
Producing Music => Local Remixes => Topic started by: Gober on 03/10/08, 03:45

Title: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: Gober on 03/10/08, 03:45
http://media.imeem.com/pl/toDNiuh3AA (http://media.imeem.com/pl/toDNiuh3AA)

How to add your song to this playlist :

1. Create Imeem account (www.imeem.com (http://www.imeem.com))
2. Join ravelex group : http://www.imeem.com/groups/Ovo341FZ,ravelex_indonesian_electronic_dance_musics/
3. Open your song, click on the PLAYLIST link
4. Add This Song to a Playlist > select group > select Indonesian Remixes
5. Click add, your song is automatically added to above playlist...

group member can add songs to this playlist, Indonesian remixed tracks only please...
never reorganized the playlist without moderator consent.

thank you...
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 03/10/08, 13:24
wicked gob ;)
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: bullebali on 03/10/08, 14:56
eh bisa juga.. ;)
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: echaaaa on 04/10/08, 17:29
baru mau di masukin taunya udah ada :p ..................thanx bgt yaaaaaaaaaa
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: angga_doxx on 06/10/08, 00:48
asik masuk juga.. thx paman!
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: Gober on 07/10/08, 13:17
ayo pada masukin lagunya ke playlist ya, biar orang gampang nyari lagunya...
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: 1945MF on 07/10/08, 13:22
Good one..
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: erwiengroovy on 16/04/09, 20:13
Udah masuk paman great!!!!!!
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: dj_adieh on 13/07/11, 23:41
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: adjie nugroho on 18/07/11, 16:21
ijin sharing 8)
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: adjie nugroho on 18/07/11, 16:22
Quote from: adjie nugroho on 18/07/11, 16:21
ijin sharing 8)
http://soundcloud.com/adjienugroho (http://soundcloud.com/adjienugroho)
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: dj_adieh on 24/08/11, 04:23
nice .....
Title: Re: Indonesian Remixes...
Post by: dj_adieh on 24/08/11, 04:28
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