
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: eternalflame on 17/12/05, 12:42

Title: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: eternalflame on 17/12/05, 12:42
semangat ya dhe...tetap semangat dan jgn pantang menyerah!!!

btw final sessionnya ada berapa dj booo ? di south africa ya
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: partyaddict on 17/12/05, 12:58
seluruh element dance scene tanah air mendoakan keberangkatanmu untuk ke FINAL THIRST!!!

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: Gober on 17/12/05, 13:06
Admin Ravelex 100% support!!!

Kasih tahu mereka orang indonesia ngga kalah ama luar!
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: prama on 17/12/05, 13:34
gw 99999999999% support !!! maju terus dhe.. lo pasti bisa !! kalahkan negara" lain,tunjukan bahwa indonesia tidak kalah sama negara" lain .... !! merdeka !!

pasti set nya udah dipersiapkan secara matang nih ya.. pasti gokil berat !!

gw doa'in menang dhe !! amien...

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 17/12/05, 14:59
Gw jg ikutan dukung lo my Bro!!!!!......tetap semangaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!!!,.....gw percaya pasti lo bs KEREN N GOKIL ABIZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!.....(live p.a ya bro? :o )

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: innerlight on 17/12/05, 17:21
siapppp.....moga2 juara pertama ya bro  :)

cheers from indotrance
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: sonique on 17/12/05, 18:43
ayoo adhe pecahkan cape town seperti biasanya lo mecahin Indonesia!!  ;)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: eclecticboogaloo on 18/12/05, 09:42
support dhe !!!

jgn lupa "down to earth"..hehehehehhehe
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: Electrosoul on 18/12/05, 10:58
total support 4 u bro! Sikat semua!!  ;D

Electrosoul  :-*
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: Debon on 18/12/05, 11:15
Hantem Ape Kaing-kaing Sobbbbb......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 18/12/05, 12:51
apenye yang dihantem cing ? hihihihi
support dhe..
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: bimzkee on 18/12/05, 16:33
dhe... gue sih oleh2nya aja yaa.. hauhauhaua.... good luck juoo... all the best 4 ya..

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: reachtothesky on 18/12/05, 16:53
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 18/12/05, 20:39
You rocks Bro... Make them know that We had.....
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 19/12/05, 17:22
SUPPORT gila"an ya dHeeee... hajar aja dhe smuanya! jgn kasih ampun........ good luck!

apapun nanti resultnya, kita tetep bangga uda bisa bawa nama indonesaaaa

best wishes ;D
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: c ZaR on 19/12/05, 19:28
Quote from: Debon on 18/12/05, 11:15
Hantem Ape Kaing-kaing Sobbbbb......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wakakakaka.....KAAAAIIIINGGG KAAAIIIIING.....sob kucing di Cape Town bunyi nya sama kaya di kita ga yah ??? kaing kaing Huhu... janganĀ² beda juoo ? wakakakakka....mungkin EMMBEEE...EMBEEEEEE...bwahahakakakakaa

pokoke HIDOEEEEPPP ADHEEEEEEE !!!! menang atau kalah gw pribadi tetep bangga kok...apa lagi kalo sampe menang ?!?!?!? wuuiiiidiiiihhh....de sangke kalo kata org palembang bilang  :P....
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: bananasplit on 19/12/05, 20:44
enjoy... 8)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: kana_oksid on 24/12/05, 19:18
totally support dhe !!!
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: A B R I E L on 24/12/05, 20:18
Ciiiiaaaayoooooo OM ADHE.....Sukses ya OM..!!
Maju terus Pantang Mundur WOW...kereeenn...!!

Apasih coba...?

hehhehe pokoke Om Adhe biar menang atau kalah yang penting kita2 disini semua bangga loh..!!
benar apa kata om DJ Andra... ;)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/12/05, 22:23
pas pulang bawa miss south afrika skalian dhe.. wakwaww!!  :-*
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: finie on 28/12/05, 14:05
jgn lupa berdoa dhe ,sama restu orang tua
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: AfterParty Kermit on 04/01/06, 13:05
101% support boss
if there's anyone could, it would be you !!

Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: fromkampus2selatan on 04/01/06, 16:41
HAJAR DHEEEE ..!!!!!! buktikan indonesia gak kalah sama orang luar ...
saya mewakili tim "geleng2 asik" jakarta men-support anda 650% ..  buat orang luar hacep sampe gila .. klo kurang hacep nanti gue hacep-in pake botollll tenang ajaaa ahuahuahuahuahauhauhauahuahuahuahauhauahua .. !!!!
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 04/01/06, 17:16
Tetap SUPPORRTTTTTTT BRO'..........gw yakin africa bisa HACEP gara-gara lu seorang!!!!!!!.......
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: Uyh@_Dj on 04/01/06, 19:17
Maju terus.......!!!!! gw yakin loe pasti bisa........!!!!!! ;)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: fromkampus2selatan on 04/01/06, 21:55
tuh udah ada yg bilang bisa hacep gara2 lo seorang dhe ... asli
indonesia udah hacep berat sama lo
tinggal afrika lo hacep-in berat .. klo kurang ... minta di-nuklir sama amrik biar hacep negara nya huaaaaaaakawkakwkawkakwkwkwakwakwa k... !!! ;D
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: reachtothesky on 05/01/06, 04:16
hihihihi support adhe buat ngancurin afrika yaa???ckckck..
Adhe udah di Cape Town Nihhh!!!!
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: soul_selekta on 05/01/06, 07:08
aring king king king

aring king king king..... :P
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: awanikov on 05/01/06, 10:07
joo... kalo mo support DJ ADHE isi comments di sini juga....


ok joo....
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: funmania on 06/01/06, 01:34
Selamat berjuang..dimedan laga...Lho??...POKOK SUPPORT 1000000%...bikin geter tuh benua APRIKA yah!!

Eh..disana ada aliran tung-tung nga ya??hihihihihi...nga kebayang gelap geleng2 keliatan giginya putih azaa...ekekekekek
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ouch on 07/01/06, 12:03
hi everybody, doa'in supaya Adhe bisa tampil maksimal ya malem ini..... 7 Jan (waktu cape town)

20.30 - Adhe akan berhadapan dengan 4 finalis lain, juri akan milih 2 terbaik
23.30 - the final battle of the best 2
00.10 - global winner announcement

Judges: Erick Morillo, Mylo, DJ Mag Rep
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: dafkaf on 07/01/06, 14:50
hari ini kan bro?

wish u all the best...


Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ouch on 07/01/06, 14:53
nanti gw sampein best wishes-nya. mereka udah di hotel semua sekarang. lg pd nerveous habis tuh kayaknya :p
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 09/01/06, 22:27
jangan lupa bawa oleh2 yah dhe...oleh2 juara 1.. :)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: prama on 09/01/06, 23:57
dj adhe kalah sodara".... :(
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: sonique on 10/01/06, 22:39
penasaran nih... adhe sampe k final batle ga? Kalo engga sampe, ronin lawannya siapa di final?
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 10/01/06, 22:44
to Prama : yang bener lu sob Adhe kalah??? dapat berita dari mana??? yaahhhh masa sih bisa kalah..???? :(
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: bimzkee on 10/01/06, 22:52
sorry gue yg jawab jim heheh nih baca aja

http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=1309.0 (http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=1309.0)
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 10/01/06, 23:03
But he's still D MAN!!!...bro.....
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 10/01/06, 23:09
Teteuuuupp Adhe... hehehehehehehe
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ouch on 11/01/06, 11:47
Thank you guys for all the support. Walau juri nggak berpihak ke Adhe, seluruh crowd (around 2.000 people) dan media dr berbagai negara yang hadir yakin, harusnya Adhe adalah juaranya.
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: sonique on 11/01/06, 16:04
ouch... final batlenya siapa lawan siapa ?
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: ouch on 11/01/06, 16:15
Quote from: sonique on 11/01/06, 16:04
ouch... final batlenya siapa lawan siapa ?

denmark (ronin) vs maroko (hak'x). diluar dugaan. karena meksiko (eduardo) juga lebih bagus dibanding hak'x.
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: sonique on 11/01/06, 17:38
owh... okay... thx for the info ouch...
Title: Re: support DJ ADHE 4 heineken thirst final !!!
Post by: awanikov on 12/01/06, 13:47
Juara gak juara adhee tetap hero-nya indoDJ huehuhuehuhe... ampun adheee.. jgn dihajar lagi ampe jam10 pagi lagi yah.... ampun suhu..... ampun suhu.... kapan maen lagi neh kita tunggu...  ;D  ;D

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