
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: pecel_lele on 15/08/07, 14:34

Title: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: pecel_lele on 15/08/07, 14:34
happy birthday buat achdiyat and agoose
semoga semakin matang dan dewasa di local scene maupun international scene 8)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: kc on 15/08/07, 14:54


buat dj achdiyatt..
dan tentu saja.. buat dj agoosee.. :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: dhAnty on 15/08/07, 14:56
wahhh barengan nih ultahnya??


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

sukseessss teruuussssss yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: natha on 15/08/07, 15:03
happy birthday

dj achdiyat

dj agoose

wish you all d best

semoga makin cihuuuuuy
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 15/08/07, 15:19
Happy B' dae........ ;)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: trenzey on 15/08/07, 15:41
happy birthday..
keep up the gud work..
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: kc on 15/08/07, 16:21
salah bok, katanya dj agoose baru ultah tanggal 23.

ah isu belaka nih pecel lele!
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: sonique on 15/08/07, 16:28
loh... beneran ga nih ulangtahunnya?

kalo gitu selamat ulangtahun bagi yang berkepentingan aja yahh...  ;)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: DJ Deny on 15/08/07, 16:32
Ralat yah guys..
DJ Achdyat memang hari ini pas bulan purnama,DJ Agoose bukan tuh,nanti minggu depan  :D

@DJ A:

Happy birthady yah bro..wishing you all the best deh (punya momongan asap)..

Btw, itu kebon udah jadi belum nanem bunganya hehe..titip dong tanem cabe di kebon elo   ;D ;D

Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: RoniJoni on 15/08/07, 16:33
happy b'day buat om achidiyat *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

n om agoose ...panjang umur ya..btw  om agus tgl 23 ultahnya..!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
panjang umur ya..!!! 8) 8) 8) :-* :-*
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 15/08/07, 17:34
Happy Birthday to DJ Achdiatt..

God Bless Youu...
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: BlackBolt on 15/08/07, 18:35
Happy B'day..
Keep up the good work..

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: jazzymike on 15/08/07, 23:28
Happy bday,pa'tua..

wish u all the best ;)


Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 16/08/07, 00:18
Happy Birthday Achdyat,,,,

Best Wishes for u ;)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: cruelsummer on 16/08/07, 07:24
happy birthady buat achdiyat & agoose
semoga semakin sukses di kancah dance scene indonesia dan tetap down to earth

Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: secret admirer on 16/08/07, 08:16
Happy Birthdays pak Achdiyat... *tepuktangan*

Best Wishes for you....... ;)

Hidup Progressive... *tepuktangan* ( semangat 45 mode on.... )
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: bgajulan on 16/08/07, 08:33
slamat ulangtaun achdiyat!!  ;)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/08/07, 09:40
Happy Birthday Achdiyat... ;) *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: bimzkee on 16/08/07, 09:50
happybirthday guys.... Best Wishes!!! hehehe
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: walasok on 16/08/07, 09:58
hepi bersdey buat achdiyat.. :)

semoga semakin sakses..
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: si mbo on 16/08/07, 10:01
Happy Birthday DJ Achdiyat & Pangeran Angsa  ;D

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Ian on 16/08/07, 10:08
Hapyy Birthday Achidyat  !

Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Rangga_ocean on 16/08/07, 11:19
Happy Belsday om achdiyat..
and soon om Agoose

wish u all the best !
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: for.an.angeL on 16/08/07, 11:34
happy bday,,

wishing u all d best,,
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: muldi on 16/08/07, 14:43
happy bday ya.
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: bless the child on 16/08/07, 14:56
happy birthday ..Bikin Birthday Bash Bosss....
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Archie on 16/08/07, 14:58
Met ultah om achdiyat.. :) :)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: mahfud_partojin on 16/08/07, 17:57
met ultah buat om achdiyat dan juga om agoose ,dua duanya di pertengahan agustus yahh...
boljug nih b day bash back 2 back :P
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/08/07, 02:26

Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: letitia on 17/08/07, 18:26
selamat ultah ya mas achdiyat dan mas agoose  :):):)

kapan nih back 2 back atau triple decker tambahin om sinchan... ?
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: dedoSixteen on 17/08/07, 23:22
wah belated bday..DJ achdiyat and agoose !!

sukses terus !!!
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: monique on 18/08/07, 07:33
met ultah ya...
love u all :)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 19/08/07, 12:53
happy belated birthday kakak adi... ;D
wish you all the best! ;)

masih di bali pasti.. huh.. enak
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Frico on 19/08/07, 19:58
Happy belated Bday for both of u guys yah..
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: kedondong_vibes on 20/08/07, 07:43
Quote from: Frico on 19/08/07, 19:58
Happy belated Bday for both of u guys yah..

keep rockin the dance floor :):):)
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: luthfi on 20/08/07, 07:53
happy bday, keep make people "happy" on the dance floor ;D
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: DJ Deny on 20/08/07, 12:50
Ultahnya DJ Agoose baru nanti tanggal 23 agustus
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: lesli on 20/08/07, 16:01
Quote from: DJ Deny on 20/08/07, 12:50
Ultahnya DJ Agoose baru nanti tanggal 23 agustus

ya kue nya dulu juga oke seechhh ...hihihihihih
Title: Re: happy birthday DJ achdiyat & DJ agoose
Post by: Debon on 21/08/07, 21:43
heppy besdey guys.. all the best!
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