Quote from: NewReaL on 17/05/09, 16:12
Titipan orang brod.. harus dijaga, dianter sampe rumah.. gak boleh cacat katanya..
tapi jam 6 pagi mewek gara2 nyasar....parah...
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - sin.AD #76
Jakarta Events / Re: TRAILHUNT - The last episode.... Pantai Festival Ancol - 16 Mei 200917/05/09, 18:41Quote from: NewReaL on 17/05/09, 16:12 tapi jam 6 pagi mewek gara2 nyasar....parah... #77
Jakarta / Re: The Blizzard will play 18th July @ segarra14/05/09, 19:12
@riekkon: check ur PM ok...!!
Visual Jockey / Re: Apakah VJ masih diperlukan?14/05/09, 17:28
@ Robin Be Ha : mas obin..nanti kantor barunya jgn lupa pinggiran2nya ya...hehehehe
Jakarta / Re: Segarra Managment - Cristo12/05/09, 16:28Quote from: Insomnia Beat on 12/05/09, 15:34 so this is your definition about problem solved eh..? get a life dude... #80
Visual Jockey / Re: Vote Your RVLX - VJ Forum Moderator10/05/09, 03:56
gmn kl malaikat jibril aja yg jd admin...
Visual Jockey / Re: Apakah VJ masih diperlukan?10/05/09, 03:24Quote from: SynanRecordings on 09/05/09, 23:06 salah satunya ya tempat lo itu sob...hahaha..pay some respect to us would u club owners....arseholes #82
Visual Jockey / Re: Apakah VJ masih diperlukan?07/05/09, 13:09
astaga nurbot...rusaknya...buat apa pilm gitu-gituan....
Visual Jockey / Re: Apakah VJ masih diperlukan?07/05/09, 12:32Quote from: sony y on 07/05/09, 12:07 ah berisik lo..mana sini gig...beli putus..ga terima share profit..!!!hahahaha... #84
Visual Jockey / Re: Apakah VJ masih diperlukan?07/05/09, 09:55Quote from: NewReaL on 07/05/09, 04:28 ih..situ doyan teler ya...kok ngeri amat bahasanya.... ini kenapa VJ doang ya yg posting...??yg laennya mana...ni'ang kan sengaja post thread ini dimain talk biar semua orang bisa ikutan komentar.... selama gue ngerasain jadi VJ dari taun 2002 keadaan ngga banyak berubah...paling yg berubah cuman nama masuk flyer, dapet minuman lebih banyak, nama VJ diannounce....kalo mau charge 3 juta per event sih amat sangat wajar ang...tapi kalo masih ada yg umbar2 maen asal terima job sih percuma...dulu kita bikin UVG kan gunanya untuk standarisasi harga VJ ang...tapi tetep aja ada yg 300 rb maen disikat juga..mentalnya harus diubah ang.. just an opinion from me orang biasa-biasa aja... @nay eng: U.V.G (United Visual Gini2 aje nih) #85
Disk Jockey / Re: Standarisasi Fee untuk DJ... Sudah saatnya kah?07/05/09, 00:41Quote from: negative on 07/05/09, 00:34 yep..said and done...mudah2an yg ngerasa suka melacurkan diri bisa sadar diri dan berubah... #86
Jakarta Events / Re: Stadium Jakarta & Concrete Sounds Presents: Mark Knight, Saturday - May.2.200905/05/09, 19:00Quote from: 7 on 05/05/09, 17:22 pake traktor di sync kali brot... #87
Jakarta Events / Re: Stadium Jakarta & Concrete Sounds Presents: Mark Knight, Saturday - May.2.200905/05/09, 17:00
pake hati brod..hahahaha
REDMA 2009 / Re: REDMA 2009 - THE GRAND FINAL - SEGARRA 2 MAY03/05/09, 12:47Quote from: 7 on 03/05/09, 11:19 mas..mas..situ oke banget deeehhh.. #89
REDMA 2009 / Re: REDMA 2009 - THE GRAND FINAL - SEGARRA 2 MAY03/05/09, 12:42
thank you for all of you who voted motioninja as VJ of the year 2009....Best!!
![]() #91
Jakarta Events / Re: 20D SOUNDSTREAM PRESENTS ANTIPLANO #2 , Friday 1 May 2008 @ WONDERBAR30/04/09, 11:56
besok ya..??
Jakarta Events / Re: 20D SOUNDSTREAM PRESENTS ANTIPLANO #2 , Friday 1 May 2008 @ WONDERBAR28/04/09, 13:54
furr suppolt...!!!
Disk Jockey / Re: lagu baru ??? lagu lama ???23/04/09, 17:38
@dunant: barter sama cikuwakuwa yg sangean aja brot...hehehe...
Disk Jockey / Re: lagu baru ??? lagu lama ???23/04/09, 15:59
ih sensi deeeeeeehhh kaya orang mane aje lu brot...
Disk Jockey / Re: lagu baru ??? lagu lama ???23/04/09, 15:48
bagi lagu lagu baru dong ndra...boleh ga..?hehehe...
Original Release / Re: OUT NOW! SEGO - BISIKAN HATI (Update! on beatport.com)01/04/09, 14:10
bagi yang durasinya 1 menit dong buat tebak-tebak lagu brot...
Yogyakarta / Re: Your Favorite Tracks Today.01/04/09, 06:42
bronnt industries kapital - Objects....Purpose (lopazz remix)
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: 'a space for rent' mixed compilation by alvin k30/03/09, 20:32
awas headphone ilang....hahaahahhaha
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: 'a space for rent' mixed compilation by alvin k30/03/09, 19:58
mantep von...manusia penuh sensasi lo emang...hehehe...
Jakarta Events / Re: SUNDAZE PARK at WATERBOM, Pantai Indah Kapuk - This Sunday! March 29 @3pm onw30/03/09, 17:42Quote from: kc on 30/03/09, 14:27 apa yg lo tulis diatas juga gw setuju bngt kes...banyak orang2 gak jelas entah dr selokan mana bertebaran...hahahaha.. |