
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: Gober on 15/12/07, 22:33

Title: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Gober on 15/12/07, 22:33
DJ of the Year : RIRI

1.   Anton Wirjono (Future10)
2.   Ardi Pite (Elektra666)
3.   Bobby (Stadium)
4.   Cream (Soul Menace)
5.   Naro (Original Naro)
6.   Remi Irwan (Dafkaf / Embassy)
7.   Rim (Elektra666)
8.   Riri Mestica (Spinach Records / 1945 MF)
9.   Romy (1945 MF)
10.   Winky (Junko)

VJ of the Year : Mutter666Motion
1.   9Motion
2.   Dazed Visualab
3.   Mutter666Motion
4.   Roots Digitalized

MC of the Year : DFMC (Javabass)
1.   Baim (1945 MF / The Stage)
2.   DFMC (Javabass)
3.   Drwe (1945 MF)
4.   Giri (Spinach Records)

Club of the Year : X2
1.   Blowfish
2.   Centro
3.   Double Six
4.   Dragonfly
5.   Embassy Jakarta
6.   Equinox
7.   Stadium
8.   Vertigo
9.   Wonderbar
10.   X2

Resident DJ of the Year : Reynald (X2)
1.   Bobby (Stadium)
2.   Joyo (Blowfish)
3.   Miko (Embassy)
4.   Reynald (X2)

Live PA of the Year : Riri Mestica
1.   Agrikulture
2.   E45
3.   Innerlight
4.   Junko
5.   Riri Mestica

Rookie of the Year : Purple (7/24)
1.   Aldo (Juice)
2.   Odeq (Dub Container)
3.   Pita (Spinach Records)
4.   Purple (7/24)

Rural DJ of the Year : Agoeng Zen (Elektra666)
1.   Agoeng Zen (Elektra666)
2.   Double D (Advark Lab)
3.   Georgia (Global Sound / Deja Vu)
4.   Joevan (1945 MF)

Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)
1.   Back In The Days (Future10)
2.   International Series (Elektra666)
3.   Rewind (Soul Menace)
4.   Sundaze (Adroitz Music)

Event of the Year : International Series Presents Ken Ishii (Elektra666)

1.   777 (1945 MF)
2.   Grasshopper (Spinach Records)
3.   International Series Presents Ken Ishii (Elektra666)
4.   The Junction (Future10 & Jakarta Meets)

Foreign DJ of the Year : Laurent Garnier
1.   Benny Benassi
2.   Ken Ishii
3.   Laurent Garnier
4.   Kevin Saunderson
5.   Steve Angelo

Local Dance Track of the Year : When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)

1.   Altuna Trance Tribe (Altuna)
2.   Conversation With You  (Innerlight)
3.   Endless Rue (Riri Mestica)
4.   Flower Transformer (Junko)
5.   When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)

Producer of the Year : Romy
1.   Innerlight
2.   Lawrence
3.   Riri Mestica
4.   Romy

Special milestone awards diterima oleh DJ Anton (future10)

congratz to all the winner
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: dedoSixteen on 15/12/07, 22:45
hihihi DJ PURPLE menang !!! hebat !!

selamat buat yang lain juga yah !!!
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Jerome on 15/12/07, 22:56
selamat dfmc for 2nd time.....
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: jazzymike on 15/12/07, 23:22
Congrats to all the winner ;)

especially 4 Indonesia best producer.. DJ Romy....
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 15/12/07, 23:35
congratz to all the winner *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: kc on 15/12/07, 23:37
selamat buat pemenang.. dj romy, mutter, x2.. yang lain lain juga.. selamat ya..

kemaren awarding nitenya seru banget..
ngga nyeseeeeeeeeeeeell deh masuknya uyel uyelan.,,

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: wedhus on 15/12/07, 23:52
Local Dance Track of the Year : When I See the Sun at Jimbaran (DJ Romy)

Producer of the Year : Romy

Buat semuanya juga....you got deserve it....
Keep up the good work...
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: bebe.ocean on 16/12/07, 00:50
selamat yaaaa buat yg menang  *bgs*

tapi kok ada beberapa dj yg ruaaaaaaaar biasa, bisa ga masuk nominee yaa  *piss* *piss*

Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: FreddieThe13th on 16/12/07, 01:12
selamat ... selamat ...

jakarta scene msh dominan yakz ... hayuuuuuk yg di luar jakarta ... next year maybe lebih mewarnai ...  *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 16/12/07, 05:03
wehhh Congratz for all The Winner,,,,,

support your local aspects....;)
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Errie on 16/12/07, 11:44
selamat buat para pemenang....
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: joey_30 on 16/12/07, 11:50
selamat buat para pemenang...

wah om Riri dj of the year, semalam liat performnya di ultah V6... *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: JESSY ECHY on 16/12/07, 23:14
Congratz to you all guys... peace and greens
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Dree_ on 16/12/07, 23:26
congrats to all winner
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 17/12/07, 00:39
DOminasi Elektra 666 pada Awards inih...  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Good Job for them especially for the Armin Van Buurenn..  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: RyoKha on 17/12/07, 02:55
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* SELAMAT........
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Bopal on 17/12/07, 03:06
congrats for all the winner,,,
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: deejay_dq on 17/12/07, 05:33
Selamat yaa buat Om Romy yang telah menang di 2 kategori sekaligus  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Best Producer and also best track of the year  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Support dari gw selalu buat om   *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: walasok on 17/12/07, 10:13
congratulation for all winners.. ;)
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: capt. digweed on 17/12/07, 10:38
selamat ya buat semua pemenang ...

pas banget deh !

Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: dhAnty on 17/12/07, 13:21
congrats for all winner...

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)

gokil deh emng sundaze! wuakakakakakak

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 20/12/07, 15:49
Quote from: dhAnty on 17/12/07, 13:21
congrats for all winner...

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Regular Event of the Year : Sundaze (Adroitz Music)

gokil deh emng sundaze! wuakakakakakak

;D ;D ;D


Yoii niehh sundaze dari tahun ke tahun makinn gosskiiill... *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: secret admirer on 20/12/07, 19:38
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: luthfi on 20/12/07, 19:53
congrats congrats.

om romy tetep megang *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: ddg_Tri on 20/12/07, 20:41
Quote from: secret admirer on 20/12/07, 19:38
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

ecspecially to Dj Bobby as The Best Resident DJ of The Year.... *bgs* *bgs*
Keep up your good perform juo......... *bgs* *bgs*

lu sependapat sama gw gitu nyo... *piss*

support buat DJ BOBBY terus maju pantang mundur  ;D ;D ;D *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Mario 78 on 20/12/07, 20:47
Quote from: secret admirer on 20/12/07, 19:38
Congratz to all Winner..... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

ecspecially to Dj Bobby as The Best Resident DJ of The Year.... *bgs* *bgs*
Keep up your good perform juo......... *bgs* *bgs*
..tp tahun ini yg menangkan "Reynald x2"  (?)..gw sih jagoin Bobby.. ;)
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: NiNjaskoo1 on 20/12/07, 21:04
congrazt to all the winner *tepuktangan*
terutama buat VJ Mutter666Motion  *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Baguz Freeman on 20/12/07, 21:17
 *tepuktangan* Congratz yah to all  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Robbie on 20/12/07, 21:28
congratz to all the winner....  *tepuktangan*

support DJ.BOBBY.....  *bgs*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: cie_bay on 20/12/07, 21:32
Selamat Buat para pemenang.....
Biarpun yang gw pilih gak menang tapi tetep yang menang gokil....
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: didi 1945mf on 20/12/07, 21:34
hihihihiihhiih  congratz
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: dj roellie on 20/12/07, 21:45
Selamat yah............pilihannya nggak salah.........
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: lidahlihai on 20/12/07, 22:12
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

congrats buat semuanya *bgs* *bgs*

buat yang belum menang..... keep up guyz....ur still d'best *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: De Chokdee on 20/12/07, 22:55
congrazt to all the winner

support a bobby....

Title: Re: PARANOIA AWARDS 07 WINNER... check it out...
Post by: Jah bless on 21/12/07, 04:39
selamat ya semuanya!
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