
Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 31/08/09, 12:22

Title: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON iTunes Store...
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 31/08/09, 12:22
 ;DjUNO DOWNLOADhttp://www.junodownload.com/ppps/products/1469619-02.htm (http://www.junodownload.com/ppps/products/1469619-02.htm)


https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/198435/Love%20At%20The%20Spring%20Mountain (https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/198435/Love%20At%20The%20Spring%20Mountain)

iTunes Store:

Search in iTunes Store with Key : Rangga

Here to Listen @ Soundcloud

http://soundcloud.com/dj-rangga-electroscope/rangga-electroscope-love-at-the-spring-mountain (http://soundcloud.com/dj-rangga-electroscope/rangga-electroscope-love-at-the-spring-mountain)

Genre : Always Uplifting Trance ...you know it lah...hahaha ;D

Selamat berkomen dan kasih masukan ....kalo mo protes juga gapapa...hihi pissmeenn..

(http://s3.postimage.org/1ypHE9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1ypHE9)

(http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/3752/33449317.th.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVo6bPS)

Trance emang bener2 bikin gw jadi smakin dekat pada Ilahi...mengalami Extase jiwa untuk semakin mendekatkan diri pada SANG MAHA PENCIPTA...dan jadikan ini semua berkah dijalanMu ya Rabb...aku hanya pasrah kepadaMu...Hanya engkau yg mengetahui baik buruknya diriku...bukan manusia2 yang sombong dan serta merta yg bisa mengatur dan menyalahi kehidupanku... ;)

THANX GOD I'M @ BEATPORT NOW...hehehehe... *piss*

(http://s2.postimage.org/Anqw9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsAnqw9)
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: djnard on 31/08/09, 12:40
ga bisa streaming!!!
download link please:D
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 31/08/09, 12:46

PS: Donlot boleh tapi ini blom fix...untk yg susah streaming silahkan donlot aja...  ;)
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: opera_zime on 31/08/09, 18:29
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 01/09/09, 00:17
opera,lo mao ngeremixin??boleh deh besok gw upload remix packnya dulu...hehe..thx
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: dEMOn13 on 01/09/09, 02:41
brooooww kren lagu lo!!

love the melody,,,

mw dunk!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 01/09/09, 12:40
@ demon13...makasih bro....bisa didonlot kok di soundcloud....
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 13/09/09, 22:34
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: Jhone on 13/09/09, 22:51
Rangga cihuyyy dahhhh .....
keren brooo gw sudah mencuri diem" ...wkwkwkwk

Mantap gan terus berkarya !!!! :)
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 13/09/09, 23:10
wkwkwkwkw.....bisa aja lu Jhon!!! thx mate!!
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 14/09/09, 01:44

good job brooth!!

pilosopi nya keren tuh! huhahua..
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: E_bump on 14/09/09, 09:51
cangcing bgt nih ga..good job bro!
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 14/09/09, 12:58
Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 14/09/09, 01:44

good job brooth!!

pilosopi nya keren tuh! huhahua..

Pilosopi?? Curcol kalee gw...wkwkwkwkw..thx ya rick...

Quote from: E_bump on 14/09/09, 09:51
cangcing bgt nih ga..good job bro!

punya lo juga Ajib2 bro..hehehe..thx ya..
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: F E R R E on 15/09/09, 20:12
sedaapp! mantap punya nih, track lo "bersih" banget bro, greetings from me yah :P
Title: Re: My Brand New Track....Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 15/09/09, 23:11
thx ya bang ferre...100% fl 8 lho bang....:D
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 26/09/09, 21:56
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: opera_zime on 26/09/09, 22:21
CURCOL !!?!?!?!?!



eniwey,gw lagi gak mood produce loooh...tadi malem mbikin,stuck di situ2 aja...wah...kacau.... :-[
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 27/09/09, 04:30
Quote from: opera_zime on 26/09/09, 22:21
CURCOL !!?!?!?!?!



eniwey,gw lagi gak mood produce loooh...tadi malem mbikin,stuck di situ2 aja...wah...kacau.... :-[

coba lo perhatikan hari2 kebelakang lo knp aja?
mnkin ada sesuatu yg blm bkin lo tenang.. :P

sotoy mode.

gw jg smenjak komp na overheat, jd marales..
tp skrg.. HAJARR!!

*lho kok curcol?? :P
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: Jhone on 27/09/09, 13:14
ehm ehm ehm ............

Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: Ijash on 27/09/09, 16:29
rangga nih, bisa aja releasenya.. ini yg lo kasi tau gw yang di fb kan? gw udh lama ga cek2 forum original release telat deh.. ;D
suksess bro! track lo emang bersih & halus.. sehalus miyabi(apaaa coba ;D) hahaha
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 28/09/09, 10:15
makasih bro....lo juga semangat ya jash..

btw SORA AOI lebih mantap jash... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 30/09/09, 01:01
(http://www.postimage.org/TsW9Ks0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: mahesautara on 30/09/09, 01:31
Ahahahahaha.. SADISSS!!
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 30/09/09, 03:13
Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 30/09/09, 01:01
(http://www.postimage.org/TsW9Ks0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)

emank deh yg jago design..

tatapan mata nya baaanngg!! ga kuku.. ;D ;D

support L/R..

Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 01/10/09, 09:12
HUAHAHAHAHAHA.....baru liat gw....ah elu bro...
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: olis on 01/10/09, 12:14
Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 30/09/09, 01:01
(http://www.postimage.org/TsW9Ks0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/)
another generasi kumis
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 01/10/09, 19:12
Huahahaha..bisa aja lu lis...generasi kumis...LASKAR KUMIS PELANGI...
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: evan_bali on 09/10/09, 14:48
waduuuh....telat infoo.....d soundcloud gag bs d download broo..... (?)
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 09/10/09, 14:53
pm ke gw aja bro...soalnya klo di sonklot udah pre rilis juga...jdi gak bisa donlot dari situ..hehehe
Title: Re: Rangga Electroscope - Love @ the Spring Mountain PRE RELEASE ON JUNO
Post by: evan_bali on 09/10/09, 14:57
siiaapp gann..........
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 29/11/09, 13:56
https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/198435/Love%20At%20The%20Spring%20Mountain (https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/198435/Love%20At%20The%20Spring%20Mountain)
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 29/11/09, 19:30
sangat di sarankan untuk dibeli, dibajak juga gapapa...we.e.e.e.e.
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: Ijash on 29/11/09, 21:25
bajakanya dari artisnya aja deh.. wkwkwkwk
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 30/11/09, 05:44

Hajar truuss broth!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: lemelleur on 30/11/09, 10:09
Nice epic trance !  *bgs* *bgs*  10'34" ??... whoooooaaaaa  ;D

kangen jg sama bass roll ky gini, mengingatkan trance '99 -'04  ;D

keep it up  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: MaraDiorama on 30/11/09, 13:13
Mantep Rangga Electroscope.... :D
*bgs*  *bgs* *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 30/11/09, 15:39
@lemelleur: Thx mate...
@Mara: Makasih ya bro....gimana remixan ijash? dah mulai projectnya?
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: MaraDiorama on 30/11/09, 17:13
U welcome bro.. :D

Belom bro..
Lagi di d denger2 dulu..
Masih ada pr..
Pertengahan desember mulai2-nya..

tapi jujur lagunya udah mantepp juga sebenernya...  *bgs* *bgs*
Salut buat Ijash... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Ditunggu juga remix-nya nanti ya bro.. :D
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: YUS on 30/11/09, 17:25
+ SUKSES TRUZ Y Bro...    *tepuktangan*    *bgs*    *bgs*


Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 30/11/09, 17:28
@ mara: okee...gw juga gatel nih ngeremix punya ijash....walopun agak telat..hehe
@Yus: GBU too bro..Thx a lot 4 support
Title: Re: OUT NOW!!! Rangga Electroscope ON BEATPORT!!
Post by: olis on 02/12/09, 12:58
akhirnya rilis juga di beatport.. *bgs*
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