
File Sharing => Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast => Topic started by: ifanchen on 08/02/07, 16:56

Title: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: ifanchen on 08/02/07, 16:56
Allo Fellas, mix set kali ini diberi judul Vocal Trance Pursuit krn semua track yg di dalamnya berirama trance dgn sentuhan vocal di dalamnya. Pursuit maksudnya jenis music trance-nya lebih ber-type uplifting trance ketimbang melodic  *piss*
Masih tetep banyak kekurangan di dalamnya, tapi gw harap masih enjoyable.
File di hosting di server Indo dan support download manager supaya proses download berjalan lebih lancar  ;)

Ini track list nya;

Perasma - Swing 2 Harmony

Ron Van Den Beuken - Find The Way

Tiesto - Just Be

Hemstock and Jennings - Babylon (Original Mix)

Mr Sam feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Insight (T4L Deep Impact Remix)

Lowell Hales - Move Me (Kaste Remix)

Anthony Dean & Starlett - Moonchild (Darren Round Mix)

Alex M.O.R.P.H. and Woody van Eyden - Heavenly (John O’Callaghan Remix)

John O’Callaghan and Kearney - Exactly (Original Mix)

Akki & Christian Zechner feat. Aina - Dreams (Extended Mix)

Fragma - Radio Waves (Ron Van Den Beuken Vocal Mix)

BT - The Force Of Gravity (Ferry Corsten Bootleg Remix)

Link: http://www.ifanhenry.com/mixes/ (http://www.ifanhenry.com/mixes/)
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: walasok on 08/02/07, 17:08
wahh.. 103 mb ya?? :-X

besar juga..

gw download besok deh.. minta ijin menyedot dulu.. :)
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: pikibun on 09/02/07, 02:20
izin sedot2 ya oom...
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: pikibun on 09/02/07, 13:27
alus bgt mixingannya ;) asik!!!
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: ifanchen on 11/02/07, 19:51
pikibun: thanks udah sempetin denger.. thanks juga atas compliment nya  ;)
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 11/02/07, 22:55
ijin nyedot juragan.. ;D
Title: Re: Vocal Trance Pursuit
Post by: ifanchen on 04/03/07, 23:41
Udah sempet nyedot Ric? Semoga aja udah, krn barusan file nya gw apus dari server... lagi siapin tempat buat mix set yg baru  :-[
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