HOLY PROJECT by Nickvan ( Nickvan Muzik Podcast ) Chapters #7 [ JULY ] 2009
1. Chicane feat Marie Brenhan -Saltwater 2009 ( Paul Thomas Remix )
2. Dj.Tatana -Autumn Sun ( Original Mix )
3. Mr.Sam -Menkayo ( Lost Stories Remix )
4. Above & Beyond present Oceanlab -Secret ( Andrew BayerRemix )
5. Adymus -Luminous Beings ( Original Mix )
6. Christian Zechner -November Mourning( C-System Vocal Mix )
7. A.M.R -Sand Dunes ( Daniel kandi Club Mix )
8. Above & Beyond present Oceanlab -Just Listen ( Myon & shane54 Remix )
9. Above & Beyond present Oceanlab -I Am What I Am ( Lange Remix )
10.Andy Moor and Ashley Wallbridge feat Meighan Nealon -Faces ( Tenishia Remix )
11.Andy Moor vs lange -Stadium Four
12.Activa vs Matt Kidd -U.R ( Stoneface Terminal Remix )
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DOWNLOAD (http://www.garageband.com/mp3/Holy_Project__July_2009__by_Nickvan.mp3?%7Cpe1%7CWdjZPXLrvP2rYVS2Z29nAw) <<< Click for the direct download
Hey all , this is my another chapters of Holy Project Podcast , in this very special summer edition i will present you a several summer tracks that might will be your summer track of the year in 2009.
So turn out loud your speakers , make your self comfortable coz Holy Project Chapter #7 is ready to take off!!!
Hope you enjoy the journeys
Happy Summer guys *piss*
Catch this podcast live at DISCOLOGY KISI.FM 93.4 FM , visit http://discology.kisifm.com/ (http://discology.kisifm.com/) for the on air schedule .
didownload besok gan.. *bgs*
Wedeh uda keluar nih holyproject summer edition,gw malas dl nanti di rumah gw dengerin yha :p
wahhh ini niy....its getting better n better all the time bro...this chapter is a great one!!! *bgs*
track nomer 1......aduhhhaii sepoi2 vocalnya marie brenhan... ;D
Wuaaa.., ini dia niy holy project summer episode..!! *tepuktangan*
Download yaa broo..!! *bgs* *bgs*
om nick izin download dlu yah :)
Bang Nickvan Kereeeen !!!!
Izin Sedot Ya.....
@olis : monggo gan ...btw salam yo buat Mr.G hehehe :D
@insomniabeat : heheheh siyap 'dan ;)
@dimsgweed : weitz bro dimitri , vocal2 trance klasik brur ehehhe...anyway million thx dude :-* :-*
@flab : semoga berkenan ya bro buat discology bsk :)
@adrianbeats : tq bro , summer edition ny dikau jg mantafff brother ;) *bgs*
@dwi : silahkan deew :D
@dj jhone : hehehe bs aj niy bang jhone :P , yupe monggo bro ;)
permisi ijin sedot...
comment mnyusul
salam knal nickvan *piss*
maju terus... ;)
sedot yah bos
cd nya aja deh di bawain hari jumat :) hehehe
wiihh.. keyeeenn :)
segera di download..
*bgs* go nickvan....
track 10 & 12 juara koh...hehehe,kpn ktemu minta cdnya yah nick,hehehhe... *piss*
Saltwater - Autumn Sun - Menkayo *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*, gw demen bgt masuk2nya
track VI - track VII Wicked !!! *bgs*
Holy Project *bgs* LANJUTKAN brot ;)
Kaka Nick.. saya dah sedot lewat pesbuk ya
guys , sori bgt sebelom nya , link download yg kmren file ny error , cm 40 menit , sedangkan file asli ny berdurasi 74 menit ...tp udah di revisi kok hehehe ...so monggo di sedot lg ya ^ :) ^ dank u
@ujorezky : yupe silahkan di sedot bro ,semoga journey ny pas di hati ...salam kenal jg ya :)
@bom2kars : hehehe silahkan bro ...lumayan khan buat bahan gulung nyelem di rmh >:D
@robbie : siyappp ... tar di bawain ya 8)
@titosimon : weitz bung tito , tq bro da sedot hehehe ... btw sori bgt ya kmren pas innerstate berhalangan hadir :-[
@ditox : hehehe thx bung ditox ...glad u like it ...bole2 jum at bsk ya sklian gue bawain cd nya , gudluck anyway bsk ;)
@teeyo : thx dear my bro ...jd skrg LANJUT KAN niy , bukan LEBIH CEPAT LEBIH BAIK ;D ;D
@sendyoke : terima kasih kk sen ...link yg kmren file ny error kk , so monggoh di sedot ulang :-* :-*
tuh foto narsis bener.....
ijin sedot nih nick.......
makin gokil ya.......
zzzzz ...
thx anyway mikael
Wah ini baru sampai Jakarta, tak sedot dulu ya.,,,
mantapppp..bisa nemenin buat dipantai nih..hehehe
Quote from: nickvan on 14/07/09, 22:09
@dj jhone : hehehe bs aj niy bang jhone :P , yupe monggo bro ;)
Sedottttttttttt...hehehhehe Mantaf!!!
ada file host yg lain ga? yg ini lama amatan nyedotnya :)
@olis : wah ga ada bro , mungkin server ny lg lemot kli ya ...dapet ny brp kb/sec ?
@berry : yoi hehehe di tambah bir dingin sembari ditemenin sunset 8) thx ya ber ... :-*
@dj jhone : ;)
tenang bro, makin pagi makin kenceng nih, ya mayan +- 15 kbps..
cium dulu ah buat nikpan :-*
wa.... :)
@olis : nice ;)
@rustyman : hehehe tq reihan ... punya dikau yg kmren jg asik bro :-* :-*
baru mau gw denger versi panjangnya nih yg kemaren donlot versi pendek... ::)
heppy listening brother mario hehehehe ,di tunggu feedback nya dr suhu >:D
sori yaw kmren file ny error *piss*
entah kenapa ,makin asooy aja mix lu bro.. *bgs*. ;D..tetap semangat n aku selalu menunggu edisi2 selanjutnyalah.... *piss*
keren om nick *bgs* *bgs*
thx you om buat sedotan nya.. :D
sukses trus yaa nick..
di tungu sedotan berikut nya.. ;D
@mario : huehehe bs aja niy bung mario :-[ ...very very glad u like it bro ...see you in next chapter 8) 8)
@vagel : your very welcome bro , thank you :-* :-*
must DL and play now !!! :D
tumben neh byk maennin above bro :D
@muldi : hey bro , long time no see hehehe ...iya niy rilis2an ny lg byk yg asik2
thx ya udah di download :)
AVAILABLE NOW HOLY PROJECT AUGUST CHAPTERS (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=25450.0)