
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: Bone on 04/04/07, 09:58

Title: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 04/04/07, 09:58
ARMADA DOUBLE CD MIXED CIMPILATION BY DJ BONE & RIRI MESTICA is now available at all major music store, Duta Suara, Disc Tarra, Aquarius etc throughout Indonesia.

Make sure you get one copy for your self & enjoy the exclusive collection of tracks from Armada Music, Netherlands. Tracklist as follow:

CD 1 - Heaven
1. My Whispers (Mischa Daniels Rmx).
2. Release me - Paris Clubbin.
3. Take me higher - Mischa Daniels.
4. Tamba baby - F- Freaka.
5. Sweetest Taboo (Robbie rivera mix).
6. Electronic Electro - David Amo & Julio Navas.
7. Sleeping beauty - DJ Romy.
8. Fade Away (Riri & Bone Rework).
9. Tidal flow - Third members.
10. Lock & Load - Nick K.
11. Turning the curve - Benz & MD.

CD 2 - Urban.
1. White sands - Sunlounger.
2. Let everything drop - Third member.
3. Truth - Kono & Mestica.
4. Bass Society - Perry O'Neil.
5. Love theme Dusk - Mike Foyle.
6. Control Freak - Armin Van Burren.
7. Jacksville - David Forbes.
8. Betterworld - David Forbes.
9. So Serene - Mark Otten.
10. Crossroads - Rio Addicts.

Look out for the Armada CD launching party coming to your cities!!!
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: walasok on 04/04/07, 10:10
wah gokil nihhh.. sukses sobb!!

langsung gw cari ah ntar malem..

moga2 aja di jogja dah ada.. ;)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 04/04/07, 10:17
beli ahhh ntar,,, inget,,,, jgn beli bajakan!!!!!!
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: secret admirer on 04/04/07, 10:56
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 04/04/07, 10:17
beli ahhh ntar,,, inget,,,, jgn beli bajakan!!!!!!

Satojoeee......hehe bagoesnya gw dah punya, gratis lagi... ;)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major stor
Post by: Loki on 05/04/07, 04:12
Quote from: secret admirer on 04/04/07, 10:56
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 04/04/07, 10:17
beli ahhh ntar,,, inget,,,, jgn beli bajakan!!!!!!

Satojoeee......hehe bagoesnya gw dah punya, gratis lagi... ;)
yeee gratisan...beli donk beli...eh tapi kalo ada lebih gw mau juga donk nggie hehehe  :P :P
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Rakaz on 05/04/07, 04:22
Good Work Guys....!!! beli ah
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: dizzylicious on 05/04/07, 07:20
di aquarius bandung / disc tara ada ga?? hehe...
pengen denger...
keep up the good works yaaa!!
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 06/04/07, 09:02
Yang gratisannya waktu itu di bagiin pas Armada Nights yang di Bali.

Di Aquarius ata Disc Tarra pasti ada. Kalo gak ada mungkin lagi kosong, biasanya sih bisa di order. Paling cuma nunggu gak lebih dari seminggu kok :)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: fyong on 06/04/07, 13:08
salute :)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: osvaldo1945MF on 06/04/07, 13:52
wahh..canggih....congratzz ya boss...maen ke cina dong...euheue
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 06/04/07, 21:12
Boleh tuh main di cina, gue tunggu panggilan dari elo deh Os he3
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 06/04/07, 23:49
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 04/04/07, 10:17
beli ahhh ntar,,, inget,,,, jgn beli bajakan!!!!!!
sipp dibeli nih..;)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: osvaldo1945MF on 07/04/07, 00:03
Quote from: Bone on 06/04/07, 21:12
Boleh tuh main di cina, gue tunggu panggilan dari elo deh Os he3

iya dong..kirim profile sm mixtape bisa nggak pak?...kirim ke oos_nugroho@yahoo.com
mumpung permintaan dr sini lumayan banyak ni..hehehe
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: xesid on 07/04/07, 15:21
keep it going bro!!!!
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 07/04/07, 20:02
Siap Oz, nanti gue kirim profile & CD demo-nya.

Thx bro.
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Frico on 07/04/07, 21:06
Ne.. gw lupa minta lo sign sm Riri di CD gw..

Kan gw segelintir org yg support local Dj hehehe..

*piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: secret admirer on 07/04/07, 22:37
Quote from: Bone on 06/04/07, 09:02
Yang gratisannya waktu itu di bagiin pas Armada Nights yang di Bali.

Di Aquarius ata Disc Tarra pasti ada. Kalo gak ada mungkin lagi kosong, biasanya sih bisa di order. Paling cuma nunggu gak lebih dari seminggu kok :)

Dibagiin juga gratisannya di Armada Night Embassy jkt pas Harry lemon ya pak...? hehehe ;)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 09/04/07, 07:38
Iya yang di jakarta juga
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Bone on 17/04/07, 08:59
Have you get one today?

Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: walasok on 17/04/07, 09:26
i got it.. nice work sobb.. ;)

love it, especially the first cd..
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major stor
Post by: Frankie_n.E.R.d on 17/04/07, 20:40
udh dgr...udh dgr  ;D

riri bwin controlfreak.... *piss*
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: @sasha on 25/05/07, 18:58
3. Truth - Kono & Mestica. canggih
and lagu control freaknya armin nampol banget

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: muldi on 25/05/07, 20:29
klo gw cm suka so serena sm lat everything drop.
cm itu aja.
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: eternalflame on 26/05/07, 07:48
Quote from: Bone on 04/04/07, 09:58
ARMADA DOUBLE CD MIXED CIMPILATION BY DJ BONE & RIRI MESTICA is now available at all major music store, Duta Suara, Disc Tarra, Aquarius etc throughout Indonesia.

Make sure you get one copy for your self & enjoy the exclusive collection of tracks from Armada Music, Netherlands. Tracklist as follow:

CD 1 - Heaven
1. My Whispers (Mischa Daniels Rmx).
2. Release me - Paris Clubbin.
3. Take me higher - Mischa Daniels.
4. Tamba baby - F- Freaka.
5. Sweetest Taboo (Robbie rivera mix).
6. Electronic Electro - David Amo & Julio Navas.
7. Sleeping beauty - DJ Romy.
8. Fade Away (Riri & Bone Rework).
9. Tidal flow - Third members.
10. Lock & Load - Nick K.
11. Turning the curve - Benz & MD.

CD 2 - Urban.
1. White sands - Sunlounger.
2. Let everything drop - Third member.
3. Truth - Kono & Mestica.
4. Bass Society - Perry O'Neil.
5. Love theme Dusk - Mike Foyle.
6. Control Freak - Armin Van Burren.
7. Jacksville - David Forbes.
8. Betterworld - David Forbes.
9. So Serene - Mark Otten.
10. Crossroads - Rio Addicts.

Look out for the Armada CD launching party coming to your cities!!!

fade away keren cing :)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: adhievizuale on 26/05/07, 11:23
SUPPORT OM RIRI.....GOKILZZZZ lah pokoknamah....
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: muldi on 28/05/07, 21:35
maksudnya apa ya?
riri bawain control freaks.
tp di list yg bawain control freaks armin.
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: Mario 78 on 21/06/07, 11:19
Udah punya Zoub>>>>keren>>>>>>bangga deh ada DJ local>>label Internasional>>>>GOOD LUCK Zoub>>>
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major stor
Post by: SKY on 21/06/07, 12:40
got the CD. baru minggu kemaren sih dapetnya
lumayan gokil jg sob. especially control freaknya armiin
gudlak to both of ya... and all local DJ's!!! 
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: BlackBolt on 21/06/07, 20:39
gokil nih..keren2 tracknya...  *bgs*

Support Our Local DJ's

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: fyong on 21/06/07, 20:52
Quote from: Bone on 04/04/07, 09:58
ARMADA DOUBLE CD MIXED CIMPILATION BY DJ BONE & RIRI MESTICA is now available at all major music store, Duta Suara, Disc Tarra, Aquarius etc throughout Indonesia.

CD 2 - Urban.

1. White sands - Sunlounger.

Look out for the Armada CD launching party coming to your cities!!!

white sands ,the best part cing ...hihihiihih :)
Title: Re: ARMADA CD MIXED COMPILATION BY RIRI & BONE - Now available at all major store!!!
Post by: le_gaiyya on 26/06/07, 07:59
Quote from: Bone on 04/04/07, 09:58

4. Bass Society - Perry O'Neil.

Look out for the Armada CD launching party coming to your cities!!!

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