
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: mambana on 01/08/06, 17:30

Title: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: mambana on 01/08/06, 17:30
sory gw agak agak burem mpe sekarang ttg definisi uplifting ?
baik itu uplifting trance,uplifting house atau pun uplifting progressive...
ada info... ???
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: jana on 01/08/06, 17:36
yg buat deg-deg"an jegar jegerrrrr ;D
biasa nya sih ada bagian yg peaking high gt..
jd dari basic beatsnya doanq.. zdam.. zdam.. zdam... trus lama" naiiiiikkkkkk... tininuittttttt

mungkin klo istilah teknisnya tmn" yg laen bisa bantu.
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: sonique on 01/08/06, 17:49
wahhh... penjelasan jana bener tuhh... pas udah naik banget tininuittttttt... jedar jedor jedar jedor... ampun dj dahh...
pada saat seperti itu biasanya muke susah dikontrol... wakakaka...  ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: prama on 01/08/06, 18:32
uplifting itu gak dikasih ampun .. hehehe..
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 01/08/06, 18:47
hmm..apa yah..?coba ah ngejawab..
naikin mood? dari duduk2 aja, jadi berdiri, mulai menggerakkan badan, biasanya dimulai dari kaki, tangan,kepala..
karena musiknya yang "menggoda"..tenang-tenang menghanyutkan..diajak naik perlahan2..bikin deg2an penasaran dan gregetan..abis itu jegar jeger deh.. ;D (udah kaya mau org*$me yah :P)
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 01/08/06, 19:30
elemen dari sebuah lagu dimana pada saat elemen tersebut dimainkan muke orang orang lagi pada nyengir sambil ngunyah ngeliatin laser dengan kedua tangan up high..
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: tante nay on 01/08/06, 19:40
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 01/08/06, 20:59
uplifting is a rhytm which goin up up up up and JEDERRRR!!!!!! H***P Gilaaa soobbb!!!!!! hauhauhauhauhauhuaa ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Ian on 01/08/06, 22:03
uplifting itu bisa bikin : seneng, euphoric, goyang
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: ard. NA on 01/08/06, 22:35
uplifting ; menggembirakan bahasa baku nya.
yaah kata lain, the way to pecah.
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: sonique on 01/08/06, 22:45
pelan tapi membunuhhh... seperti ditusuk pelan2 dari belakang... ditusuk oleh siapapun kita ga bakalan tau... tapi anehnya disini semakin dalem tusukannya semakin senang pula orang yang ditusuk...  ;D

anjrot! andy moor masih lama nihhhhh!!!  :-X
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Silent_Rave on 01/08/06, 22:48
yoi, the way to pecah...
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Mr Din on 01/08/06, 23:18
uplifting... make u fly hehehe :D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: esge on 02/08/06, 08:58
uplifting is something like this.. simple aja... kalo lagu ini speed dan ritmenya bisa dicontohkan dengan angka, kira2 spt ini....

intro ------------------------break--------reff--------------------break2-(uplift)---------reff2(peak)
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 1-2-3-4-5-678-9 -10-9-10-10-10-10-PECAH!

kira2 begitulah! :D`
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: bogie22 on 02/08/06, 10:05


hhmmm  ???

kl menurut gw merupakan fase dimana musiknya mulai dari santai2 aja terus lama2
jadi jedar jeder jedag jedug parah ampe PECAH  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: kc on 02/08/06, 12:59
iyes !! bener banget tuh..
pas tininuiiiiiiiiitt tuittttttttt..

tapi paling enak sambil di pijet pijet gitu palanya gimanaaa gitu..
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: letitia on 02/08/06, 13:20
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: kana_oksid on 04/08/06, 10:00
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: djnard on 04/08/06, 23:23
menurut g...uplifting...
pas loe dengerin musiknya...eh...secara ga sadar...kedua tangan loe naik sendiri sambil tepuk tangan di atas kepala...trus teriak-teriak....GO GO!!! ;D

biasanya g gitu kalo mixing tepat pada barnya....lagunya abis pada bar nya....intro dan outro klop...heheheh...
trus kalo BPM dah pas....g langsung tinggalin aja player itu....biar beat2 nya pada adu sendiri...

g seneng banget kalo pas g lagi mixing...BPM dah pas...trus beat nya saling adu...tiba2 beat-beat yg adu itu..jadi "mendam",tinggal suara vokal,snare....pokoknya beat kick nya mendam....OH MY GODDDDDDDDD..THATS FCUK GREAT FEELING........... :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
nah itulah istilah uplifting versi g...hahahhaa ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: jazzymike on 05/08/06, 00:43
ampun djnard......
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 05/08/06, 01:48
DJ NARD DJ NARD,,,, penasaran ama uplifting mixing lo,, penasaran penasaran!!!!  :D :D :D  kpn donk denger???  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: sonique on 05/08/06, 01:56
Quotemenurut g...uplifting...
pas loe dengerin musiknya...eh...secara ga sadar...kedua tangan loe naik sendiri sambil tepuk tangan di atas kepala...trus teriak-teriak....GO GO!!!

yoiii... bener banget! teriak teriak GO GO!!! keren banget tuhhh... ahuahuahua...  ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: ija digweed on 05/08/06, 01:58
ntar dim kalo RAVELEX bikin rave...
lo tungguin aja, sama puasa sering2 trus setock banyak2... ;D
mao kan DJ NARD?
6 hours set live ?
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: mirumu on 05/08/06, 02:42
astaga... serius lo pake harus teriak GO! GO! segala?? wakakaka... gilingan....  :o :o :o
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: LosTSisKa on 05/08/06, 03:40

AMPUNNNNNN!!!......pk GO, GO, GO...gt????...aaihhhhhh mampussss....;) *yg ada klo pas gw tau ada org yg blg gitu gw sambit palanya!!....[...hauahuaahauahauahauahauaaaa...*rese mode on]
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Chris.M on 05/08/06, 03:50
GO GO GO, maksudnya?? Kayak lg teriakin yel yel pramuka,,, euheuheuhuehueh,,, peace juoo  ;D ;D ;D ;D


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: LosTSisKa on 05/08/06, 13:21

GO GO GO,...ale..ale..ale.....*gubrakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ;)
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: djnard on 05/08/06, 15:27
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

wee...6 hours live set??
sejam aja g dah malas.... ::)

ntar deh g buat nonstop mixing...ntar g share ya...
tapi malasnya di upload.... :P
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: ard. NA on 06/08/06, 00:11
hahaaha, dj nard kocak abis, ditawarin 6 hours set live. eh malah bilang males. haha, serius amat nanggepin nya.
ntar klo 6 hours live bukan crowd nya yg rame, tp dj nya..kan nge dj tp sambil triak2 GO..GO..GO.. hahaha. peace bro.
:D :D :D :D :D ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: djnard on 06/08/06, 00:38
Quote from: ard. NA on 06/08/06, 00:11
hahaaha, dj nard kocak abis, ditawarin 6 hours set live. eh malah bilang males. haha, serius amat nanggepin nya.
ntar klo 6 hours live bukan crowd nya yg rame, tp dj nya..kan nge dj tp sambil triak2 GO..GO..GO.. hahaha. peace bro.
:D :D :D :D :D ;D

ah....ga serius serius amat lah nanggepinnya.... ;D ;D ;D
GO GO GO... :P

Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 06/08/06, 00:48
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: letitia on 17/09/06, 10:11
uplifting jablay ...heheheheheh
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: BuNi on 17/09/06, 14:20
Naek lift heheheh  ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: X i e t a on 17/09/06, 17:03
ummphhh....sokil dhe pokonya...

tar tor  tarrrr ....
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 17/09/06, 19:40
tanyakan kepada

chris m

dia ahlinya dalam music ini  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: fyong on 20/10/06, 21:41
euphoric lain lagi yah ?
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: soul_selekta on 13/12/06, 10:00
euphoric ,mungkin...juga
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: trenzey on 15/12/06, 11:53
uplifting tu poqonya pas tuiiititututuiiit..trus pas mo abis teriak sikaaaat!!brg sm jdar,,jder,,jdag jdug..
*ga mutu mode on*

yaa intinya enk bgt deh,,istilahnya tu pikiran lo lg dbw bgt ma musik pelan2 smbl ngayal tiba2 bgitu hayalan udah terbang ke awang2 *ciaelah bhs gw* musiknya lgsg menyerang urat2 saraf lo untuk bergerak sambil ngangkat tangan..PECAH!!

ah tau ah sotoy gw..

Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: seno on 09/02/07, 21:08
julian jabre - swimming places :)
very very uplifting house
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: wangchung on 11/02/07, 11:26
uplifting progressive house track :
way out west - the gift
dj riri - endless rue
DJ Romy & Thony Thomas - Is not the end
Andain - beautiful things
Janeiro- solid sessions
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 23/04/07, 00:47
deuh baru tau gw uplifting ntu kyk gmana!! hihi...

gw banget deh!! ;)
Title: Re: whats the meaning of "uplifting"
Post by: fyong on 26/04/07, 07:31
Quote from: seno on 09/02/07, 21:08
julian jabre - swimming places :)
very very uplifting house
one of my all time fav track ...(halah...)
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