
General Hype => Main Talk => Surabaya => Topic started by: vjzephir on 10/07/08, 15:58

Post by: vjzephir on 10/07/08, 15:58
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: ears_extacy on 10/07/08, 18:59
klebihan muatan tuh flyersnya om,,,heheheck,,,btw supoort 100%!!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 10/07/08, 19:06
From Birmingham with love to Scratch in SURABAYA !!!!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: SuQ on 10/07/08, 21:54
nda muat semua om zapire ! ! !
tapi support dech !
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: riz88 on 11/07/08, 15:26
keRen boZ...

;D R!Z88
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: vjzephir on 11/07/08, 22:26
dateng yeee....
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: mocko on 11/07/08, 23:33
sadesss jepir....support..smoga suksyess

lo ga ikutan?
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: ears_extacy on 12/07/08, 15:00
vj zephir  membumi..!!!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 12/07/08, 15:16
maen hip hop oi!! gimana cara?
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: vjzephir on 12/07/08, 17:40
dj prinze of blink blink ;d ;d ;d ;d
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: SuQ on 14/07/08, 14:27
emang prinze maen hip hop ?
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 14/07/08, 15:41
setaon sekali..
ini yg ke dua kali..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: ears_extacy on 14/07/08, 21:29
support prinze,,!!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: bukanative on 18/07/08, 23:06
Wah kalo maen hiphop BPM max brp tuh  (?)

Sukses deh buat Prinze .. Dj mah hrs serba bisa  ;)
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 19/07/08, 04:38
thx yee.. tp skrng mulai kemaren kamis.. untuk hip hop kita punya regular DJ..
DJ Rizal (Rhythm Nation)..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: SuQ on 19/07/08, 09:46
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: bukanative on 19/07/08, 10:00
Nama2 di atas emang semakin bergaung di Sby scene yah .. salut  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dj_aldee on 23/07/08, 04:26
woooghhh prinze maen hip hop yahhh, mantafff tuhhh
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: SuQ on 23/07/08, 10:54
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 23/07/08, 18:02
sekali tepatnya, yg ke dua ada penyelamatnya... untung2...
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: SuQ on 24/07/08, 09:29
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Smokey on 26/07/08, 21:06
Well,support deh untk menghidupkan hip-hop d Sby .. Banzai
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 27/07/08, 18:21
ntar mlm nih.. aku suruh coba anak2 maen hip hop euro...
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 27/07/08, 19:32
hiphop euro kayak apa sih om? mau tau dong? kayaknya surabaya maju nih hiphop nya !!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: BLACKmafia on 28/07/08, 14:26
wardrobe nya prinze, jangan lupa. tshirt ukuran XXXL plus topinya.....blink forever, suport bro
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 28/07/08, 17:19
@ prinze

pertanyaan gw ngga di jawab nih, hiphop euro kayak apa sih? penasaran gw mau cari sourcenya juga.

Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 28/07/08, 21:47
ada beberapa lagu sih.. menurut temen2 gw itu hip hop nya euro..
jd beat nya hip hop, tp ada unsur elektro di dalem nya.. kata tmn gw sihh..
source di beatport mungkin..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 29/07/08, 04:44
yah apa jo judulnya penasaran banget gw, apakah kayak dizzie rascal, krafty kuts, mc dynamites, cold cuts, klo di beatsource ada sih, cuma klo gw di beatport ngga tau..

tanyain sama temen loe yah apa? sumpah gw penasaran,, jadi bs gw cari lagunya..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 29/07/08, 15:53
ok2 ntar gw PM aja ke lo ya..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: djdhemitz on 30/07/08, 03:54
wow ... ada hip hop di ravelex :)
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: djdhemitz on 30/07/08, 03:56
dirty south kali ... :)
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/07/08, 04:18

iya gw tunggu, mumpung gw lagi di europe jadi gampang nyari sourcenya, soalnya gw bener2 penasaran sama loe bilang mainin hiphop europe


dirtysouth mah jelas2 di states om, daerahnya Houston, Atlanta, Dallas, gitu2 deh
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: eye_bones on 30/07/08, 04:47

Mas Dedo "hip hop" mulai angkat bicara nihh dari inggris  *piss* *piss* *piss*
dibagi2 donk koleksi2 lu juoo..   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: djdhemitz on 30/07/08, 04:51

hehehe .... sorry klo salah sebut artis :) n tempat .... :) emang setahu q Dirty South dari amrik cuman musik2 nya ada yang semi hip hop n semi house electro dikit ... setahu q lho ... mungkin perasaan q aja bos, aq cuman ksh pendapat mungkin kayak musik nya dirty south n dll lah .. termasuk hip hop euro ... hehehe jgn marah ya :)
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: HerardDaydow on 30/07/08, 04:58
jo kl udah tau hiphop euro ky apa... tlg ksh tau gw jg yah.. penasaran jg euy.. (?) ::)
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/07/08, 05:02

udah shouted di thread ini blom:


maksud loe bmore kali, klo dirtysouth blom pernah denger tuh ada electronya, klo bmore iya ada unsur electronya, soalnya gw penasaran banget sama yang di maksud hiphop euro, klo emang yang di maksud kayak cold cuts, krafty kuts, mr scruff gw setuju, cuma takutnya jatohnya bassline yang gw terima, soalnya di sini acara hiphop itu jarang yang hiphop murni kecuali acara undergroundnya, klo acara hiphop komersil pasti nyambungnya sama bassline gitu ( agak males juga, cuma baru dapet koneksi jadi harus ngumpulin lagu2 itu )..

nice one sob, keepin surabaya hiphop steppin through a better line !!


pasti jo sumpah gw penasaran abis !!
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 30/07/08, 18:38
om dedo kan lebih tau seluk beluk euro sono.. share dikit dunk.. buat knowledge..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: bullebali on 30/07/08, 18:48
Dj.aldee kan ber Hip Hop ria juga.....
tapi skrg lagi suka tech house ya..dung..
Title: Re: HIP HOP IS ALIVE!!!!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/07/08, 18:57

bukan gitu, cuma gw penasaran banget sama yang loe maksud hiphop euro, mangknya gw nungguin banget nih PM dari loe !!

klo yang gw tau yah gitu, disini hiphop UK sama2 aja sih, cuma lebih underground, lebih soul, kayak mr scruff, krafty kuts, dizzie rascal.
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