
Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: room507 on 15/04/09, 17:13

Title: Dj izzy - dark clouds (original),Critics and sugestion are welcom,DL link inside
Post by: room507 on 15/04/09, 17:13
 8) 8)
http://media.imeem.com/m/0ZWZK_ZVVx/aus=false/ (http://media.imeem.com/m/0ZWZK_ZVVx/aus=false/)

di ilhami dari mendung ny KL dr pagi smpe malem g ad sinar matahari, terinspirasi buat bkin lagu ini,,
genre masih ttp trance, dan klo yg ini lebih aga sedikit dark aj hehe, dan lagi2 g tau ini trance apa yh sbnernya? *piss*
mohon pendapat , kritik sm saranny yah,,
maaf klo masih ad yg brantakn di mixing nya, mudaha2 an bisa d bntu nnati dgn saran2 nya,,hehhe

DL link buat original mix
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lsx3tigeche (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lsx3tigeche)

Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: DJFoo on 15/04/09, 22:32
Hwihihi . . .
Klo ini sih masih progressive bro . . .
Brp BPM nih . . . ?

Gw suka bassline sma string sawny nih . . .
String sawny mainin filter freq y . . . ?
Asik tuh . . . 8)

Kpan2 bikin lagu bareng bro . . .
Hahaha . . . ;D
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 16/04/09, 00:12
Quote from: DJFoo on 15/04/09, 22:32
Hwihihi . . .
Klo ini sih masih progressive bro . . .
Brp BPM nih . . . ?

Gw suka bassline sma string sawny nih . . .
String sawny mainin filter freq y . . . ?
Asik tuh . . . 8)

Kpan2 bikin lagu bareng bro . . .
Hahaha . . . ;D

hihi padahal gw lagi mncoba ng buat aga dark dikit bro, trnyta masih progre hehe,
bpm 133 bro, ngetes 130 kelambatan kuran gkena gmn gtu hhehe, string saw yg bagian mana bro??yg pertama2 yah??klo uda yg tengh2 sih g gw mainin apa2 bro, hihihi,,

sip dah d tunggu nih bkin lagu brg nya sm master hehe,
gw bulan may balik bro, PM in no lo ok k gw, heheh
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: DJFoo on 16/04/09, 09:51
Siapp bro . . .
Tapi gw org Jogja . . .
Hahaha .  .  .
Nomerny udah gw kirim . . .
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 16/04/09, 12:42
sipp sudah d trima no nya, wuih jogja??tk kira org jakarta, y udah gpp nnti via msn ato g telv aj bro ok,,

c ya
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: DJFoo on 16/04/09, 16:53
Siappp bro . . .
Balikny Mey tgl brp . . . ?
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 16/04/09, 17:54
gw blik tgl 1 bro, maen2 dong k jkt bro, oh iy gw add fb lo ok,
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: DJFoo on 16/04/09, 19:02
Siappp . . .
Sudah di app bro . . .
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: gong on 16/04/09, 20:13
asik kok pak, usaha trus pantang mundur hehehe..:D
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 16/04/09, 22:41
Quote from: gong on 16/04/09, 20:13
asik kok pak, usaha trus pantang mundur hehehe..:D

hihih thnks bos, waduh lagu ny situ g cocok yah sm lagu2 gw, maenny hard nih hehhe,,

sukses trus bos
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 17/04/09, 05:35
Dark Clouds..

terinspirasi sm indon lg ujan trus ya joo?

hohoho.. overall.. MANTAP!!

sound naekin lg.. and request kick ny dbkin lbih dry.. :D

Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 17/04/09, 10:32
Quote from: ¯­°·º· Dj R'AngeL ·º·°¯ on 17/04/09, 05:35
Dark Clouds..

terinspirasi sm indon lg ujan trus ya joo?

hohoho.. overall.. MANTAP!!

sound naekin lg.. and request kick ny dbkin lbih dry.. :D


buset dah indon euy, hahaha bisa aj lo bro,
oh kurang naek yh soundnya??sip etr gw naekin sm kick ny d buat lebih dry hehe,,

thnks bro..
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 17/04/09, 13:31
Quote from: room507 on 17/04/09, 10:32
Quote from: ¯­°·º· Dj R'AngeL ·º·°¯ on 17/04/09, 05:35
Dark Clouds..

terinspirasi sm indon lg ujan trus ya joo?

hohoho.. overall.. MANTAP!!

sound naekin lg.. and request kick ny dbkin lbih dry.. :D


buset dah indon euy, hahaha bisa aj lo bro,
oh kurang naek yh soundnya??sip etr gw naekin sm kick ny d buat lebih dry hehe,,

thnks bro..

ok klo uda jadi kirim original ny yaa.. ;)
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: erwiengroovy on 17/04/09, 14:00
@ room507

lam kenal sob....lagunya ok!!!!
tp menurut gw kick nya bikin lebih dry lagi setuju ma ricky.
biar lebih nendang juo..
good work mate..
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 17/04/09, 19:06
Quote from: erwiengroovy on 17/04/09, 14:00
@ room507

lam kenal sob....lagunya ok!!!!
tp menurut gw kick nya bikin lebih dry lagi setuju ma ricky.
biar lebih nendang juo..
good work mate..

sip etr d buat aga dry bos, thnks yah buat komennya hehe,,
btw salam kenal juga,,
etr klo uda jadi gw posting lagi dsini ok ,,

cheers bro
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 22/04/09, 18:43
Quote from: erwiengroovy on 17/04/09, 14:00
@ room507

lam kenal sob....lagunya ok!!!!
tp menurut gw kick nya bikin lebih dry lagi setuju ma ricky.
biar lebih nendang juo..
good work mate..

bro pas gw bkin aga dry, masterny lasg merah bro, ad saran g?gw produce pake ableton nih hehhe
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: mahesautara on 23/04/09, 10:10
turunin levelny sob kalo gt.. hehehe.. dngerin dulu ya..

Asik kok sob.. :) Genre gw bkn trance sih, jd mau compare ma lagu lain jg ga bs.. Tp asik!
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: E_bump on 23/04/09, 12:56
asiiikk lagunya...lebih asik klo dibuat techy dikit...jadi tech.trance....hehehehe xP

good work mate!

Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 23/04/09, 21:08
Quote from: mahesautara on 23/04/09, 10:10
turunin levelny sob kalo gt.. hehehe.. dngerin dulu ya..

Asik kok sob.. :) Genre gw bkn trance sih, jd mau compare ma lagu lain jg ga bs.. Tp asik!

trimakasih bos buat masukannya, sip deh nnti d cb dulu d turunin levelny br d buat dry hehhe
hihih gpp bro, lagu2 lo gw dnger jgua asik2 bro,,

keep produce bro..
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 23/04/09, 21:10
Quote from: E_bump on 23/04/09, 12:56
asiiikk lagunya...lebih asik klo dibuat techy dikit...jadi tech.trance....hehehehe xP

good work mate!


jadi malu nih d komenin sm ebump hehhe, kmren gw dngerin lagu2 lo d myspace lo bro, keren euyy,,
kok bs ng remix dj luar bro??hihihi,,jadi tech trance yah??g kekencengn yah bro??
thnks buat masukannya

sukses bro
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (short version), Critics and sugestion are welcome..thnks
Post by: room507 on 01/05/09, 23:22
haloo smwaaaaaaa
gw uda selsai in nih yg original mix nya,, ini linkny ok

http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lsx3tigeche (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lsx3tigeche)

thnks yah uda bntu buat ngritic nih lagu, klo masih ad saran tolng d kasih tau yah,,

Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (original),Critics and sugestion are welcom,DL link inside
Post by: opera_zime on 01/05/09, 23:32
wah...asik bro !!

dah gw donlod....

bass line-nya keren....asli !!

eh, minta FB nya donk bro...

Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (original),Critics and sugestion are welcom,DL link inside
Post by: room507 on 02/05/09, 00:14
Quote from: opera_zime on 01/05/09, 23:32
wah...asik bro !!

dah gw donlod....

bass line-nya keren....asli !!

eh, minta FB nya donk bro...

broo,,thnks uda d ownload yah hehehe,,
fb gw Sunset_sixteen@yahoo.com , add gw bro ok??hehhe
gw jgua lagi download lagu lo nih ehhehehe

thnk you very much bro....
Title: Re: Dj izzy - dark clouds (original),Critics and sugestion are welcom,DL link inside
Post by: E_bump on 03/06/09, 22:06
@Dj izzy
Wah thank's bro udh mampir2 liat2 myspace gw hehe..iya bro tiba2 ditawarin yaudah kesempatan gw ambil..jd nagih deh skg remix lagu2nya dia, kebetulan di kasi job trs..hehe, dan jadinya gw juga masuk lebelnya dia.., balik lagi ke selera sih bro klo lo emg suka trance ya monggo dibuat trance..hehe generally great tunes bro!

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