimensions Playground Bali w/ Gorrilaz

12 Mei Foreplay Surabaya

18 Mei Luvbar Jakarta

19 Mei No Name Batam

26 Mei Hugos Malang

31 Mei Boshe Bali

c yaaaa peeeps  ;)
Title: Updated Schedule RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 04/07/12, 02:24
5 Juli 2012 - Sakala Bali

11 Juli 2012 - Liquid Semarang

14 Juli 2012 - VIP Surabaya (FULL A/V, Performance art and Pyro Show)

25 Juli 2012 - Adora Bali

Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: phuture89 on 04/07/12, 10:52
Weits jalan terus...sharing dong cha set up live nya RR. Bagi2 ilmu :) biar yg mau buat group live pa bisa tau, juga duo/group lainnya nih kalo ada yah guys
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 06/07/12, 10:07

Boleh tuh,secepatnya kita share setup kita

Ps : gw blom tidur,tidur dulu T_T
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: BaiM on 06/07/12, 15:56
bang bang, boleh diskon cincgcai ngga bang?
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: BaiM on 06/07/12, 15:57
Quote from: phuture89 on 04/07/12, 10:52
Weits jalan terus...sharing dong cha set up live nya RR. Bagi2 ilmu :) biar yg mau buat group live pa bisa tau, juga duo/group lainnya nih kalo ada yah guys

ayo dong ca please kebijaksanaannya :p , sharing2 bareng phuture.....gw boleh ikut yah? :)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 06/07/12, 20:57
Quote from: BaiM on 06/07/12, 15:56
bang bang, boleh diskon cincgcai ngga bang?

apa sih yang ngga buat aa baim :p
Title: Setup Live - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 06/07/12, 21:22
ok,skrg gw bakal share setup live yang di pake gw and adit untuk di robotrock

berikut list gear yang kita pake

2 buah laptop yang ada apel di makan di depannya

1 Roland MC 303

1 Edirol PCR 30 Midi Keyboard

1 Behringer BCF 2000

1 Reloop Contour

1 Behringer Xenyx 302usb

1 Novation Dicer

1 Rane SL2

1 NI Audio8

a midi hub,usb hub and shitloads of cables

semua midi koneksi is custom mapped alias bikin sendiri,banyak macro mapping and we will share the mapping kalo di minta :p

software yang kita pake Native Instrument Traktro pro 2 (masi pelajarin 2.5 jadi sementara masi di 2) and ableton live

main software untuk setup kita ada di traktor , mungkin kalian tahu kalo traktor mulai seri 2.0 punya yang namanya sampledecks , nah ada satu artikel yang menginspirasi kita untuk bikin liveset ini dan sistem itu kita pake sampe skrg ..... saatnya buka kartu :


http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/ (http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/)

jadi semua materi live robotrock kita pecah per loops (lebih lengkap baca artikel di sana) dan di tambah live synth via ableton untuk lead melodi/arpeggios (no we wont share what vst's / ableton setup ... rahasia dapur dong :P )

kita juga masi utillized 2 cdj and mixer , yang kita pake buat scratching,trigger fx and samples , di tambah kita punya vokalis yang suaranya mang keren :p (sehari2 dia nyanyi  bareng band jazz di cafe2 dan MC yang lumayan sarap dan kita anjurkan untuk do weird shit on stage) dan 303 buat efek2 and fill in

kita ga kayak "live Pa" yang vokalis cuma muncul pas mau nyanyi,kita bawa konsep band , means kita ber4 slalu onstage slama full 2 jam show kita , dan kita slain live juga kita live remix lagu orang, on the fly, di tambah pyroshow and performance art (by request)

sekian sih yang gw bisa share,kalo ada yang kurang jelas boleh di tanyain,kalo gw bisa nemuin kamera video gw bakal bikin video walkthroughnya , but konsep dasarnya hampir seperti ini

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs)

cuma lebih compleks aja karena berdua :)

cheers !

Title: Update Schedule RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 29/08/12, 14:25
1   Sept Babyface Semarang
5   Sept Adora Bali
22 Sept Hugos Jogja

Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: eend10 on 29/08/12, 15:06
22 september di jogja? ,pas banget lagi di jogja .berangkat  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 14/09/12, 03:49
Coming Soon

The RockShow

Robotrock first anniversary with a twist
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: BaiM on 14/09/12, 10:47
Quote from: echaaaa on 06/07/12, 21:22
ok,skrg gw bakal share setup live yang di pake gw and adit untuk di robotrock

berikut list gear yang kita pake

2 buah laptop yang ada apel di makan di depannya

1 Roland MC 303

1 Edirol PCR 30 Midi Keyboard

1 Behringer BCF 2000

1 Reloop Contour

1 Behringer Xenyx 302usb

1 Novation Dicer

1 Rane SL2

1 NI Audio8

a midi hub,usb hub and shitloads of cables

semua midi koneksi is custom mapped alias bikin sendiri,banyak macro mapping and we will share the mapping kalo di minta :p

software yang kita pake Native Instrument Traktro pro 2 (masi pelajarin 2.5 jadi sementara masi di 2) and ableton live

main software untuk setup kita ada di traktor , mungkin kalian tahu kalo traktor mulai seri 2.0 punya yang namanya sampledecks , nah ada satu artikel yang menginspirasi kita untuk bikin liveset ini dan sistem itu kita pake sampe skrg ..... saatnya buka kartu :


http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/ (http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/)

jadi semua materi live robotrock kita pecah per loops (lebih lengkap baca artikel di sana) dan di tambah live synth via ableton untuk lead melodi/arpeggios (no we wont share what vst's / ableton setup ... rahasia dapur dong :P )

kita juga masi utillized 2 cdj and mixer , yang kita pake buat scratching,trigger fx and samples , di tambah kita punya vokalis yang suaranya mang keren :p (sehari2 dia nyanyi  bareng band jazz di cafe2 dan MC yang lumayan sarap dan kita anjurkan untuk do weird shit on stage) dan 303 buat efek2 and fill in

kita ga kayak "live Pa" yang vokalis cuma muncul pas mau nyanyi,kita bawa konsep band , means kita ber4 slalu onstage slama full 2 jam show kita , dan kita slain live juga kita live remix lagu orang, on the fly, di tambah pyroshow and performance art (by request)

sekian sih yang gw bisa share,kalo ada yang kurang jelas boleh di tanyain,kalo gw bisa nemuin kamera video gw bakal bikin video walkthroughnya , but konsep dasarnya hampir seperti ini

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs)

cuma lebih compleks aja karena berdua :)

cheers !


Kalo berdua makin gila...(y)
Title: Re: Setup Live - RobotRock
Post by: alvin_alvianALX on 25/09/12, 03:06
Quote from: echaaaa on 06/07/12, 21:22
ok,skrg gw bakal share setup live yang di pake gw and adit untuk di robotrock

berikut list gear yang kita pake

2 buah laptop yang ada apel di makan di depannya

1 Roland MC 303

1 Edirol PCR 30 Midi Keyboard

1 Behringer BCF 2000

1 Reloop Contour

1 Behringer Xenyx 302usb

1 Novation Dicer

1 Rane SL2

1 NI Audio8

a midi hub,usb hub and shitloads of cables

semua midi koneksi is custom mapped alias bikin sendiri,banyak macro mapping and we will share the mapping kalo di minta :p

software yang kita pake Native Instrument Traktro pro 2 (masi pelajarin 2.5 jadi sementara masi di 2) and ableton live

main software untuk setup kita ada di traktor , mungkin kalian tahu kalo traktor mulai seri 2.0 punya yang namanya sampledecks , nah ada satu artikel yang menginspirasi kita untuk bikin liveset ini dan sistem itu kita pake sampe skrg ..... saatnya buka kartu :


http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/ (http://www.djtechtools.com/2011/11/20/djing-with-four-sample-decks-in-traktor/)

jadi semua materi live robotrock kita pecah per loops (lebih lengkap baca artikel di sana) dan di tambah live synth via ableton untuk lead melodi/arpeggios (no we wont share what vst's / ableton setup ... rahasia dapur dong :P )

kita juga masi utillized 2 cdj and mixer , yang kita pake buat scratching,trigger fx and samples , di tambah kita punya vokalis yang suaranya mang keren :p (sehari2 dia nyanyi  bareng band jazz di cafe2 dan MC yang lumayan sarap dan kita anjurkan untuk do weird shit on stage) dan 303 buat efek2 and fill in

kita ga kayak "live Pa" yang vokalis cuma muncul pas mau nyanyi,kita bawa konsep band , means kita ber4 slalu onstage slama full 2 jam show kita , dan kita slain live juga kita live remix lagu orang, on the fly, di tambah pyroshow and performance art (by request)

sekian sih yang gw bisa share,kalo ada yang kurang jelas boleh di tanyain,kalo gw bisa nemuin kamera video gw bakal bikin video walkthroughnya , but konsep dasarnya hampir seperti ini

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZZaQK9KSMs)

cuma lebih compleks aja karena berdua :)

cheers !


wow.... *tepuktangan* alatnya keren bgt... adi pengen punya..
anyway thanks for share om Echaaaa.. support from us..  *piss*

http://ravelex.net/forum/live-performances/introducing-newcomer-toxicotone-live (http://ravelex.net/forum/live-performances/introducing-newcomer-toxicotone-live)!!!!/
http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=VerAferilia (http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=VerAferilia)
Title: Re: Newcomer - RobotRock
Post by: echaaaa on 09/10/12, 11:24
Teaser Video upcoming single kita dan beberapa live footage baru :

http://ravelex.net/forum/videos/robotrock-better-humans-(video-teaser)/ (http://ravelex.net/forum/videos/robotrock-better-humans-(video-teaser)/)
Title: RobotRock Upcoming Shows
Post by: echaaaa on 30/10/12, 00:24
31 Okt Boshe Bali

3 Nov Eikon Bali

9 Nov No Name Batam

10 Nov Hugos Malang

30 Nov SkyDome Bali
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