Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: Bhokero on 02/10/08, 14:32
Dear All,
This is our new upcoming release track as duo. This track is featuring Tasita D'mour as our vocal. The title call "Get On Up". New coming track will be release after this.
We hope we can have feedback from you all EDM lovers. This is the original version.. the remix will coming soon
Bhokero & Dey
Please play the link below (128 kbps biar cepet streamingnya):
http://media.imeem.com/m/0mbWaP8kmP (http://media.imeem.com/m/0mbWaP8kmP)
wah classy banget mas!
keren ni, lucu buat mingle sama cewe2 di lounge hihihi..
gak sabar dengerin club mixnya..
salute *bgs*
@dirtynumbangelboy : emang lagu yg ini rd jazzy dikit, tp nanti ada track2 kita yg uplifting and underground house. another remix of this song juga bakalan lebih nyantai. not big room... walopun pernah gue maenin di X2... hehehe
pokoknya semua yg kita bikin nanti pasti housy with lot's of sub-culture. thank you dah review ya...
wah boker, nice one. sumpah keren bgt. thanks for sharing.
jazzy bgt, kayaknya lucu kalo ada versi2 lain nih.
paman gober, versi laen coming right up.. pasti gue share...
btw, lupa ngucapin Thank you buat DJ Uchiel for mixing the songs, Dj Romy yg udah dipake buat ngetest mastering studionya, Indra Qadarsih for Mastering the song at IQala Studio.
Yup... Pastinya gw sama bhokero akan remix dengan beberapa versi.. Doa'in mudah2an kita bisa release dalam waktu dekat ini yah.. :) Plus ada 1 lagu lagi yang akan kita release berbarengan dengan lagu ini.
Thanks buat temen2 yang udah support dalam pembuatan lagu ini.. *tepuktangan*
wahh akhirnya keluar lagi nih bhokero n dey.. puasa banyak waktu buat bikin lagu yah heheh..
enak lagunya.. jazzy banget *bgs*
kayaknya keyboardnya udah signature nih hehe *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 02/10/08, 20:02
wahh akhirnya keluar lagi nih bhokero n dey.. puasa banyak waktu buat bikin lagu yah heheh..
enak lagunya.. jazzy banget *bgs*
kayaknya keyboardnya udah signature nih hehe *bgs* *bgs*
Justru itu kelarnya sebelum puasa co, puasa kemaren cuman mastering doang..
Amiiinnn kalo keyboardnya jadi signature nya. Hehehhehe..
@ricco: thx 4 the review... keyboardnya signature banget ya Dj Dey... hahahaha...emang mantab dia kalo pegang keyboard....
btw, this song is been there from lebaran haji tahun ini.... cuman gantung sampe final touch mastering baru kelar. emang ga sebentar bikin lagu sampe bener2 kelar.... hehehe
enak bgt nih lagunya...
jazzy bgt...
lumayan pagi2 dengerin ini....
om bhokero lagunya mantabs... *bgs* *bgs*
enak nih buat nyantai2 sore2..hehe...
ditunggu karya2 yg laennya nih om... ;)
Quote from: Georgie on 03/10/08, 07:12
enak bgt nih lagunya...
jazzy bgt...
lumayan pagi2 dengerin ini....
dengerin pagi2 buat penyemangat berangkat kerja, dengerin malem buat pengantar tidur. wakakakakkak..
cool songs...muantafff..
kerem om bhokero ...
salute-lah ... mank gak salah kalo redma milih dirimu menjadi THE BEST HOUSE DJ OF THE YEARS..
setidaknya original track ini buktinya dechh
keren asli keren ...
dey.. salute dechh ... canggih banget lahh ..
gw gak tau yach ada gak producer indonesia yang buat track house.. tapi ini mank keren banget ..
kapan nich release di beatport atau traxxsource ??
@ Tatar Bahagia : Thanks Tar. Masih jarang memang makanya kita coba buat track House supaya makin rame edm kita.. Kenapa kita buatnya House? Yah karena memang kita DJ yang lebih banyak muter lagu house bukan? wkwkwkwkww.. Tapi gak menutup kemungkinan kita buat yang ber genr laen. Tunggu aja. ;)
Btw gw liat kmaren lo udah mulai nge Dj nih, maen House pula. Hehehehehe. Kalo gitu bawain track gw dong .. *tepuktangan* ;D
Quote from: Tatar Bahagia on 06/10/08, 00:05
kapan nich release di beatport atau traxxsource ??
Lagi diurus urus Tar, doa'in aja biar cepet keluar. Moga2 dalam bulan depan. :)
Amien tar.... mudah2an cepet proses digital d/l nya... lg dlm proses buat release lokal jg... doain ya jo...
keren abis om lagunya .. sumpah .. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: Dey on 03/10/08, 23:18
Quote from: Georgie on 03/10/08, 07:12
enak bgt nih lagunya...
jazzy bgt...
lumayan pagi2 dengerin ini....
dengerin pagi2 buat penyemangat berangkat kerja, dengerin malem buat pengantar tidur. wakakakakkak..
bener bgt..
gilaa.. cantik bgt lagunyaa!!
@mentha, georgie, aand ninbo... thank you ya dah preview and review... Appreciated a lot guys....
Quote from: NinBo on 06/10/08, 21:08
gilaa.. cantik bgt lagunyaa!!
Thanks Nimbo... :)
Great vibe.. asik om! :)
Quote from: mahesautara on 07/10/08, 17:56
Great vibe.. asik om! :)
Thanks mahesautara... :)
keren sob *bgs*
soundnya asik nih, keren om *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@teeyo &pulo_tirang : thanks guys, mudahan bisa bikin industri dance kita makin rame dan meriah ya.. ;)
damn... warna transient piano en percussion nya.. sama throat vocalnya yang kering tapi warm... Indra Q banget!!!!! *tepuktangan*
ga maen maen nih emang totalitas duo berbahaya yang satu ini... sukses terus ya..
tabokin aja label luarnya kalo mereka ntar minta mentahnya buat di master ulang.. hahahaha....
marcel... kemana aja loe? ini gara2 surface control bikin gampang ngerjain dirumah nih... hehehehe... thank u ya jo dah review....
Dear all,
Thank u for supporting this track to be REDMA 2009 Track OTY. Really appreciated for the support.
Now as I promised I will post the remix for this track that been done by Joey Silvero a.k.a Distant people
This one of the remix that will be included in our worldwide release under Seamless Records. UK
Get On Up feat. Tasita D'mour (Joey's Funkadelic remix) - Bhokero & Dey
Here are the remix for this song :
http://media.imeem.com/m/KL5rahXjWM/aus=false/ (http://media.imeem.com/m/KL5rahXjWM/aus=false/)
PS: To listen to our original please go to page 1 in our first thread.
Big love
Bhokero & Dey
Sumpah keren bangeeettt....!!!
Mantaaap.. Canggih lagunya !! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
mantep bener !!!
tak sabar nunggu albumnya.... :D
oh ini to track juaranya, baru ngeh hehe ;D *piss* selamat ya..
mau di pasang di radio web kita ga www.homses.net (http://www.homses.net) kalo mau bisa kirim ke party@homses.net tengkyuuuu.....
finally it's released on Sept 9 2009 on traxsource.com ( a mecca download for house music) along with all the remix by Conan Liquid, Thomas Tocafondi, Distant People.
Please visit:
http://www.traxsource.com/index.php?act=show&fc=tpage&cr=titles&cv=39065 (http://www.traxsource.com/index.php?act=show&fc=tpage&cr=titles&cv=39065)
Thank God this track made to no 15 chart today on top singles.... wish us luck to make it better in top chart singles in traxsource.com. Thk u for all support. support ur local DJ's
(http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1817/40906633.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
best regards and respect
Bhokero n Dey
keren bgt .... so classy .... ;D *bgs* ;D
mantap om! ;)
now it's available on juno download too beside traxsource.
http://www.junodownload.com/artists/DJ+Bhokero/releases/ (http://www.junodownload.com/artists/DJ+Bhokero/releases/)
Up gan. Selamat ya!