www.beatport.com (http://www.beatport.com)
www.dancerecords.com (http://www.dancerecords.com)
www.bonzaimusic.com (http://www.bonzaimusic.com)
www.trackitdown.net (http://www.trackitdown.net)
www.junodownload.com (http://www.junodownload.com)
www.audiojelly.com (http://www.audiojelly.com)
www.etopiamusic.co.uk (http://www.etopiamusic.co.uk)
www.djdownload.com (http://www.djdownload.com)
itunes shop
akhirnya keluar juga os!!
congrats yaa
yoi..eheuhe...eh..outbreak remixan lu jg udah keluar tu criss...dah gitu masuk kompilasi album "EIVISSA 2008 CLUB ZONE"..kl white n orange gua masuknya "EIVISSA 2008 TRANCE MIX"..
*bgs* *bgs* congrat bro .. producer yang produktif dan hiperaktif ;D yuk maenkan ...
weittt..cadas das dass...rintihan dari beijing nih, kikiki...congratz ya bro. keep success :)
Congratulation to My Lord.......keep Success ya \m/\m/\m/
international standart! saksess osss... *bgs*
Selamat buat Osvaldo Nugroho and Chris.M!!..
Quote from: dgital3xy on 23/09/08, 15:00
*bgs* *bgs* congrat bro .. producer yang produktif dan hiperaktif ;D yuk maenkan ...
hahahaha..thx pak..
Quote from: innerlight on 23/09/08, 15:04
weittt..cadas das dass...rintihan dari beijing nih, kikiki...congratz ya bro. keep success :)
whuakakkakakak...rintihan dr beijing...tengkyu ya mas edi..
Quote from: Don_Juny on 23/09/08, 15:08
Congratulation to My Lord.......keep Success ya \m/\m/\m/
tengkyu Boss my Don Juny..whuehuehe
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 23/09/08, 15:13
international standart! saksess osss... *bgs*
tengkyu broo... :-* :-* :-*
congratz oos, sukses yaa
O Os Neva Diee!!
Mantabs \m/
wihhh,,,, oos makin cucuuuuuuuu crooottt.... *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: olis on 23/09/08, 15:17
Selamat buat Osvaldo Nugroho and Chris.M!!..
matur suwun bro..ehuehue
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 23/09/08, 16:07
congratz oos, sukses yaa
tengkyu pet..sukses juga lu ya..
Cangcing dah Ospanlok..ntr kembang dr PT LS nyusul deh os *tepuktangan* *bgs*
PS: jangan lupa pesenan yg tadi os :D
Quote from: Mr Din on 23/09/08, 16:16
O Os Neva Diee!!
Mantabs \m/
ngek ngok...bantai lendir2
ga di ragukan lagi klo yg ini... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss*
sukses trus os...
udah denger.
keren banget.
standar international.
love it !
sukses dude!
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 23/09/08, 16:19
wihhh,,,, oos makin cucuuuuuuuu crooottt.... *bgs* *bgs*
tengkyu dimcucucucucucuucucucuu...crotzz.. :-* :-* :-*
Quote from: DJ Deny on 23/09/08, 16:29
Cangcing dah Ospanlok..ntr kembang dr PT LS nyusul deh os *tepuktangan* *bgs*
PS: jangan lupa pesenan yg tadi os :D
thx den...pasti gua kirim emailnya kok..ehuehueue
Quote from: tutsq on 23/09/08, 16:40
ga di ragukan lagi klo yg ini... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss*
sukses trus os...
tengkyu tutsq... ;) ;)
Quote from: luthfi on 23/09/08, 17:19
udah denger.
keren banget.
standar international.
love it !
sukses dude!
tengkyu fii... :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Always proud of you dik Oos... he he he..
Quote from: Jerome on 24/09/08, 01:12
tengkyu jerr.... :D :D :D
Quote from: 1945MF on 24/09/08, 01:32
Always proud of you dik Oos... he he he..
kamsia kokoh pak boss..heuehue.. :-* :-* :-* :-*
Ajeeebbbb...... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*