Producing Music => Original Release => Topic started by: DJ Rangga_Electros on 09/11/10, 16:24
Worldwide Release from Young Indonesian uplifting Trance Producer.
[Beatport Exclusive]
http://beatport.com/s/r1aMvf (http://beatport.com/s/r1aMvf)
Rangga Electroscope - REBORN (Original Mix & Gitano Remix*)
*Supported by Dansa Chart Homses.net
Released by: AVSR Records
Release/catalogue number: AVSR93
We appreciate your support
that we have to allow us to share our love of
DJ/Producer and Indonesian Dance Music Culture.
kenceng donk!
Production bagus..mixtape keren..terus majukan dunia EDM Indonesia ya sob!
Quote from: nandi_binus on 09/11/10, 19:05
Production bagus..mixtape keren..terus majukan dunia EDM Indonesia ya sob!
amiiinnn... thx sobb
susah bgd ye skrg dapet komen di original release, skalinya komen pasti cuma yg udah kenal2 aj.
c'mon guys...silahkan kripik pedasnya. di caci maki juga gak papa.
hahahaha feel you
well gw mmng ga mendalami soal trance but all i know from a few of ur track you got ur own style
and that was a good point to make a good producing... - Rangga Electroscope - Love at The Spring Mountain (Heavens Gate Ambient Mix) that was an amazing one and really love that one ..
keep all good work !!!!
udah mantap deh rangga... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
kenceng abiissss....
Quote from: Dj Myra Alexa on 10/11/10, 15:03
hahahaha feel you
well gw mmng ga mendalami soal trance but all i know from a few of ur track you got ur own style
and that was a good point to make a good producing... - Rangga Electroscope - Love at The Spring Mountain (Heavens Gate Ambient Mix) that was an amazing one and really love that one ..
keep all good work !!!!
wahh tengkyu komennya, Sis.. :D, klo masalah genre bisa di atur, seenggaknya sebagai producer juga harus mendengarkan lagu lebih dari 1-3 genre ato lebih. sebagai referensi dan juga menambah wawasan buat memproduksi musik. kalo style gw ya kaya' gitu...IMHO gw juga masih dalam tahap perkembangan namun menurut gw sendiri, producing gw juga musti konsisten tapi variant dan lebih memperbanyak explorasi.
Quote from: yudha4 on 10/11/10, 15:07
udah mantap deh rangga... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
kenceng abiissss....
hahahaha thx bro.. pakabar lo?.. maklum gw masih merasa muda.. masih suka yg kenceng-kenceng nih gw. hehe
Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 12/11/10, 23:44
Quote from: Dj Myra Alexa on 10/11/10, 15:03
hahahaha feel you
well gw mmng ga mendalami soal trance but all i know from a few of ur track you got ur own style
and that was a good point to make a good producing... - Rangga Electroscope - Love at The Spring Mountain (Heavens Gate Ambient Mix) that was an amazing one and really love that one ..
keep all good work !!!!
wahh tengkyu komennya, Sis.. :D, klo masalah genre bisa di atur, seenggaknya sebagai producer juga harus mendengarkan lagu lebih dari 1-3 genre ato lebih. sebagai referensi dan juga menambah wawasan buat memproduksi musik. kalo style gw ya kaya' gitu...IMHO gw juga masih dalam tahap perkembangan namun menurut gw sendiri, producing gw juga musti konsisten tapi variant dan lebih memperbanyak explorasi.
yep.. setujuu :)