General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: DJablay on 23/01/07, 09:32
Dapet list ini dari forum luar, rasanya cocok utk diposting disini buat jawab ledekan orang-orang yang gak suka ama TRANCE...hehehe, check these out :
1. At least my music is made by people who're actual musicians, and not a bunch of uneducated rappers.
2. At least my music is based on REAL dance music (80's electronic/techno in my opinion is what started dance music)
3. At least my music is listened to ALL over the world, not like your crappy ass hiphop and rock that's listened to MOSTLY in north america.
4. (this is for when they say "oh your music is all about drugs") At least the producers and DJs who spin my music don't encourage taking drugs... UNLIKE hiphop and rap where drugs are openly advertised.
5. At least my music isn't intended for the bedroom (R&B)... it's for dance floors.
6. At least my music has events all over Europe with like 50,000 people showing up.... not like your little concerts where you get like 500 KIDS and you call it a kick ass show!!!!!! (JACK ASSES)
7. At least my music isn't all about f*&king, raping, killing, fighting, stealing, getting high, p&$sy, tits, ass, etc..... it's about love and peace.
8. At least my music isn't a stupid little sample stolen from some old 50s/60s tune and looped OVER AND OVER.
9. At least my music's lyrics make sense when you listen to them... there's no one mumbling words or trying to say them sooo friggin' fast, it's like they got diarrhea!!!
10. At least my music is from Europe... and you know anything from Europe is sexy
11. At least producers/DJs spinning my music don't have weird retareted names likes 50cent!!!!
12. At least my music has subgeners... you can listen to different styles and still be listening to trance.
13. At least my music isn't mainstream where you have ANY retardo who got friggin' kicked out of his/her mamma's house become a superstar!!!!
14. At least my music isn't produced by a bunch of self-centered, self-obsessed morons who need to host like a trillion award shows per year to make themselves feel good.
15. At least my music isn't about the money... it's about the music. (so often my buddies ask me if all these big DJs I talk about are millionairs and shit, and I'm like no... they don't do it for the money...) And when they SAY it's about the music and not the money they REALLY mean it (not like some little whore like Britney or Christina who always says, oh it's not about the money, it's about my love for the music.... ah SHUT THE HELL UP)
16. At least my music isn't produced by some jackass who's in the gym all day pumpin iron, trying to look "good"!!!! Trance producers actually DO spend most of their time in the studio mixing/remixing.
17. At least my music is played on the BIGGEST, BEST, HOTTEST, COOLEST internet radio station in the WORLD... DI.fm (I'd like to see someone top that off)
18. At least my music doesn't need 5 thugs or rockers to make a single song.
just as an afterthought. maybe is isn't such a bad thing that our music isn't so popular. cuz i mean, look at genres that have gotten popular. like rap especially, it's become over commercialized and the quality has gone down a lot. i'm sure there are some ppl here who think trance has gone down in quality. but trance is such a diverse genre that i don't consider it bad. it's just another step for the genre.
sepertinya ada yang sakit hati thd hip hop.. ;D
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. ;D
*except tungtung ;D ;D ;D ;D
tungtung bukan musik malihhhhh...
itu mahh polusi suara! >:(
tung2 tuh apa sih.. yang suka di angkot2 itu yeee.... :o
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/01/07, 10:55
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. ;D
Klo gw berpikirnya itu refleksi kedongkolan seseorang yg selalu di cap 'norak' klo dengerin Trance..sama klo di Indonesia, dulu musik dangdut selalu identik dengan kampungan, norak dll...gitu kaleeeee...gak ada asap klo gak ada api kan sob...????
Quote from: DJablay on 25/01/07, 11:11
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/01/07, 10:55
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. ;D
Klo gw berpikirnya itu refleksi kedongkolan seseorang yg selalu di cap 'norak' klo dengerin Trance..sama klo di Indonesia, dulu musik dangdut selalu identik dengan kampungan, norak dll...gitu kaleeeee...gak ada asap klo gak ada api kan sob...????
kok refleksi? maksud lo reaksi gt bukan? *piss*
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 23/01/07, 11:16
*except tungtung ;D ;D ;D ;D
hahaha... setodjoo
Quote from: sonique on 23/01/07, 11:21
tungtung bukan musik malihhhhh...
itu mahh polusi suara! >:(
tetep hahaha....
yahahahaha.. ;D ;D ;D tung2... ;D ;D ;D
da kaya kentongan hansip ;D ;D ;D ;D
wkwkkwkwkwwk tung2 kentongan hansip sih bawainnya mukulin maling dong!! ;D ;D ;D
a bit agree, but a little bit un agree too bout those opinions above..hehehe
Waduh ada apa nih?? ha ha..
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 25/01/07, 19:12
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 23/01/07, 11:16
*except tungtung ;D ;D ;D ;D
hahaha... setodjoo
"8. At least my music isn't a stupid little sample stolen from some old 50s/60s tune and looped OVER AND OVER." kalo disini dah 100s (cepehs dehs...)
Buset teutep yah tung tung di cela2in juga...mungkin kalo ada orang yg suka tung tung baca postingan RVLX dijamin tuh orang dongkolnya setengah idup...huakakakkaka....
Wah wah, yah udah lah, biarkan memreka yg suka hip-hop di dunia mereka, kita gak usah pusing2in mikirin omongan orang yg suka jeles2in gerne lagu satu sama lain lah,
Music is created to be enjoyed, jd buat apa ambil pusing lah
peace :)
@Chris ||
Cieh bijak bener ngomongnya...
hiphoppers diss any genre... only for the sake of diss-ing..
like, it's their "ATTITUDE".. lol
we shouldn't ever take anything that came out from a hiphopper's mouth too seriously...
especially making a list out of it.
good list, tho..
anything european is sexy... hell yea. i make lasagna! *alah apa coba
@Jana ||
Mau doonk...kirim ke rumah gw yah...*slurp slurp....
Bruakakaka.. si Beyb tampangnya.. ;D ;D ;D
bruakakakakakakakakak ;D ;D
we want moree 8)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
@Rustyman ||
Huakakakkakakakakakak asleeee ngakak gila ngeliat lo nyampah....efek nya panjang bener soob sampe sekarang aja masih bisa salah posting... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D *piss* *piss* *piss*
pemisra.. :-\ itu tidak di sengaja :-[
Ga sengaja tapi panjang aja... ::) ::) ::)
ya mpoooon
@ loki
siapppp... skalian promosi..
@Jana ||
asek asek asek tararenkyu :-* :-* :-*
anjriiitttttss.. dalem banget tuh kata2nya.. hauehuaehuae...
point 7 tuh paling dalem...
harusnya judulnya bukun buat yang benci trance, tapi benci edm kali ya??
Quote from: mongki on 29/01/07, 16:44
harusnya judulnya bukun buat yang benci trance, tapi benci edm kali ya??
uh-huh.. setuju..
@rusty : makanya laen kali buka windownya satu2 aja dulu klo belum biasa.... ;)
paling sebel deyh.
mau Trance atw dangdud..klo namanya music ya music aja.
plis deeh.
halah... halah,,
koq genre dipermasalahin sih,,
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/01/07, 10:55
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. ;D
agree, kalo musik mau dikotak2in kapan mau majunya pengetahuan musik kita ???
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/02/07, 17:55
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/01/07, 10:55
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. ;D
agree, kalo musik mau dikotak2in kapan mau majunya pengetahuan musik kita ???
um. genreology sendiri bagian dari pengetahuan musik, bkn?
masalahnya mungkin lebih kepada: apakah ada diskriminasi ato engga.
itupun "diskriminasi" dianggep hal yg alamiah ketika sesuatu mulai naik daun & dikenal pasar..
yg penting ada pertanyaan: kenapa ada diskriminasi..
dan pertanyaan itu terjawab dgn cerdas.
klo udh gitu, baru ada proses "edukasi", stlhnya.. (diharapkan) ada improvement.
tapi wajar lah.
tabiat org indonesia kan emg gitu.... to complain just for the sake of complaining.
untung gue bule kazakhstan blasteran italia..... alah alahhhh.... ;D
two cents.
QuotePosted by: jana
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/February/2007, 06:01:28 PM
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/January/2007, 11:01:54 AM
maap sob, tapi gw pikir komentar org itu cukup bodoh. Menolak di stereotype kan, tapi menstereotypekan org laen. Musik bagus ya musik bagus. Mo trance, hiphop, rock, dangdut, house, etc. Gw rasa yg nulis abg si. Sounds like it. Grin
agree, kalo musik mau dikotak2in kapan mau majunya pengetahuan musik kita ???
um. genreology sendiri bagian dari pengetahuan musik, bkn?
masalahnya mungkin lebih kepada: apakah ada diskriminasi ato engga.
itupun "diskriminasi" dianggep hal yg alamiah ketika sesuatu mulai naik daun & dikenal pasar..
yg penting ada pertanyaan: kenapa ada diskriminasi..
dan pertanyaan itu terjawab dgn cerdas.
klo udh gitu, baru ada proses "edukasi", stlhnya.. (diharapkan) ada improvement.
tapi wajar lah.
tabiat org indonesia kan emg gitu.... to complain just for the sake of complaining.
untung gue bule kazakhstan blasteran italia..... alah alahhhh.... Grin
two cents.
Agreed, tau genre itu bagus dan perlu. Yg gak bagus adalah menjelek2an org yang gak doyan genre yg kita doyan. I mean , what's the point of doing that? showing that we're better or "cooler" than everybody else? So bloddy friggin what if we're "cooler" ? This ain't some "mine is better than yours" game, that is sooo juvenile ;D. Second to that is having a close minded mindset. The world and everything on it are everchanging. Why wouldn't we?
kalo kata pink floyd we dont need no education, tapi dalam kasus ini gw modif liriknya
We do need some education....... ;D
gw jg berawal dari musik yg uplift, no trance no party buat gw dulu,
tapi buat gw sekarang party adalah berkumpul dan bertemu dgn teman2,
dan mendengarkan sesuatu yg berbeda beda dari tiap komunitas tertentu,
atsmopir partynya, crowdnya, musik yg berbeda membuat kita lebih mawas
terhadap perkembangan musik dan mungkin kalo lu nge dj itu bagus buat referensi ;)
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 28/02/07, 07:54
kalo kata pink floyd we dont need no education, tapi dalam kasus ini gw modif liriknya
We do need some education....... ;D
gw jg berawal dari musik yg uplift, no trance no party buat gw dulu,
tapi buat gw sekarang party adalah berkumpul dan bertemu dgn teman2,
dan mendengarkan sesuatu yg berbeda beda dari tiap komunitas tertentu,
atsmopir partynya, crowdnya, musik yg berbeda membuat kita lebih mawas
terhadap perkembangan musik dan mungkin kalo lu nge dj itu bagus buat referensi ;)
postingan2 elo berbobot sob!! setuju guee!!!
@dizzylicious : berbobot ?? sama dong kaya gw, gemuk.... hauhauhaua ;D
tp emg itu apa adanya yg gw telaah selama bertualang dalam dunia malam yg hinggar bingar...
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 28/02/07, 07:54
kalo kata pink floyd we dont need no education, tapi dalam kasus ini gw modif liriknya
We do need some education....... ;D
gw jg berawal dari musik yg uplift, no trance no party buat gw dulu,
tapi buat gw sekarang party adalah berkumpul dan bertemu dgn teman2,
dan mendengarkan sesuatu yg berbeda beda dari tiap komunitas tertentu,
atsmopir partynya, crowdnya, musik yg berbeda membuat kita lebih mawas
terhadap perkembangan musik dan mungkin kalo lu nge dj itu bagus buat referensi ;)
to be 'educated' ya paling mudahnya memang begitu...... to listen and enjot..... eh enjoy...
cheers :)