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Messages - sin.AD

Visual Jockey / Re: Newmember
11/10/07, 12:32
selamat pagi...
@7:kan nanti jualan terus...baju rapi pula....hehehehee ;D ;D
@7:sekalian promo ya??hehehehe
yoi sob...booka shade juga...hehehe :D
barter bakmi GM aja...hehehehe
udah disiapin satu folder lagi di i tunes buat elo sop..!!!
ih...nyetrum sooopppp...udah jadi aja itu mixtape...hahahhahaha
yuuuukkk...kicep bawah...
ikut berduka cita ya om bob....
@dunant: mantep sop..!!

@7: gulung sopppp!!
bakar salad sedot lagu.....
makan sop kaki kambing irwan diblok m aja...murah kenyang,smoking area....
happy happy happy...hehehheehe
@atas gw: jadi pake mixtape gw kagak ang..??ada yg baru nih glitchy september.....
141 bpm start.... jam 4 closing vandall 147 bpm...

nanti kita bikin klipnya ya den...hehehe...
PM aja sob neranginnya panjang....
Your Personality Is Like Cocaine

You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid!

What Drug Is Your Personality Like?

@ehm: Setuju! akal2an dulu deh br keluar duit lebih..heheh.. cuman kalau pake dataton itu untuk seting satu proyektor begitu kira2 abis brapa? Thx for the info bos!
Visual Jockey / Re: WINDOWS VISTA
01/09/07, 21:34
vista + resolume = cukup compatible....
coca cola aja 4 pitcher..minuman standart hehehehehe
cuma klo di proyektor jadi ada black screen selama +-2 detik.. >>>>mungkin memori komputer elu harus ditambah....

ada cara lain ga yang kira2 lebih simple, atau mesti install codec lagi?>>>render pake sorenson video 3 aja...tapi jadinya mov...ringan,suitable..cukup mewahhh