General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: Gober on 15/12/07, 22:33
DJ of the Year : RIRI
1. Anton Wirjono (Future10)
2. Ardi Pite (Elektra666)
3. Bobby (Stadium)
4. Cream (Soul Menace)
5. Naro (Original Naro)
6. Remi Irwan (Dafkaf / Embassy)
7. Rim (Elektra666)
8. Riri Mestica (Spinach Records / 1945 MF)
9. Romy (1945 MF)
10. Winky (Junko)
VJ of the Year : Mutter666Motion
1. 9Motion
2. Dazed Visualab
3. Mutter666Motion
4. Roots Digitalized
MC of the Year : DFMC (Javabass)
1. Baim (1945 MF / The Stage)
2. DFMC (Javabass)
3. Drwe (1945 MF)
4. Giri (Spinach Records)
Club of the Year : X2
1. Blowfish
2. Centro
3. Double Six
4. Dragonfly
5. Embassy Jakarta
6. Equinox
7. Stadium
8. Vertigo
9. Wonderbar
10. X2
Resident DJ of the Year : Reynald (X2)
1. Bobby (Stadium)
2. Joyo (Blowfish)
3. Miko (Embassy)
4. Reynald (X2)
Live PA of the Year : Riri Mestica
1. Agrikulture
2. E45
3. Innerlight
4. Junko
5. Riri Mestica
Rookie of the Year : Purple (7/24)
1. Aldo (Juice)
2. Odeq (Dub Container)
3. Pita (Spinach Records)
4. Purple (7/24)
Rural DJ of the Year : Agoeng Zen (Elektra666)
1. Agoeng Zen (Elektra666)
2. Double D (Advark Lab)
3. Georgia (Global Sound / Deja Vu)
4. Joevan (1945 MF)
Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)
1. Back In The Days (Future10)
2. International Series (Elektra666)
3. Rewind (Soul Menace)
4. Sundaze (Adroitz Music)
Event of the Year : International Series Presents Ken Ishii (Elektra666)
1. 777 (1945 MF)
2. Grasshopper (Spinach Records)
3. International Series Presents Ken Ishii (Elektra666)
4. The Junction (Future10 & Jakarta Meets)
Foreign DJ of the Year : Laurent Garnier
1. Benny Benassi
2. Ken Ishii
3. Laurent Garnier
4. Kevin Saunderson
5. Steve Angelo
Local Dance Track of the Year : When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)
1. Altuna Trance Tribe (Altuna)
2. Conversation With You (Innerlight)
3. Endless Rue (Riri Mestica)
4. Flower Transformer (Junko)
5. When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)
Producer of the Year : Romy
1. Innerlight
2. Lawrence
3. Riri Mestica
4. Romy
Special milestone awards diterima oleh DJ Anton (future10)
congratz to all the winner
hihihi DJ PURPLE menang !!! hebat !!
selamat buat yang lain juga yah !!!
selamat dfmc for 2nd time.....
Congrats to all the winner ;)
especially 4 Indonesia best producer.. DJ Romy....
congratz to all the winner *tepuktangan*
selamat buat pemenang.. dj romy, mutter, x2.. yang lain lain juga.. selamat ya..
kemaren awarding nitenya seru banget..
ngga nyeseeeeeeeeeeeell deh masuknya uyel uyelan.,,
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Local Dance Track of the Year : When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)
Producer of the Year : Romy
Buat semuanya juga....you got deserve it....
Keep up the good work...
selamat yaaaa buat yg menang *bgs*
tapi kok ada beberapa dj yg ruaaaaaaaar biasa, bisa ga masuk nominee yaa *piss* *piss*
selamat ... selamat ...
jakarta scene msh dominan yakz ... hayuuuuuk yg di luar jakarta ... next year maybe lebih mewarnai ... *piss* *piss* *piss*
wehhh Congratz for all The Winner,,,,,
support your local aspects....;)
selamat buat para pemenang....
selamat buat para pemenang...
wah om Riri dj of the year, semalam liat performnya di ultah V6... *bgs* *bgs*
Congratz to you all guys... peace and greens
congrats to all winner
DOminasi Elektra 666 pada Awards inih... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Good Job for them especially for the Armin Van Buurenn.. *bgs* *bgs*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* SELAMAT........
congrats for all the winner,,,
Selamat yaa buat Om Romy yang telah menang di 2 kategori sekaligus *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Best Producer and also best track of the year *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Support dari gw selalu buat om *piss* *piss* *piss*
congratulation for all winners.. ;)
selamat ya buat semua pemenang ...
pas banget deh !
congrats for all winner...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)
gokil deh emng sundaze! wuakakakakakak
;D ;D ;D
Quote from: dhAnty on 17/12/07, 13:21
congrats for all winner...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)
gokil deh emng sundaze! wuakakakakakak
;D ;D ;D
Yoii niehh sundaze dari tahun ke tahun makinn gosskiiill... *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
congrats congrats.
om romy tetep megang *bgs*
Quote from: secret admirer on 20/12/07, 19:38
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
ecspecially to Dj Bobby as The Best Resident DJ of The Year.... *bgs* *bgs*
Keep up your good perform juo......... *bgs* *bgs*
lu sependapat sama gw gitu nyo... *piss*
support buat DJ BOBBY terus maju pantang mundur ;D ;D ;D *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: secret admirer on 20/12/07, 19:38
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
ecspecially to Dj Bobby as The Best Resident DJ of The Year.... *bgs* *bgs*
Keep up your good perform juo......... *bgs* *bgs*
..tp tahun ini yg menangkan "Reynald x2" (?)..gw sih jagoin Bobby.. ;)
congrazt to all the winner *tepuktangan*
terutama buat VJ Mutter666Motion *bgs*
*tepuktangan* Congratz yah to all *tepuktangan*
congratz to all the winner.... *tepuktangan*
support DJ.BOBBY..... *bgs*
Selamat Buat para pemenang.....
Biarpun yang gw pilih gak menang tapi tetep yang menang gokil....
hihihihiihhiih congratz
Selamat yah............pilihannya nggak salah.........
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
congrats buat semuanya *bgs* *bgs*
buat yang belum menang..... keep up guyz....ur still d'best *tepuktangan*
congrazt to all the winner
support a bobby....
selamat ya semuanya!