
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42

Title: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 30/05/06, 22:50
CAKEEEEEPPPPP............ gileee!!!! kpn dan dimana nih Om Naro??? dlm satu festival paket komplit mah ini,,, wondering Indonesia kpn kejadian kyk gini ya???? ::) ::) hmmmm..... Original Naro mo bikin kyk gini???? asik2!!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: jodi on 30/05/06, 23:31
wah,, keren bgt tuh... ditunggu kabar2 selanjutnya  :D :D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 30/05/06, 23:38
waduh ?? ini maxudnya apa ? yg jelas , kalo ada Festival dengan Line Up seperti itu di JAKARTA, wahh...wahhh...wahhh...wahhhhhhh..dan wahhhhhh...  !!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 30/05/06, 23:50
waaaaaaaaahhhh....cuma bisa bilang waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
mo bikin yah om? ayuukkkk...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: blinksatan on 30/05/06, 23:56
Bingung gw mau ngomong apa....huhuhu pasti HADIR sih...
gila...gimana nih kalo ada acara ini... 8) 8)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: mirumu on 31/05/06, 00:01
bukan meoong...  :o :o  kapan direalisasikan om??

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Retroblazt on 31/05/06, 00:10
pokonya sujud syukur deh langsung
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 31/05/06, 00:12
bwahahhaa.. sujud syukur...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Jah bless on 31/05/06, 00:20
Ya tuhan.. tolong wujudkanlah festival ini.. AMIIN..
Saya hadir sehadir nya.. kalo perlu bantuan apa aja pasti saya mau bantu.. asal jangan duit aja.. ehehe
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Sticky Fingers on 31/05/06, 00:30
Hi there

Bukannya itu tentative line up buat salah satu festival di Australia awal January 2007? Iya khan jo?

Seru sih tapi kalau akhirnya beli lisensi "festival tersebut" rasanya kurang asyik ya

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: kera sakti on 31/05/06, 01:08
mimpi gilla niyh boss....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Bedjo on 31/05/06, 02:29
@kera sakti
Hu uh...

moga saya bisa hadir...klo nie acara suksezzzZZZzzz....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: xesid on 31/05/06, 02:53
GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
;D :D ;)
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: 13oGie on 31/05/06, 03:09
BuuSseeeetttt... :o :oheheehe.. pasti gue bela-belain dateng!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 31/05/06, 04:20

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Silent_Rave on 31/05/06, 07:51
hayo...mo nunggu kapan lagi Indo bikin ginian...10 taon lagi..??
kalo menurut gue, sekarang momentum nya udah tepat kalo mo bikin beginian...liat aja tiesto yang dateng udah berapa orang tuh...
gue dukung bung Naro...!!!!!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dweetha on 31/05/06, 08:23
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

dengan line up kaya gini.....
pasti saya hadir.. dibela-belain deh pokoknya....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: jazzymike on 31/05/06, 08:47
siap sesiap siapnya  ;)
tapi apa maksudnya nih.... bakal ada gitu apa angin surga aja....
om naro kasih penjelasannya doung...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: YouNgZzQy on 31/05/06, 09:06
wow,,,gokil...banget......wajib tuh hukumnya tuk dateng....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: reachtothesky on 31/05/06, 09:50
ckckck.. geleng geleng pala aja deh.. stengah dari line up itu aja kalo dateng beneran,, ya amsyooooongggg.. bener kata tante dweetha dan anak anak lainnya,, PENTRING untuk dihadiri nih Om Naro... cihuyy..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: awanikov on 31/05/06, 10:34
Plus SUHU juga..
Mahiiiiiin....  :D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Errie on 31/05/06, 12:44
baca postingan om naro, gw kaya yg lagi mimpi...
terus kebangun sambil mikir bisa ga yah tu diadain disini?
tp klo ampe bisa, pasti seperti temen2 yg laen DIBELAIN DATENG deh hehehe...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Chris.M on 31/05/06, 12:53
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

Wah, gokil banget line upnya!! Tp kalau jadi acaranya, masuknya bayar berapa yaa??
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ian on 31/05/06, 13:24

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

VERY nice.
hampir semua dj2nya musicnya highly danceable.
and /me loves dancing.

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: virQ on 31/05/06, 13:33
gokil banget kalo bisa bikin disini... ayo dong om naro!!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: jana on 31/05/06, 15:26
sponsornya sapa tuh? ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: A B R I E L on 31/05/06, 15:49
wow  :o :o kapan nih om naro rencananya? pasti dong dah direncanakan, makanya di sounding dahulu.
daku mah cuma bilang line up nya tuh.... gokil abeezz..!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 31/05/06, 19:14
Hi Guys ,

Great response... =) Finger Cross aja...!!! No further comment rite now , just wondering if its happen in Jakarta!

Thanks for the reply....



Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 31/05/06, 20:21
itu beneran bakalan kejadian disini Oom Naro? shyte!!! Itu mah bukan wajib dateng lagi.. kudu mejeng depan DJ booth semaleman sampe pagi tuh... Hihihihi, Basement Jaxx nya penting jooo...

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 31/05/06, 21:02
Quote from: Dj Naro on 31/05/06, 19:14
Hi Guys ,

Great response... =) Finger Cross aja...!!! No further comment rite now , just wondering if its happen in Jakarta!

Thanks for the reply....



aaaarrrrrggghhhhh tidddaaaaaaaakkkkk........................ kirain!!!!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: raja on 31/05/06, 21:15
creamfields jkt kah?

terbang balik lgs ga pake mikir!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 31/05/06, 21:47
Secara ada Ferry Corsten sama Seb Fontaine kok gue curiganya Gatecrasher yeee? Hihihih.. :P
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ian on 31/05/06, 22:44
ada paul tong sama seb fontaine sih biasanya creamfields
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 31/05/06, 22:52
AMIENNNNNNNN.................... :-* :-*
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 31/05/06, 22:56
Creamfields d jkt???? kpn??? apa d bali kyk twotribes kmrn??? ah tp kt Om Naro fingercross ya cm jd khayalan aja deh,,,,  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: sonique on 31/05/06, 23:22
fingercross = harap2 cemas...
kalo beneran ada mahh gua hayooooo dahhhh... tapi kalo ga jadi juga gapapa kok... gua tau kok bahwa kurang bisa berharap banyak di negara kita tercinta Indonesia ini... huhuhu...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Silent_Rave on 01/06/06, 00:58
apapun itu...yang penting harus jadi... :)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 01/06/06, 00:59
tapi semoga terjadi di jakarta !! amin !! haha..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: awanikov on 01/06/06, 09:57
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: A B R I E L on 02/06/06, 08:10
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 31/05/06, 20:21
Oh My Fashion God !!!
itu beneran bakalan kejadian disini Oom Naro? shyte!!! Itu mah bukan wajib dateng lagi.. kudu mejeng depan DJ booth semaleman sampe pagi tuh... Hihihihi, Basement Jaxx nya penting jooo...


Om OM, Marco V sama Ferry Corsten juga penting dooong... tapi semuanya juga sepertinya, satujuuu..??
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 02/06/06, 09:56
Hi Sticky fingers....

Boleh juga infonya..hehe...Well kalo ga pake lisensi dan bokknya satu2 mungkin sulit ditanggal dan Dj's fee yg akan sangat mahal , Tapi kalo package dgn harga yg reasonable kan lebih ok gt.....
Thanks for the input and btw masih ada 8 mpe 10 nama lg kok , itu kan nama2 yg sudah confirmed...but once again finger cross!!!And Hope the Sponsors will be see this project in Great way as its one time opportunity....


Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: AfterParty Kermit on 02/06/06, 10:56
cross finger for sure boss...
and good luck with the sponsor!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: seno on 02/06/06, 11:41
Quote from: Dj Naro on 02/06/06, 09:56
Hi Sticky fingers....

Boleh juga infonya..hehe...Well kalo ga pake lisensi dan bokknya satu2 mungkin sulit ditanggal dan Dj's fee yg akan sangat mahal , Tapi kalo package dgn harga yg reasonable kan lebih ok gt.....
Thanks for the input and btw masih ada 8 mpe 10 nama lg kok , itu kan nama2 yg sudah confirmed...but once again finger cross!!!And Hope the Sponsors will be see this project in Great way as its one time opportunity....


global gathering kl main di jakarta palingan budget "productionnya " nggak sampe 1 M boss :P
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 02/06/06, 17:27
semoga berhasil mr. n ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/06/06, 18:16
Quote from: .::AbrieL::. on 02/06/06, 08:10
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 31/05/06, 20:21
Oh My Fashion God !!!
itu beneran bakalan kejadian disini Oom Naro? shyte!!! Itu mah bukan wajib dateng lagi.. kudu mejeng depan DJ booth semaleman sampe pagi tuh... Hihihihi, Basement Jaxx nya penting jooo...


Om OM, Marco V sama Ferry Corsten juga penting dooong... tapi semuanya juga sepertinya, satujuuu..??
oh, itu sih sudah pasti dek abing, kalo yang itu masa daku perlu ngomong lagi??
masa gak penasaran sama basement jaxx live set sih?? kalo om sih penasaran, habis belum pernah lihat.. hihihi

@DJ Naro
wow, itu sudah confirmed bos?? giling..
moga moga aja confirmed sampe hari H yah, ntar tiba tiba batal kayak mylo, ladytron, sampe royksopp kaya kemarin kan bt juga hehehe.. saya doaken!!

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 03/06/06, 09:58
HAH?? UDA CONFIRM??? *sinyinnggg,,, gokil...

*guling"an di rumput, saking kegirangan sampe ga bisa ngomong!* ;D

*amin yarobal alamin*
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Silent_Rave on 03/06/06, 15:04
Quote from: LiL CoW on 03/06/06, 09:58
HAH?? UDA CONFIRM??? *sinyinnggg,,, gokil...

*guling"an di rumput, saking kegirangan sampe ga bisa ngomong!* ;D

*amin yarobal alamin*

hauhauhauhaua....hepi banget pi....
untung guling2annya di rumput bukan di lumpur..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 03/06/06, 17:56
di tunggu konfirmasi berikutnya mr.n ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: virQ on 03/06/06, 23:41
wahhh.. keren nih kalo jd ni acara!! ada pete tong, seb fountain, adam freeland, 2many dj's.. wuihhh...
saya pasti hadir...  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: BuNi on 04/06/06, 15:16
ih baru baca gw..Cayoo Naro Dkk..semoga eventnya jadi..biar kita2 terpuaskan ,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Errie on 04/06/06, 17:22
good luck om naro...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 04/06/06, 17:43
cross finger and praying...
perlu puasa juga nih kayaknya biar jadi...
ayo om naro..dijadikan...saya tunggu...
good luck!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 05/06/06, 02:27
lohh yg gwe tau bukan nya Maco V akhir thn ini???? malah gw denger maw di deck sama Carl Cox and Ferry Corsten????

Aaahhh ngga tu deh bingung maw percaya sama yg mana... yg penting gw seh party2 aja deh... heheheheheheheh
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 05/06/06, 19:00
lu bilang kemarin kan september jim.. ah lu dusta nih!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 11/06/06, 21:29
jadi pur tapi ternyata katanya awal desember sob... heheheheh september schedule nya Marco V udah penuh.. :P
doain aja deh... hehehehehehehe
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 12/06/06, 05:29

Ampunnnnn deh...gokil!!...pokoknya HADIR gua!!..

*i'll praying 2..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DeatHToDiscO on 12/06/06, 08:42
 :o :o
amin..... ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: kc on 12/06/06, 08:45
niceee.. !!!!
di bantu doa deh om naro.  ;)

tapi pasti harga tiketnya dijamin bikin bokek nih..  ::)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: danzadanzi on 12/06/06, 11:14
mimpi kaleeeee.. ayo jgn ngemeng aja .... tp klo jadi seh oks buanget ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 12/06/06, 12:14
Hi Guys ,

Thanks dah pada doa'in......well gw jg pastinya berharap ada Sponsors yg tertarik karena menurut gue Sangat menarik kok kalo dgn line up seperti ini dan ada Brand luarnya jd bisa Festival yg kita mulai dari siang....
But once again finger cross....I dont want to promise things first until everything is settled...


Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: NinBo on 12/06/06, 12:21
tentunya Om...   ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 12/06/06, 12:23
siap om...
butuh bantuan promo? saya bisa bantu sponsorin.. :)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 12/06/06, 12:39
siap mr.n !
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: 13oGie on 12/06/06, 13:08
maju truzz om.. :) :)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: blinksatan on 12/06/06, 17:46
Gw doain deh...hihihih :( :o
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dweetha on 12/06/06, 18:09

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: oMi on 12/06/06, 18:31
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Errie on 12/06/06, 20:54
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 12/06/06, 21:45
amien om naro!!! sejak ngeliat nya aja udh merinding dan msk list doa gw!!! hahaha,,, pesen konsumen nih, jgn mahal2 om tiketnya ya!!!! hehehehe AMIN!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Tatar Bahagia on 12/06/06, 22:24

apaan seeh,... pada amin segala,.... mank ada apa yach ???....
om naro,... aya naon iyeu tech ???
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: blinksatan on 13/06/06, 00:44
Quote from: dimsumondline on 12/06/06, 21:45
amien om naro!!! sejak ngeliat nya aja udh merinding dan msk list doa gw!!! hahaha,,, pesen konsumen nih, jgn mahal2 om tiketnya ya!!!! hehehehe AMIN!!! ;D ;D
Emang bisa murah mas....dengan line up kayak gitu ???heuheuheue...bisa kalii ya...tp jgn terlalu murah juga....secara tiesto kemurahan tuh...dari DJablay sampe mustang kumpul....haihaihaihia
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 13/06/06, 01:21
tapi sepertinya masteng" itu masuk karena pintu dijebol deh...... even yang dijebol itu pintu kedua, pintu pertamanya ga di cek tiket gitu!! maen masuk aja... tiket pi aja masih tersimpan rapi di kantong....

mas naro, jangan kaya gitu ya? mengganggu tuh masteng" ga jelas.. hehehehe ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 13/06/06, 03:07
wah...harga tiket belakangan deh..yang penting jadi... klo line up kaya gitu rasanya orang2 rela kok bayar lebih...semoga juga dengan bayar lebih..acara juga bisa berjalan dengan baik...:)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Silent_Rave on 13/06/06, 05:49
harga tiket boleh mahal...tapi ada kemungkinan nggak yah harga ngarab jadi turun...
hehehehh...*ngarep mode on
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 13/06/06, 11:14
Quote from: IJA GANDJA on 13/06/06, 01:29
udah ga apa terlalu murah juga... biar duitnya bisa buat beli yg laen...
bakalan butuh banyak nehhh....hu3 ;D

betul Ija,,, klo kyk gini aqua bs abis 10, printilan nya 3, blm parkir, bensin, tetek bengek yg lain,,, wah-wah,,,,
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/06/06, 12:07
harga kaga masalah... yang penting MURAH ! :P
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: cruelsummer on 13/06/06, 12:10
Quote from: Dj Naro on 12/06/06, 12:14
Hi Guys ,

Thanks dah pada doa'in......well gw jg pastinya berharap ada Sponsors yg tertarik karena menurut gue Sangat menarik kok kalo dgn line up seperti ini dan ada Brand luarnya jd bisa Festival yg kita mulai dari siang....
But once again finger cross....I dont want to promise things first until everything is settled...



good luck deh bos
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: le_gaiyya on 27/06/06, 09:26
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: monique on 27/06/06, 18:48
adam freeland kalo nggak bisa dateng boleh gantiin adam jagwani...terus pete tong kl nggak bisa bole juga ganti pete heller...sama ferry corsten juga kalo nggak sempet mampir jakarta ganti sama fery debon juga ciamik...halah...halahh..halahh :o
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: mambana on 04/07/06, 07:41
lawnchair generals
inland knights
funky transport
boleh juga jadi artis pilihan lainnya  :o
sama metro area
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 04/07/06, 15:53
gimana nih oom naro perkembangan rencana dari acara ini? ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 04/07/06, 18:27
iya nih .. ditunggu kabar selanjutnya ya mr.n

hehehe ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: wangchung on 05/07/06, 15:38
siap support  8)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: danzadanzi on 05/07/06, 15:46
jangan ngemeng aja  :-*
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: cruelsummer on 06/07/06, 16:18
Quote from: danzadanzi on 05/07/06, 15:46
jangan ngemeng aja  :-*

iya sob ,jalanin seru nihh
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: seno on 08/07/06, 18:37
yuk...mari... :D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 08/07/06, 19:46
Hey Guys ,

Thanx for the respond and attention yaa...Well so far tglnya gue dah dapet dr pihak Brand partynya dan tinggal nunggu proposal dari mereka karena policynya hrs proposal dari mereka lsung untuk sponsor , Jadi ga boleh kita yg bikin sdiri dan ajuin....Well mudah2an aja ada yg tertarik krn menyangkut budget yg cukup besar mengingat top Line up semua....
Finger cross aja...Tinggal nunggu ada yg mau support aja.......


Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 09/07/06, 23:12
hmmm penasaran nih oom sama brand party nya..
gatecrasher, godskitchen, apa creamfields sih? masih blm boleh di publikasikan yah? ??? :-\
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: secret_admirer on 10/07/06, 21:07
duuuuhhhhhhhh horny mode ON *  ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: le_gaiyya on 11/07/06, 10:15
Quote from: Dj Naro on 08/07/06, 19:46
Hey Guys ,

Thanx for the respond and attention yaa...Well so far tglnya gue dah dapet dr pihak Brand partynya dan tinggal nunggu proposal dari mereka karena policynya hrs proposal dari mereka lsung untuk sponsor , Jadi ga boleh kita yg bikin sdiri dan ajuin....Well mudah2an aja ada yg tertarik krn menyangkut budget yg cukup besar mengingat top Line up semua....
Finger cross aja...Tinggal nunggu ada yg mau support aja.......



tahun ini kan ??
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: letitia on 15/07/06, 14:31
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

siap sob :P
kl enggak kesampean kita datengin manchester united aja sekalian cing !!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: BuNi on 15/07/06, 21:42
kalo kesampean , besoknya harus libur nasional ini ehhehe..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: seno on 19/07/06, 07:24
mudah-mudahan nyampe....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: letitia on 02/08/06, 12:53
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

gw kasih tambahan option cadangan nya bole khan ???

- Basement jaxx (Live)/ mylo (live)
- Pete tong / judge jules/ steve porter
- Bob Sinclair/ dimitri from paris/ chris lum
- Marco V /randy katana /scot project
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)/ paul woolford a.k.a boby peru/ cirez D
- Ferry corsten / armin vaan buren / sander kleinenberg
- Gabriel & Dresden / blank and jones / leama & moor
- Nick Warren/ james zabiella/ sasha
- Seb Fountain / brandon block / tall paul
- 2 Many Dj's / above and beyond
- King Roc /armand van helden / dj sneak
- Adam Freeland/ meat katie /lisa lashes
- Evil 9/ U.N.K.L.E / james lavele

menurut loooo ....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: bogie22 on 02/08/06, 13:45


Ya smoga aja jd ya eventnya  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/08/06, 20:58
gak jadi ye? pada kena travel warning mungkin? :(
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: X i e t a on 02/08/06, 23:54
 :oWaduh waduh :o...Line up sih gokilllll....

moga2 jadi dheee jo...pasti brangkat nih....

Title: summadayze
Post by: No Name on 03/08/06, 00:42

Kalau di ijinin nebak nama eventnya SUMMADAYZE, kalau bener juga awal Januari 2007. Di negara asalnya festival ini selesai tanggal 7 Januari 2007, tapi sayangnya Bob Sinclairnya bakal di ambil stu club di Jakarta

Tapi gw doain aja semoga festival ini dapat kejadian disini

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: kera sakti on 03/08/06, 01:06
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: LosTSisKa on 03/08/06, 06:05

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: danzadanzi on 03/08/06, 09:51
ayo dong .. syukur beneran ada ni event.. skali lagi jangan ngemeng aja ya :P
tp klo ada .. gw paste datanglah .. secara.. :o
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: wangchung on 03/08/06, 16:13
boljug beratzz   ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: cruelsummer on 25/08/06, 15:51
Quote from: BuNi on 15/07/06, 21:42
kalo kesampean , besoknya harus libur nasional ini ehhehe..

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: bananasplit on 28/08/06, 19:12
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: funkytechnotribe on 27/09/06, 20:45
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

kl global gathering di bikin di indonesia bisa nggak jo ?
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: le_gaiyya on 29/09/06, 12:43
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

siap kapten...
kapan buka baju lagi ? hihihihihihih
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: wangchung on 30/09/06, 17:16
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 03/10/06, 10:58
masalahnya kapan neh direalisasikan??
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: jazzymike on 03/10/06, 12:34
kapan kapan ya,toms  ;D

cross our fingers aja deh... yukk  ::)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: seno on 08/10/06, 13:32
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

belon ada follow up nya nih cingko ?
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: cruelsummer on 02/11/06, 15:44
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

its gonna be great :)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: trenzey on 02/11/06, 16:12
wiih gokil..brangkutz lah pstnya..

klo bnr kjadian..tp mdh2an bnr2 jd..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 02/11/06, 18:36
gimana nih ? belom ada kabar lagi mr n ??
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dj Naro on 13/11/06, 17:33
Hey guys,

Sebenarnya dari sisi kita sudah siap namun masih menunggu tgl yg harusnya di 3 maret 2007 namun ada perubahan karena Event tersebut tournya diundur dari tgl 3 maret sampe 14 Maret 2007 jadi msh menunggu.
Sekali lagi Prioritas masih disana karena kalo kitapun siap kalo namun Sin&KL tidak ngambil kemungkinan berat juga buat kita.....Namun dr sisi gue,Mbc dan Indika sebenarnya sudah sgt siap....
finger cross sekali lagi...


Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: dweetha on 13/11/06, 18:23
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: waliwali on 13/11/06, 18:30
That's cool. Pasti hadir  8)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 13/11/06, 19:34
Amiieeennn juga thaaaa...  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 13/11/06, 19:44
amin... *Finger Crossing*
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Archie on 13/11/06, 19:48
Semoga direstui sama Yang Di Atas dan para sponsor
ehehehe.. ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: X i e t a on 13/11/06, 20:05
wow....means  next year tu DJ2 dateng donk yah kira2....wow
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: fyong on 13/11/06, 21:42
Quote from: Dj Naro on 13/11/06, 17:33
Hey guys,

Sebenarnya dari sisi kita sudah siap namun masih menunggu tgl yg harusnya di 3 maret 2007 namun ada perubahan karena Event tersebut tournya diundur dari tgl 3 maret sampe 14 Maret 2007 jadi msh menunggu.
Sekali lagi Prioritas masih disana karena kalo kitapun siap kalo namun Sin&KL tidak ngambil kemungkinan berat juga buat kita.....Namun dr sisi gue,Mbc dan Indika sebenarnya sudah sgt siap....
finger cross sekali lagi...



keep up the good work dude :):):)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: muldi on 14/11/06, 21:43
kantong bolong bos
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 04:45
kok bolong,juo ??? knapa tuh
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Loki on 16/11/06, 04:59
Wuaaaahhh...kalo sampe kejadian kaya gitu sih pasti hadeeerrr...tapi kalo event segede itu diadain di jkt masih agak susah deh..pasti bawaannya nano abeess..pegimana kalo event gede-gedean kaya gitu dibuat di Bali gitu..stidaknya kan ga terlalu nano..trus tempat juga masih tersedia luas bangeth gitu..misalnya di GWK dengan background burung Garuda wuih keren-keren...Jangan mo kalah dengan SG dengan Zouk out di Sentosa Island nya..jadi ngiler *slurp..slurp.. :P :P
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/06, 05:11
@loki: loe kira gampang bikin kaya gitu..ck ck ck...

gw doa aja deh supaya bisa terwujud dan berjalan dengan lancar...amin...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Loki on 16/11/06, 05:20
Hanya memberi masukan Pet bagi sesama pencinta EDM..sukur sukur kalo bisa terwujud..gw doain sedalem dalemnya deh..syapa tau ada EO yang jadi tergerak mendengarkan jeritan suara hati sesosok Loki  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 17/11/06, 01:11
Amien semoga terlaksana
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: pecel_lele on 17/11/06, 16:36
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Bopal on 21/11/06, 04:35
Quote from: Loki on 16/11/06, 04:59
Wuaaaahhh...kalo sampe kejadian kaya gitu sih pasti hadeeerrr...tapi kalo event segede itu diadain di jkt masih agak susah deh..pasti bawaannya nano abeess..pegimana kalo event gede-gedean kaya gitu dibuat di Bali gitu..stidaknya kan ga terlalu nano..trus tempat juga masih tersedia luas bangeth gitu..misalnya di GWK dengan background burung Garuda wuih keren-keren...Jangan mo kalah dengan SG dengan Zouk out di Sentosa Island nya..jadi ngiler *slurp..slurp.. :P :P
di jogja jg bs sip boss... tim2 nya siap koq... asal sgala elemen membantu  :P jgn inget traumanya tiesto yg kmaren... klo acara segede ini gw yakin bs... ehehehe...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: prama on 21/11/06, 18:38
siap ! ditunggu kabar selanjutnya Mr.N ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: lesli on 03/03/07, 07:42
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

graet  ;)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: didi 1945mf on 20/03/07, 05:35
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: _batMan on 20/03/07, 15:15

siapa ayo yang mo bikin disini?  (?)
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: pecel_lele on 03/06/07, 09:55
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

tmbahin robbie rivera sama ronie size mantep !!!
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: luthfi on 03/06/07, 21:12
astagfirullah, kalap ni yg buat event !

parah gokil bgt, klo buat ini sih semuanya gw jual deh, spatu jaket dll. hahahahha ;D
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Casey on 03/06/07, 21:32
hahahahaha,...jgn jual segala dong sob..kasihaan loe ntar pas partynya gak ada pakaian lagii..hehehehe..

tapi asli mantap..hehehehe...
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: RyoKha on 04/06/07, 03:09
waduuhhh...........semua pada bilang dateng........hhhmmm kalo gw ngga ahh......pasti penuh bgt.....kecuali kalo venuenya kayak BENGKEL dulu......bole dahhh
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: sendo on 04/06/07, 03:42
pasti hadir punyaa... bareng2 anak-anak 1 kantorrrrr, mudah2an beneran jadi ye
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: PONKEXX on 08/06/07, 02:00
gimana klo ngajakin departemen pariwisata?
jadi proyek nasional....
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Mario 78 on 27/06/07, 17:46
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: Dree_ on 28/06/07, 01:54
Bro,adain dong yuk,,,barengan DreamHouse yuk?
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: d4dy on 20/07/07, 12:22
Quote from: funkytechnotribe on 27/09/06, 20:45
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

kl global gathering di bikin di indonesia bisa nggak jo ?
Kalo di KL aja bisa ada Global Gathering Oktober mendatang bukan gak mungkin Indonesia juga bisa....kapan yah?......
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: BaiM on 20/07/07, 12:58
bisa banget pak dady.....harga tiket 250ribu sih gue bela2 in
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: olis on 22/07/07, 12:54
setuju bangets!!!!!!!!!1
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: olis on 22/07/07, 12:57
Quote from: MC bAiM on 20/07/07, 12:58
bisa banget pak dady.....harga tiket 250ribu sih gue bela2 in

bisa diturunin lagi ngga?
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: BlackBolt on 22/07/07, 19:22
Quote from: d4dy on 20/07/07, 12:22
Quote from: funkytechnotribe on 27/09/06, 20:45
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

kl global gathering di bikin di indonesia bisa nggak jo ?
Kalo di KL aja bisa ada Global Gathering Oktober mendatang bukan gak mungkin Indonesia juga bisa....kapan yah?......

itu dia kapan indonesia bisa ngadain kaya di KL..
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: lesli on 13/11/07, 15:46
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

perlu juga diadakan event semacam global gathering di Indonesia, supaya sub genre lebih terakomodir dan wawasan kita semua bertambah :)....huhuuuhuh
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: RyoKha on 14/11/07, 00:31

LINE UP YANG PALING GOOOKILL NIH.....gw bakaln bela2 buat melek 2 hari 2 malam buat dateng ke partnya......
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: pecel_lele on 12/03/08, 23:11
Quote from: Dj Naro on 30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>

- Basement jaxx (Live)
- Pete tong
- Bob Sinclair
- Marco V
- Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke)
- Ferry corsten
- Gabriel & Dresden
- Nick Warren
- Seb Fountain
- 2 Many Dj's
- King Roc
- Adam Freeland
- Evil 9

They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks

gw seneng ama om naro , semangatnya masih tinggi seperti bpm nya jamdul huehuehuheue
Title: Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!
Post by: ~awan~ on 13/03/08, 13:28
langsung b'diri dpn booth dah  ;D ;D
yg begini mah haram hukum nya kl ga dateng  *piss* *piss*
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