
General Hype => Main Talk => Surabaya => Topic started by: djredy on 28/12/06, 04:19

Title: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: djredy on 28/12/06, 04:19
31st of December 2006!!!


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only Rp.100.000,- (with the same facility) (before 31st of december 06)

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more info:
Dj Redy: 031-60401945
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Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: djredy on 28/12/06, 04:23
Guy's.... he's playing Wicked DVJ set!!!!

It's the best new years eve!!!! guarantee!!!
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: titosimon on 29/12/06, 09:33
DJ redy-nya maen juga tak ?
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: djredy on 29/12/06, 16:04
Surprise ajah..... dj redy mau akrobat pas new years eve d V6.... ada yang mau nemenin....? Tito mungkin???? huehuehuehue
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: titosimon on 29/12/06, 18:11
nemenin akrobat ato liat lampu proyektor ???
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: fiasco_on_the_dancefloor on 02/01/07, 11:56
Quote from: djredy on 28/12/06, 04:23
Guy's.... he's playing Wicked DVJ set!!!!

It's the best new years eve!!!! guarantee!!!

hua.... maksudnya????? ??? he does his own visual while spinning???? :o :o :o
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: walasok on 03/01/07, 08:21
reportnya dooooonnngg..

:D ;D :D
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: titosimon on 03/01/07, 10:27
wah.. Joachim gokil yak... 3 CDJ 1000 + 1 DVJ + 1 DJM800 + 1 Macbook Pro for Reason Soft...
3 jam maen gw cuman nonton disamping DJ Booth.. huahaha..
asli.. dia gak perlu pake VJ lagi klo maen.. :P visualnya gokil juga..
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: djredy on 05/01/07, 23:34
Setelah Bertahun2... akhirnya new years eve. thn ini gw bisa SOBERRR>>>!!! hehehehe Joachim.... emang gokil ya... c u soon mesiur...
Title: Re: World Ranking Dj Live! at New Years Eve. Vertical Six!
Post by: titosimon on 08/01/07, 14:10
aku yo sober red.. sepanjang malem green tea...hihhhi
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