
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: dj_roy_xspinn on 22/04/08, 12:29

Title: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 22/04/08, 12:29
Hey guys, what do you think of new formation of E-45 (Dj Romy , Tyo, Bams Samson) ?

Comment yah....
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: kc on 22/04/08, 12:35
loh.. marcell kemanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???

tapi bams cucok juga sihhh..
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: club2club on 22/04/08, 12:44
BAMS  (?)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: jazzymike on 22/04/08, 12:55
umm.... Bams? musti liat dulu nih.. baru bisa comment ;)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: walasok on 22/04/08, 16:24
serius nih?

harus liat nihh.. :)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dhAnty on 22/04/08, 16:29
he?? BAMS???


pdhal blom smpt liat formasi lama huhuhu...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: vans on 22/04/08, 16:53
sama.. formasi lama blom liat,, ko udah ganti ya? Bams lagi...  :-\
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 22/04/08, 17:01
hohohoh ternyata bener ganti, baru denger sekilas sih, belom liat livenya.. penasaran
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dickharper on 22/04/08, 17:36
wahhhh...om marcel di ganti selamanya apa sementara doang ?  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dweetha on 22/04/08, 17:44
wah blom bisa kasih komen tuh....
kita liat aja apa bams lebih bagus dari marcel....
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 22/04/08, 17:54
wets, si Bambang,,,,, liat dulu lah,,,,
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: ginalfyl on 22/04/08, 17:59
BAMS Camcon... oke ga yaaa??? penasaran...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj roellie on 22/04/08, 23:18
Guys E45 with bams akan maen di X-one bogor...kalo penasaran pada dateng yah tanggal 3 mei...
:D :D :D :D
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 23/04/08, 03:43
goes mainstream nih.. ;D
belom liat cing, tapi penasaran juga..

ada di youtube kaga?
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: Bopal on 23/04/08, 06:48
bams yaa? (?) more commercial sii ::)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: seno on 23/04/08, 07:40
pake vocal nya paramitha rusady juga oceehhhhh....hihihihihihihi :)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: vinodii on 23/04/08, 12:01
mm.. bams samsons..
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: DJ Deny on 23/04/08, 12:50
Woow...jadi bener yah gosip2 kalo Bams masuk E-45?  ::)

Diusahakan dateng ah  :D

Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 23/04/08, 12:55
moga2 lebih bagus...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 27/04/08, 04:05
Quote from: Prinze_devilz on 23/04/08, 12:55
moga2 lebih bagus...

so pasti gokillllllll!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D *tepuktangan**tepuktangan**tepuktangan*
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: Gober on 28/04/08, 04:21
soal ganti formasi sih gua rasa asal tastenya ga berubah ga masalah ya...

soal ok atau tidak, hehehe, musti liat dulu sebelum kasih komentar...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj roellie on 28/04/08, 10:20
Makanya paman dateng donk ke bogor........
ditunggu nih kehadirannya.........
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: RyoKha on 30/04/08, 00:44
Om Romy bikin penasaran aja nih...apa jadinya yah.......sayang gw ngga bisa nonton...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: NinBo on 30/04/08, 18:58
Quote from: DJ Deny on 23/04/08, 12:50
Woow...jadi bener yah gosip2 kalo Bams masuk E-45?  ::)

Diusahakan dateng ah  :D


hayuu atuh Den..
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: gothfather89 on 30/04/08, 19:22
gw liat dulu kali yah..baru ksh comment...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj roellie on 01/05/08, 12:36
Khusus buat anak anak ravelex kita udah siapin GL an Ravelex nanti kabarin yah buat yang mau dateng
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: wedhus on 01/05/08, 18:41
yang sama marcel aja belum sempet liat...cuma liat dari rekaman hp...hehehehe....

makin penasaran aja nee....

om imor juli padet ga jadualnya e45 ke purwokerto donk....mau...???
naek kereta lagi....tut..tut..tut...jangan kapok sm keretanya....
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 02/05/08, 14:35
om imor....bersuara dong...hehehe...
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: 1945MF on 02/05/08, 20:11
Holaaaaaaa guys....
E-45 Today is more fun than before i guess.. We had such more powerfull vocalist.. I would love to have Bams for album but unfortunately is just for live session.. coz bams already had contract with major label..
For the album we have one of my best friend here and he dont have any contract with any labels for a moments so we can go on to produce the album..

Just wait this years.. E-45 Album will out on store..
Its gonna be rocks..


Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: trancecity.tranceport on 02/05/08, 21:30

Wah baru lagi nih..



Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: bullebali on 03/05/08, 18:48
Kayanya seru nih..Bamb dengan vokalnya...lebh pas deh di EDM..
terus kapan ke YK nya..? biar kita ga penasaran  (?) (?) (?)
pingin sih tapi... :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: dj roellie on 03/05/08, 19:44
Penampilan E45 With Bams malem ini pasti akan gua rekam dan nanti gua share yah buat para temen temen di ravelex
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: chestertoon on 30/05/08, 22:31
bams (?) (?)
Title: Re: New Formation OF E-45 What Do You Think?
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 02/06/08, 21:00
trus piye toh kelanjutannya?? mana reportnya...
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