
File Sharing => Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast => Topic started by: nickvan on 14/07/09, 16:18

Title: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 14/07/09, 16:18
HOLY PROJECT by Nickvan ( Nickvan Muzik Podcast ) Chapters #7 [ JULY ] 2009



1.  Chicane feat Marie Brenhan                                           -Saltwater 2009     ( Paul Thomas Remix )
2.  Dj.Tatana                                                                       -Autumn Sun           ( Original Mix )
3.  Mr.Sam                                                                           -Menkayo                ( Lost Stories Remix )
4.  Above & Beyond present Oceanlab                                -Secret                    ( Andrew BayerRemix )
5.  Adymus                                                                           -Luminous Beings    ( Original Mix )
6.  Christian Zechner                                                           -November Mourning( C-System Vocal Mix )
7.  A.M.R                                                                              -Sand Dunes             ( Daniel kandi Club Mix )
8.  Above & Beyond present Oceanlab                                -Just Listen               ( Myon & shane54 Remix )
9.  Above & Beyond present Oceanlab                                -I Am What I Am       ( Lange Remix )
10.Andy Moor and Ashley Wallbridge feat Meighan Nealon -Faces                      ( Tenishia Remix )
11.Andy Moor vs lange                                                        -Stadium Four
12.Activa vs Matt Kidd                                                          -U.R                         ( Stoneface Terminal Remix )  

SUBSCRIBE (http://www.gcast.com/htdb/popup/subscribe.html?nr=1&&s=281621914&u=http://www.garageband.com/user/Nickvan/podcast/HolyProject.xml) <<< Click to subscribe & download on your i-tunes / music player

DOWNLOAD (http://www.garageband.com/mp3/Holy_Project__July_2009__by_Nickvan.mp3?%7Cpe1%7CWdjZPXLrvP2rYVS2Z29nAw) <<< Click for the direct download

Hey all , this is my another chapters of Holy Project Podcast , in this very special summer edition i will present you a several summer tracks that might will be your summer track of the year in 2009.
So turn out loud your speakers , make your self comfortable coz Holy Project Chapter #7 is ready to take off!!!
Hope you enjoy the journeys
Happy Summer guys  *piss*


Catch this podcast live at DISCOLOGY KISI.FM 93.4 FM , visit http://discology.kisifm.com/ (http://discology.kisifm.com/) for the on air schedule .

Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Heppy Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: olis on 14/07/09, 16:20
didownload besok gan.. *bgs*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Insomnia Beat on 14/07/09, 16:23
Wedeh uda keluar nih holyproject summer edition,gw malas dl nanti di rumah gw dengerin yha :p
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Bagong Digital on 14/07/09, 17:59
wahhh ini niy....its getting better n better all the time bro...this chapter is a great one!!!  *bgs*

track nomer 1......aduhhhaii sepoi2 vocalnya marie brenhan... ;D
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: flab on 14/07/09, 18:02
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Adrianbeats on 14/07/09, 18:18
Wuaaa.., ini  dia niy holy project summer episode..!! *tepuktangan*

Download yaa broo..!! *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: dwi on 14/07/09, 18:27
om nick izin download dlu yah :)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Jhone on 14/07/09, 19:52
Bang Nickvan  Kereeeen !!!!
Izin Sedot Ya.....
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 14/07/09, 22:09
@olis : monggo gan ...btw salam yo buat Mr.G hehehe  :D
@insomniabeat : heheheh siyap 'dan  ;)
@dimsgweed : weitz bro dimitri , vocal2 trance klasik brur ehehhe...anyway million thx dude  :-* :-*
@flab : semoga berkenan ya bro buat discology bsk  :)
@adrianbeats : tq bro , summer edition ny dikau jg mantafff brother   ;) *bgs*
@dwi : silahkan deew  :D
@dj jhone : hehehe bs aj niy bang jhone  :P , yupe monggo bro  ;)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: ujorezky on 14/07/09, 23:16
permisi ijin sedot...
comment mnyusul
salam knal nickvan  *piss*
maju terus... ;)

Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: bom2kars on 14/07/09, 23:20
sedot yah bos
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Robbie on 14/07/09, 23:25
cd nya aja deh di bawain hari jumat :) hehehe
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: titosimon on 14/07/09, 23:41
wiihh.. keyeeenn :)
segera di download..
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: phetox86 on 15/07/09, 00:26
 *bgs* go nickvan....

track 10 & 12 juara koh...hehehe,kpn ktemu minta cdnya yah nick,hehehhe... *piss*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Teeyo on 15/07/09, 01:37
Saltwater - Autumn Sun - Menkayo  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*, gw demen bgt masuk2nya
track VI - track VII  Wicked !!! *bgs*

Holy Project  *bgs* LANJUTKAN brot  ;)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: sendyoke on 15/07/09, 13:37
Kaka Nick.. saya dah sedot lewat pesbuk ya

Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 16/07/09, 02:18
guys , sori bgt sebelom nya , link download yg kmren file ny error , cm 40 menit , sedangkan file asli ny berdurasi 74 menit ...tp udah di revisi kok hehehe ...so monggo di sedot lg ya ^ :) ^  dank u

@ujorezky : yupe silahkan di sedot bro ,semoga journey ny pas di hati ...salam kenal jg ya  :)
@bom2kars : hehehe silahkan bro ...lumayan khan buat bahan gulung nyelem di rmh >:D
@robbie : siyappp ... tar di bawain ya   8)
@titosimon : weitz bung tito , tq bro da sedot hehehe ... btw sori bgt ya kmren pas innerstate berhalangan hadir  :-[
@ditox : hehehe thx bung ditox ...glad u like it ...bole2 jum at bsk ya sklian gue bawain cd nya , gudluck anyway bsk  ;)
@teeyo : thx dear my bro ...jd skrg LANJUT KAN niy , bukan LEBIH CEPAT LEBIH BAIK  ;D ;D
@sendyoke : terima kasih kk sen ...link yg kmren file ny error kk , so monggoh di sedot ulang  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: White^^Horse on 16/07/09, 02:39
tuh foto narsis bener.....

ijin sedot nih nick.......

makin gokil ya.......

Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 16/07/09, 07:19
zzzzz  ...
thx anyway mikael
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: olis on 16/07/09, 20:08
Wah ini baru sampai Jakarta, tak sedot dulu ya.,,,
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: bless the child on 16/07/09, 20:14
mantapppp..bisa nemenin buat dipantai nih..hehehe
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Jhone on 16/07/09, 23:43
Quote from: nickvan on 14/07/09, 22:09
@dj jhone : hehehe bs aj niy bang jhone  :P , yupe monggo bro  ;)

Sedottttttttttt...hehehhehe Mantaf!!!
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: olis on 17/07/09, 00:32
ada file host yg lain ga? yg ini lama amatan nyedotnya :)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 17/07/09, 00:53
@olis : wah ga ada bro , mungkin server ny lg lemot kli ya ...dapet ny brp kb/sec ?
@berry : yoi hehehe di tambah bir dingin sembari ditemenin  sunset  8) thx ya ber ...  :-*
@dj jhone :  ;)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: olis on 17/07/09, 01:06
tenang bro, makin pagi makin kenceng nih, ya mayan +- 15 kbps..
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 17/07/09, 01:09
cium dulu ah buat nikpan :-*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: olis on 17/07/09, 01:11
wa.... :)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 19/07/09, 18:36
@olis : nice  ;)
@rustyman : hehehe tq reihan ... punya dikau yg kmren jg asik bro  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Mario 78 on 23/07/09, 18:26
baru mau gw denger versi panjangnya nih yg kemaren donlot versi pendek... ::)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 25/07/09, 11:35
heppy listening brother mario hehehehe ,di tunggu feedback nya dr suhu >:D
sori yaw kmren file ny error  *piss*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: Mario 78 on 25/07/09, 14:42
entah kenapa ,makin asooy aja mix lu bro.. *bgs*. ;D..tetap semangat n aku selalu menunggu edisi2 selanjutnyalah.... *piss*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: VageeL on 25/07/09, 15:58
keren om nick *bgs* *bgs*

thx you om buat sedotan nya..  :D

sukses trus yaa nick..

di tungu sedotan berikut nya..  ;D
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 25/07/09, 16:11
@mario : huehehe bs aja niy bung mario  :-[ ...very very glad u like it bro ...see you in next chapter  8) 8)
@vagel : your very welcome bro , thank you  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: muldi on 28/07/09, 07:25
must DL and play now !!! :D
tumben neh byk maennin above bro :D
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 29/07/09, 18:49
@muldi : hey bro , long time no see hehehe ...iya niy rilis2an ny lg byk yg asik2
thx ya udah di download  :)
Title: Re: Available Now!!!Holy Project July '09 -Summer- by Nickvan (Max NRG)
Post by: nickvan on 10/08/09, 20:58
AVAILABLE NOW HOLY PROJECT AUGUST CHAPTERS (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=25450.0)
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