
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: hypenotic on 02/07/06, 19:04

Title: any comment
Post by: hypenotic on 02/07/06, 19:04
any comment about THE LOST CHAPTER 2nd EDITION @ bidadari island, 29 - 30 july 06 ?

just share.
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 02/07/06, 20:13
gmn mo comment? wong acaranya jg belum toh,,, abisan tgl 30 deh,,, yg pasti Support!!! hrs lebih gokil dr tahun lalu ya.... hueheuhue...*ga sabar,,, its the real summer party!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: sonique on 02/07/06, 20:27
hmmm... mau jawabnya bingung mas... wong acaranya sendiri belom dimulai toh...
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: jana on 03/07/06, 01:10
ntar ya.. gue ambil dulu mesin waktu gue... nnt gue kbrin lg okeh
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: kc on 03/07/06, 09:22
*nunggu jana balik buat nunggu laporan*
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: jelly on 03/07/06, 14:38
dijamin seru dah !
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: ginalfyl on 04/07/06, 00:28
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: prama on 04/07/06, 18:30
Sukses deh...
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: kera sakti on 04/07/06, 22:27
nta,, yey..
klo acaranya dah g datengin..
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: LosTSisKa on 05/07/06, 03:09
comment...duhh belum bisa kalee....*ntar tunggu fit and propertest dulu dr anak2 rvlx!..hehee :P
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: awanikov on 05/07/06, 13:58
Sob.. loe di galaksi mane?!?!?!
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: damascus on 05/07/06, 15:18
mudah-mudahan aman dari APARAT dan BD KEPARAT....

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: LosTSisKa on 05/07/06, 16:00
ddiiiihhhhhhhhhhh semangatnya yaa.........
Title: Re: any comment
Post by: VibeSession on 06/07/06, 13:18
mod mod....
ini butuh bimbingan kali ngga newbie2 nya..... ;D ;D
pasang forum introduction to Rvlx gitu, hehheheheh
ato.... "Cara Posting yg Sehat dan Benar"

ay dulu pertama juga sempeeet nyasar ::) ::)
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