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Messages - sin.AD

@yoggie: promo wine murah meriahlah pokoknya...starts from 135.000....PM gue deh nanti gue kasih tau detail promonya....

@dhanty: yihuuuuuuy...dateng yaa..heheheh...
PURE presents:

Friday, 6th June 2008 @10.30pm

Special perform:
"DJ RIRI" (spinach)

supporting DJs:
Aldo, Maliki & Tammy (Juice)
Kotot,Agung&Martin K. (PURE)

Special Show by "FINEST MODELS"

*dress code: Bring your Own Spectacular Mask*

Chivas 12 buy 2 for Rp 1.250.000++
Chivas 18 buy 2 for Rp 2.000.000++

*Wine Collections start from Rp 135.000++ (before 11pm)*

RSVP: 6221 - 83786001-3/15
@7:miod gue kebandung satu-satu copot spionnya brod...
@7:boleh banget brod...gue mau belanja alat2 miod gue...mau nyari tas LV...hahahaahahahh
@7:ih..karnaval tekno rame2an nih brod...
@abang: suruh maen yang enak kalo ngga jangan diongkosin pulang bang si semur....
yuhuuuuuu...tekno krat...baek2 kram vin...
@7: dateng aahh...
@dunant: ampe afghanistan disembelih gue brot buat kurban....
cd...cd..cd..brot...eh...hardisk masih ada...??
semur mewaaaah semuuurrr....
@dunant: SUPPORT brot...
wih..sangar deh nih....
yo'i...hidup semur...
@anggarez: serangga2nya keren sob...

ROY "LOVE" GOKIL....hhehehehe...
baaangg...udah 1 dvd full nih menunggu elu bang..
@NIANG: kapan abuba..?

@DAJET: kembar dempet merangkap pacar...
selalu siap mensupport..!!!

btw Nnya satu ang...!!hehehe
Quote from: Discomfort on 05/05/08, 09:06
ALAAAAH CUPU KOE UYAAAABBBB, DITERIAKIN NERPES.. KATANYA ADEKNYA COXIEEEE...HUAHUHAUHAU... tapi canggih kok koe.. gak rugi rasanya gw menghibahkan koleksi2 MP3 gw ke lo dulu.. shipshop!

eh gimana kagak nerpes kalo teriakan lo macem mau bunuh orang...!!!!hahahaha
techno garis keras nih...bahaya...
@alpin: iya pin,nervous gue ditereak2in dari arah gerombolan biosampler & dazed bersaudara..hehehe...terima kasih udah diberi kepercayaan untuk main di GLIMPSE loh...maaf kalo ada selip2 sedikit..love u mikrocip gank...

@messa: hehehe.. 
@newreal: ah...cemen komputer lu....
@kapur: bogor dulu jakarta menyusul...hehehee...