
Misc. Talk => Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli => Topic started by: deejay on 08/05/09, 18:24

Title: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 08/05/09, 18:24
Ravelex ..numpang jualan ya... ;)

Guys jualan barang seger bgt ni....baru 3 bln, ga pernah di pake....
Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX


Buat yg biasa pake Serato/traktor/soundcard lain  bisa langsung colok di bagian depannya mixer...tanpa harus ngerubah jack dr CDDJ or Turntable di belakang mixer, tinggal switch maka langsung berubah ke soundcard...

ni fotonya:




The world standard PMC-05Pro has evolved again. With additional input/output connection the PMC-05Pro3 DX can work with DJ software via audio interface, offers simple setup in clubs and enables DJs to switch their gear easily with other DJs. USB connection can be applied as an option by installing the TUB-1 USB board.

The main control section is exactly the same as the HIP HOP / SCRATCH standard PMC-05Pro 3 VCA, which has well defined operability and reliability that outclass others.

The main control section is exactly the same as the HIP HOP / SCRATCH standard PMC-05Pro 3 VCA, which has well defined operability and reliability that outclass others.

The USB option board TUB-1 can be installed to the front panel in order to input audio signals via USB. The sound signal inputted via USB is assigned to PGM 1 by turning the DX switch and Option In switch ON. (Devices connected to INPUT PGM 1 on the front panel will have priority over USB).

The CF monitor control & Master level fader have been moved closer to the top in order to free up more battle space around the cross fader for dynamic scratches and moves.

The monitor sound can be selected from MASTER and CUE with the MONITOR SELECT SWITCH. Useful for monitoring before going on stage and practicing scratches on you own.

# Effect Send and Return per PGM
# Direct outputs each PGM for DJ computer programs
# Power supply= AC14, CF= CFPCV, IF=IF05PCV, SW=IS05Pro2
# Actual Shipping Weight 12 lbs.

Harga RP 4,5jt

for more info call:

Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 11/05/09, 09:53
....up barang seger ni.... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 09/06/09, 08:12
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: Hery Senx on 09/06/09, 10:05
seger ni barang bro...cuman mahal
bantu up aja deh...
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 09/06/09, 16:40
Quote from: Hery Senx on 09/06/09, 10:05
seger ni barang bro...cuman mahal
bantu up aja deh...
masi nego kok bro,....
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: LZC33 on 09/06/09, 18:07
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 21/07/09, 15:00
Lower Price!!!!!
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 26/07/09, 23:28
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 06/08/09, 11:20
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: shuckyslam on 10/08/09, 14:40
hrg udah nett niy sob?
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 12/08/09, 12:05
Quote from: shuckyslam on 10/08/09, 14:40
hrg udah nett niy sob?
mending barang liat aja dulu sob...hehe
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 28/08/09, 10:29
bagi yg di Bali....mixer gw bawa sekalian bagi yg mau liat....gw di bali sampe tgl 1 September....call aja 08164829328......

thnks... *bgs*
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 28/09/09, 18:26
Title: Re: ==<<<(WTS) Mixer Vestax PMC 05 Pro 3DX (baru 3 bln) picture inside!!!>>>===
Post by: deejay on 27/10/09, 12:02
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