
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: wangchung on 08/03/06, 13:18

Title: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: wangchung on 08/03/06, 13:18
i choose la musika  8)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jana on 08/03/06, 17:15
yes. i believe ... * dgn mata berkaca" *
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 08/03/06, 18:10
jelas donk.... bisa dengerin musik tanpa ngedope kan.. tapi nga akan bisa ngedope tanpa denger musik...
lagian dope itu optional kok... its make us can enjoy the music more... halah..  8)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: sonique on 08/03/06, 18:39
music is higher with dope... hehehe... jk  :P
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Errie on 08/03/06, 19:35
Quote from: jazzymike on 08/03/06, 18:10
jelas donk.... bisa dengerin musik tanpa ngedope kan.. tapi nga akan bisa ngedope tanpa denger musik...
lagian dope itu optional kok... its make us can enjoy the music more... halah..  8)

setuju banget...
@sonique: Ur the man hehehe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 08/03/06, 21:05
yeap, i believe...try to enjoy Music without it,,, !
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: prama on 08/03/06, 21:43
iyess..i believe..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: SGStronix on 08/03/06, 22:41
emang sonique paling paling dah.... hehehe... the best abis lo nyet... pantas lah jd ketua....
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: moRon on 08/03/06, 23:12
try to enjoy 'without it'

peace  :D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: wangchung on 11/03/06, 09:27
jgn ampe pil koplo lebih "higher" dari musiknya juoooo  ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ucil on 11/03/06, 12:42
music is music...dope is dope....dont blame the music for the dope, and yes it is higher than dope, much much higher....
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: bimzkee on 11/03/06, 13:43
its the highest substance off all i believe... hehehe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Frankie_n.E.R.d on 11/03/06, 14:43
....Percaya.... ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ian on 11/03/06, 21:26
tergantung musicnya juga ya...
kalo tungtung gimana dong ?
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ucil on 11/03/06, 23:35
emang tung tung musik yah...heheh more like noise pollution hehehe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 12/03/06, 11:26
musik ya musik, mabok ya mabok.. konteks 'high' nya beda, peace
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: prama on 12/03/06, 11:59
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 12/03/06, 11:26
musik ya musik, mabok ya mabok.. konteks 'high' nya beda, peace

setuju !
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: lesli on 13/03/06, 13:03
i choose the music
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: bgajulan on 13/03/06, 13:37
definitely music
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: biT on 13/03/06, 14:47
.....music is my anti-drugs.....

.....respect.... 8)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: mambana on 17/03/06, 11:47
I do "believe"
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: bananasplit on 05/04/06, 21:09
Quote from: lesli on 13/03/06, 13:03
i choose the music
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Jah bless on 05/04/06, 21:32
 8)..yes..i..believe.. 8)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Bedjo on 05/04/06, 21:52
Quote from: biT on 13/03/06, 14:47
.....music is my anti-drugs.....

.....respect.... 8)
sshhiiieeeppp.....respect 2 dmusic...sober2 ja kan jg bisa......
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: cruelsummer on 25/08/06, 16:00
Quote from: Jah bless on 05/04/06, 21:32
8)..yes..i..believe.. 8)

Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: wangchung on 30/08/06, 12:07
as usual...i believe  ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: capt. digweed on 30/08/06, 12:13
me,myself and music...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: cruelsummer on 02/09/06, 14:41
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: PupPeT oN a sTring on 02/09/06, 17:20
yes.. i do believe.. dat's true... ;) ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: blinksatan on 03/09/06, 02:23
Yahhh...ribet amaatt...
musikk ya musikkk....drugs yaa drugs...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: ableh on 03/09/06, 10:13
Quote from: blinksatan on 03/09/06, 02:23
Yahhh...ribet amaatt...
musikk ya musikkk....drugs yaa drugs...

jgn sampe drugs nya lebih tinggi dari musik nya
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: blinksatan on 03/09/06, 11:54
yahhh...urusan gw juga juo kalo gw mau kayak gitu.... :)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Silent_Rave on 03/09/06, 15:49
setuju..jangan sampe drugs nya lenih tinggi dari musiknya...ribet cuy
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: fyong on 06/09/06, 18:28
"open your ears and your mind will follow (josh wink) "
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Lncx on 09/09/06, 18:10
hmmm... klo scara hmat ku seh...
klo nge-dope gak da musik juga gak enak.. gariiinnkkkkk  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: letitia on 10/09/06, 09:55
Quote from: lncx on 09/09/06, 18:10
hmmm... klo scara hmat ku seh...
klo nge-dope gak da musik juga gak enak.. gariiinnkkkkk  ;D ;D ;D

kalo di rt gw sih katenye bir pletok "tendangannya" kacang garuda kikikikikikiiik
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jeng_kompen on 17/10/06, 17:43
I Still Believe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: DeE_ on 18/10/06, 11:41
Quote from: Silent_Rave on 03/09/06, 15:49
setuju..jangan sampe drugs nya lenih tinggi dari musiknya...ribet cuy

ho oh balance broo..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: walasok on 19/10/06, 16:06
music is the dope itself  ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 19/10/06, 16:28
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 20/10/06, 15:39
musik ya musik
dope ya dope

kalo good music + good dope = mlintir,juo! *jayuzz mode ON
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 20/10/06, 15:48
yg berat klo bad music+bad dope: rasa ingin bunuh diri....
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: fLawLeSS on 23/10/06, 10:52
dope music ??? genre baru ya ??
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: lazydog | rico on 25/10/06, 00:52
high yg di maksud
klo denger lagu pertama kali
trus bulu tangan & kuduk bediri
termasuk?? hehe

ga smua lagu, cuman bberapa yg tiba2.. siiiingggggg berdiri deh bulu tangan gw haha..
its happen to me.. at some part or some reff...not just EDM, everykind of music.. from royksopp to deftones, from the-adams to syaharani hahaha..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: funkytechnotribe on 01/11/06, 07:32
mari kita tingkatkan semangangat kita di blantika dance scene indonesia di tahun yang baru ini...(eh...belom 2007 yak )..hehehehhe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: fallenangel on 02/11/06, 10:04
abis dengerin great music -> "man, that was dope!"
abis mengkonsumsi dope -> .... ga mungkin kan bilang "man, that was music!"

so yea, music can be the dope itself..

*apa sih gw.. maafkan.. :D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Discomfort on 02/11/06, 10:29
Bwt gw sih both music n dope sama2 faktor di luar kita nya, dua2 nya menstimulasi kita untuk menghasilkan reaksi2 tertentu. So the reaction we got from both of those things juga tergantung kita nya. Jadi siapa yg higher? Music or dope? Gak dua2nya, yg higher ya kita. Mo musiknya kyk gimana ato drugsnya kyk gimana juga, kalo gak cocok di kita atau kita nya gak dalam kondisi yg tepat atau we choose not too acknowledge them, ya gak bakal High.. Analoginya, if my body is a ship, I'm the captain, where ever direction the ship goes is based on my command.. 

Demikianlah posting nyampah hari ini..  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: prasswerk on 02/11/06, 11:16
Quote from: Discomfort on 02/11/06, 10:29
Bwt gw sih both music n dope sama2 faktor di luar kita nya, dua2 nya menstimulasi kita untuk menghasilkan reaksi2 tertentu. So the reaction we got from both of those things juga tergantung kita nya. Jadi siapa yg higher? Music or dope? Gak dua2nya, yg higher ya kita. Mo musiknya kyk gimana ato drugsnya kyk gimana juga, kalo gak cocok di kita atau kita nya gak dalam kondisi yg tepat atau we choose not too acknowledge them, ya gak bakal High.. Analoginya, if my body is a ship, I'm the captain, where ever direction the ship goes is based on my command.. 

Demikianlah posting nyampah hari ini..  ;D  ;D

hidup nyampahh... dah bintang 3 aja lo eheheheheuheuheuheee
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: soul_selekta on 10/11/06, 15:47
quality tunes dope your mind
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: fyong on 13/11/06, 21:39
music is my soulfood....halah......heheheheh
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 13/11/06, 21:45
mmm..gw selalu butuh musik..tp ga selalu butuh dope.. ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: capt. digweed on 13/11/06, 23:25
Quote from: Discomfort on 02/11/06, 10:29

if my body is a ship, I'm the captain, where ever direction the ship goes is based on my command...

now you got my point ... ::)
capt. rules !!! ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: muldi on 14/11/06, 21:40
jd pengertiannya gini:musik dj itu musik dope.musik dj itu gak enak klo gak pake pil surga.
musik dj itu gak enak klo gak sambil mabok. (bener ya begitu).
gimana bisa bikin musik dj berkualitas tuh dj2?     heeeeh

Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 04:44
aduh muldi.....
musik ya musik... dope ya dope.. jangan dicampur adukin donk,juo....
soal musik berkualitas itu sih lagi2 masalah taste,sob...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/06, 05:04
musik dj yah beda dong sm dope..enak2 aja klo ga pake pil surga..ga harus mabok..klo elo mesti mabok atau ga sadar untuk nikmatin musik..i feel sorry for you... ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 05:08
pet.. tapi kan katanya dj mentrigger orang buat mabuk.... katanya lho :)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 16/11/06, 05:17
Stuju Pet...Gimana pun juga music teutep yang bisa bikin kenceng..karena awalnya gw kenal EDM dulu baru dope..Music bisa digunakan kapan aja dimana aja syapa aja..sedangkan dope ga bisa..tapi kadang orang yang ga ngerti EDM suka salah tafsir dengan keberadaan music EDM..mereka pikir kalo orang yang suka EDM pasti juga pengguna..Huh sempet kesel juga sih dengan pendapat orang kaya gitu..malah sempet debat dengan ortu cuma gara2 gw suka denger music EDM huhuhu..Gw bisa tinggi,bisa kenceng hanya dengan mendengarkan music EDM..dope itu cuma sampingan untuk ngebantu buat bisa bikin lebih ribeth aja supaya badan bisa olah raga dikit hehehe..ya intinya gimana kita mengkonsumsi dan menggunakan music itu dengan baek with or without dope..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/06, 05:20
hahaha,dibahas lagi...
yah ga selalu..ga perlu mabuk juga kan untuk bisa nikmatin musik..?gimana klo gw dengerin di kamar..masa gw mabuk juga? uehueheuh
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/06, 05:23
@loki: buat gw si musik ga perlu kenceng..asal flownya enak..beatnya teratur..gw nikmatin..nyaman gw..ga perlu tambahan dope.. klo elo maunya kenceng2 yah jelaslah orang mikir elo pengguna...
buat tenaga/stamina, bisa pake suplemen/vitamin kan..?
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 05:24
dasar pemabuk!
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 16/11/06, 05:29
Maxudnya kalo buat di club gitu..changer di mobil 12cd isinya EDM smua dari beat slow sampe fast tapi bukan brarti buat kenceng,bagi gw buat dinikmati lah..kalee gitu kenceng mulu tiap saat..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/06, 05:39
Quote from: Loki on 16/11/06, 05:29
Maxudnya kalo buat di club gitu..changer di mobil 12cd isinya EDM smua dari beat slow sampe fast tapi bukan brarti buat kenceng,bagi gw buat dinikmati lah..kalee gitu kenceng mulu tiap saat..

Quote from: Loki on 16/11/06, 05:17
Gw bisa tinggi,bisa kenceng hanya dengan mendengarkan music EDM..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: letitia on 06/12/06, 16:20
kalo cold beer mah cengli pisan ..kekekekek
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: F E R R E on 06/12/06, 16:22
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: walasok on 06/12/06, 16:33
Quote from: letitia on 06/12/06, 16:20
kalo cold beer mah cengli pisan ..kekekekek

did i hear someone say cold beer ?   ;D

i'm totally with you girl..

back to the topic

gw setuju ma pendapat sepet.. musik ga harus dinikmati with dope..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: trenzey on 08/12/06, 18:28
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 20/10/06, 15:48
yg berat klo bad music+bad dope: rasa ingin bunuh diri....
anjroot itu aseli parah bgt rasanya..

but i totally agree that music is higher than dope..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 09/12/06, 04:42
Quote from: letitia on 06/12/06, 16:20
kalo cold beer mah cengli pisan ..kekekekek

Seep..brangkatin aja pegimana nih hehehe...

Gw pernah saat di mobil dalam keadaan sober gy denger indika trus track nya sapa gitu (gw lupa) diputer..tiba-tiba tangan kringet dingin, jantung berdebar-debar, kaki gemeteran..damn that was great..abis itu bawaannya malah pengen 'brangkat' huhuhu...*koq jadi curhat  ??? ???
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: flex on 09/12/06, 10:03
Music is your imagination dope is your illusion... wekekeke...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: mahfud_partojin on 09/12/06, 15:41
Quote from: letitia on 06/12/06, 16:20
kalo cold beer mah cengli pisan ..kekekekek

pas pisan euy
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: cruelsummer on 17/12/06, 11:47
arak attack !!!
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: letitia on 01/02/07, 13:17
ok ok aja sih
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 01/02/07, 17:51
ok juga ah...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 02/02/07, 04:09
Quote from: letitia on 01/02/07, 13:17
ok ok aja sih
ini ok buat yg mana nih??  (?) (?)
@letitia ||
koq baru ol lagi yah??
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: jazzymike on 02/02/07, 11:30
ok nya  buat letitia dunk,juo.. hehehe
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 02/02/07, 11:38
itu gw nanya ok nya buat letitia soob  ;D ;D ;D...situ maen samber aja deh  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: wangchung on 27/02/07, 16:15
funy topic ...kekekekekekekek
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: dizzylicious on 28/02/07, 15:00
i believe that music is higher than dope!!! bisa enjoy kok gw tanpa dope...
contoh di mobil gw denger lagu2 house bareng temen cewe gw...enjoy2 aja...
jadinya malah bergoyang kecil nan centil di mobil hauhaha....

secara gw dicekokin trance mulu yaa ama lo...hauhauha...
gw mah ga suka yg kenceng2!! tp klo yg itu keknya harus pake "dope" deh!!  hauhauha

Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: le_gaiyya on 23/03/07, 19:21
krating daeng juga ok sieehh ..ieieieieiei
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: strawberry on 31/03/07, 19:05
sebenernya klo gw tergantung dateng ke acara apa!!
tp lebih seru klo...pake dope ya? ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Bopal on 31/03/07, 19:28
@ strawberry

tkut sober ya sthu ;D ;D
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Loki on 02/04/07, 16:29
Quote from: dizzylicious on 28/02/07, 15:00
i believe that music is higher than dope!!! bisa enjoy kok gw tanpa dope...
contoh di mobil gw denger lagu2 house bareng temen cewe gw...enjoy2 aja...
jadinya malah bergoyang kecil nan centil di mobil hauhaha....

secara gw dicekokin trance mulu yaa ama lo...hauhauha...
gw mah ga suka yg kenceng2!! tp klo yg itu keknya harus pake "dope" deh!!  hauhauha

hahaha ga harus pake dope juga kali joo...kan yg lo denger trance centil2 gitu hehehe  ;D  8) 8)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: soul_selekta on 22/04/07, 09:59
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: sluwsluw on 02/05/07, 15:13
i vote for music...
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: bulgur on 02/05/07, 15:39
music is higher than dope
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: pecel_lele on 03/06/07, 09:50
off course music is higher :)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: BlackBolt on 10/06/07, 18:00
tentunya dong..
music is higher than dope..
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: MkG on 11/06/07, 07:43
Ada lagu yang iramanya aja udah bisa bikin merem-merem geleng geleng tanpa dope kok  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: kopiajah on 11/06/07, 08:19
tentunya   ;) ;)
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: emry62 on 13/06/07, 11:08
of course...gak cuma edm kok semua musik itu higher than dope n psikotropika...ehem...kalo agak mendewasakan diri sedikit nih gw mau ngmong kaya gini...

music dari manusia, manusia dari Yang Maha Kuasa, NNNAAHHH...masa Yang Maha Esa bikin sesuatu bwt dope"

kalo agak belagu maafkan gw... *piss*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: Mario 78 on 21/06/07, 14:24
Music berkembang teruzzzzz begitu jg Drugz>>>>>>>>>>>
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: dgital3xy on 21/06/07, 14:45
i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*

- 09:00 play jazz & soulfull house
- 12:00 play minimal & chill
- 14:00 play progressive house
- 16:00 play breakz
- 18:00 play drum N bass
- 20:00 play trance elements
- 23:00 playing hard in clubb
- 02:00 play chill & lounge

i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: emry62 on 21/06/07, 15:24
Quote from: dgital3xy on 21/06/07, 14:45
i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*

- 09:00 play jazz & soulfull house
- 12:00 play minimal & chill
- 14:00 play progressive house
- 16:00 play breakz
- 18:00 play drum N bass
- 20:00 play trance elements
- 23:00 playing hard in clubb
- 02:00 play chill & lounge

i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*

eeeits...seru banget konsepnya... *bgs*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: VK on 21/06/07, 16:02
Quote from: emry62 on 21/06/07, 15:24
Quote from: dgital3xy on 21/06/07, 14:45
i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*

- 09:00 play jazz & soulfull house
- 12:00 play minimal & chill
- 14:00 play progressive house
- 16:00 play breakz
- 18:00 play drum N bass
- 20:00 play trance elements
- 23:00 playing hard in clubb
- 02:00 play chill & lounge

i believe that ....  *piss* *piss*

eeeits...seru banget konsepnya... *bgs*

apa sie em??hehehe... *piss*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 21/06/07, 16:36
Quote from: Loki on 02/04/07, 16:29
Quote from: dizzylicious on 28/02/07, 15:00
i believe that music is higher than dope!!! bisa enjoy kok gw tanpa dope...
contoh di mobil gw denger lagu2 house bareng temen cewe gw...enjoy2 aja...
jadinya malah bergoyang kecil nan centil di mobil hauhaha....

secara gw dicekokin trance mulu yaa ama lo...hauhauha...
gw mah ga suka yg kenceng2!! tp klo yg itu keknya harus pake "dope" deh!!  hauhauha

hahaha ga harus pake dope juga kali joo...kan yg lo denger trance centil2 gitu hehehe  ;D  8) 8)
jangankan yang centil
dengerin trance yg teror jg gak harus pake dope kali
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: BlackBolt on 21/06/07, 20:28
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 21/06/07, 16:36
Quote from: Loki on 02/04/07, 16:29
Quote from: dizzylicious on 28/02/07, 15:00
i believe that music is higher than dope!!! bisa enjoy kok gw tanpa dope...
contoh di mobil gw denger lagu2 house bareng temen cewe gw...enjoy2 aja...
jadinya malah bergoyang kecil nan centil di mobil hauhaha....

secara gw dicekokin trance mulu yaa ama lo...hauhauha...
gw mah ga suka yg kenceng2!! tp klo yg itu keknya harus pake "dope" deh!!  hauhauha

hahaha ga harus pake dope juga kali joo...kan yg lo denger trance centil2 gitu hehehe  ;D  8) 8)
jangankan yang centil
dengerin trance yg teror jg gak harus pake dope kali

dengerin apa aja juga ga harus pake dope...  *piss*
Title: Re: do u believe that "the music is higher than dope"?
Post by: mahfud_partojin on 28/12/07, 19:34
I still believe :):):) !!!
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