Misc. Talk => Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli => Topic started by: nggrz on 22/09/06, 13:25
guys numpang jualan ya, siapa tau ada yg bisa bantu nih
house music records for sale...
1. dj coco silco - commaruga lab (moss music)
2. jazzy eye wear - let me in swirl peepz rmx 2x12" (syntax)
3. tuhin roy - you gotta love (red melon)
4. nothern alliance ep feat da sunlounge, inland knight & young governors (tango)
5. terry francis & kristian sullivan - cat eyes 123 (wiggle)
6. 2nd shift feat heather - are you ready for the future (seasons)
7. dj buck & chris lum - evenin (siesta)
8. lawnchair generals - the truth dj sneak rmx (lowdown music)
9. miguel migs - 24th street sounds 2x12" (nrk)
10. sugafoot - blow hipp-e rmx (detour)
11. karl the voice - music is my life derrick carter rmx (laplage)
12. rick preston, jay j & mark camp - SF sauce (afterhours)
13. les jardiniers - funky daktari (derrick carter rmx)
14. magik johnson feat sandy mill - follow the groove ian pooley mix (nrk)
15. joey youngman - welcome to oakland ep (nightshift)
16. kavita - gipsy fred everything rmx (flipside)
17. moody b - cant get enough (bananza)
18. mario fabriani - timezones ep (fetish)
1. wahoo - make em shake it (defected)
2. julian & fernando (silver city) - da move (bosh)
3. nick dare - in the house (reform)
4. rivera & trattner - d.o.p. (hilo records)
5. moody b - sounds from village (avenida recordings)
6. dizzy and johny fiasco - four on tha flow (doubledown)
7. planet funk - stop me king unique rmx (bustin loose)
8. fabrice k - higher dj fex rmx (blink)
9. peace division - groove me (realease)
10. johnny fiasco - boom box volume 1 (funk'd)
12. grant dell - driven by beat (detour)
13. steff & koen - soaking wet clubbeats (digidance)
14. hipp-e & tony hewitt - the sleepers ( siesta)
15. gideon jackson - darkling ducks (household)
16. paulo rocha - takedown (black vinyls)
17. locodice - city lights (four twenty)
18. redanka - waves king unique rmx (rip records)
19. alexander church - crazy people (midnight)
20. siskin - hummer ep (initial)
21. davis & kaler - music (kudeta)
22. accoustic nerve - feel it (sr2 music)
23. porn tech money xes - ptms/acid the phenomenon (re invent)
24. klein & zenker - humidity ep (muteki)
25. mazi & joshua collins - russian radio (frik n frak)
26. smoke on the water rmx (white label)
27. mr c - more than just a dream (matter form)
28. stefan schmidt - minimal contact (limbo)
29. mazi & tangun - weirdo (sugarcane)
30. scott pace - west bound & down ep (household)
31. mau mau - what u need (wallop)
32. hydroponix - houston calling (forensic)
33. mylo - drop the pressure breaks remix (hussle n bussle)
34. johnny fiasco - soundz ( uniform)
all vinyls are in very good condition
harga berkisar 50.000 - 75.000 each kecuali double pack (lain-lain bisa dinegosiasikan)
ada yang berminat?
call 021 68363676
hii, for your information : some of my vinyls are sold. but some of them are still on sale
1. wahoo - make em shake it (defected)
2. julian & fernando (silver city) - da move (bosh)
3. nick dare - in the house (reform)
4. rivera & trattner - d.o.p. (hilo records)
5. moody b - sounds from village (avenida recordings)
6. dizzy and johny fiasco - four on tha flow (doubledown)
7. planet funk - stop me king unique rmx (bustin loose)
8. fabrice k - higher dj fex rmx (blink)
9. peace division - groove me (realease)
10. johnny fiasco - boom box volume 1 (funk'd)
12. grant dell - driven by beat (detour)
13. steff & koen - soaking wet clubbeats (digidance)
14. hipp-e & tony hewitt - the sleepers ( siesta)
15. gideon jackson - darkling ducks (household)
16. locodice - city lights (four twenty)
17. redanka - waves king unique rmx (rip records)
18. alexander church - crazy people (midnight)
19. siskin - hummer ep (initial)
20. davis & kaler - music (kudeta)
21. accoustic nerve - feel it (sr2 music)
22. porn tech money xes - ptms/acid the phenomenon (re invent)
23. klein & zenker - humidity ep (muteki)
24. mazi & joshua collins - russian radio (frik n frak)
25. smoke on the water rmx (white label)
26. mr c - more than just a dream (matter form)
27. stefan schmidt - minimal contact (limbo)
28. mazi & tangun - weirdo (sugarcane)
29. scott pace - west bound & down ep (household)
30. mau mau - what u need (wallop)
31. hydroponix - houston calling (forensic)
32. mylo - drop the pressure breaks remix (hussle n bussle)
33. jazzy eye wear - let me in 2x12 (syntax)
34. magik johnson ft sandy mills - follow the groove (nrk)
35. lawnchair generals - the truth dj sneak rmx (lowdown)
all vinyls are in very good condition harga berkisar 50.000 - 70.000 each
ada yang berminat? atau mau dicoba dulu, just call : 021 68363676
thanks Malik and also thanks to ravelex!
records that still left for sale....
ayo di obral nih ;D ;D murah meriah.... beli dpt bonus!
1. wahoo - make em shake it (defected)
2. rivera & trattner - d.o.p. (hilo records)
3. moody b - sounds from village (avenida recordings)
4. dizzy and johny fiasco - four on tha flow (doubledown)
5. planet funk - stop me king unique rmx (bustin loose)
6. fabrice k - higher dj fex rmx (blink)
7. peace division - groove me (realease)
8. johnny fiasco - boom box volume 1 (funk'd)
9. grant dell - driven by beat (detour)
10. steff & koen - soaking wet clubbeats (digidance)
11. gideon jackson - darkling ducks (household)
12. locodice - city lights (four twenty)
13. redanka - waves king unique rmx (rip records)
14. alexander church - crazy people (midnight)
15. davis & kaler - music (kudeta)
16. accoustic nerve - feel it (sr2 music)
17. porn tech money xes - ptms/acid the phenomenon (re invent)
18. klein & zenker - humidity ep (muteki)
19. smoke on the water rmx (white label)
20. mr c - more than just a dream (matter form)
21. stefan schmidt - minimal contact (limbo)
22. mazi & tangun - weirdo (sugarcane)
23. scott pace - west bound & down ep (household)
24. mau mau - what u need (wallop)
25. hydroponix - houston calling (forensic)
26. mylo - drop the pressure breaks remix (hussle n bussle)
27. jazzy eye wear - let me in 2x12 (syntax)
28. magik johnson ft sandy mills - follow the groove (nrk)
9. miguel migs - 24th street sounds 2x12" (nrk) -- masih ada nga,juo?
terus kalo mau coba dimana ya.... buat hadiah sih ???
Quote from: jazzymike on 03/10/06, 19:39
9. miguel migs - 24th street sounds 2x12" (nrk) -- masih ada nga,juo?
terus kalo mau coba dimana ya.... buat hadiah sih ???
wah miguel migs nya udah laku sob, paling tinggal magik johnson aja yg deephouse nya :) :)
kl mau coba bisa janjian aja dulu, atow di rmh gw sih palingan
wah.. sayang bgt... :(
yang trance ngga ada..????
nggak ada sob, emang kebeneran gak koleksi trance nih...btw pa kabar nih ronjon?
hehehe ya pasti ngga dong dikau kan main house...hehheeee
kok di jualin pak..main cd aja hehheeeee
dikau pa kbr ? kerjaan lancar kan..???hehheeee
eh mau dong house nya?
untuk bung ronjon, mau plat trance ngak:?
mau g jualin neh
tapi hanya ada beberapa seh ..... sekitar 300 plat dah
@ space : plat thn brp aja..???
taro aja list d rvlx..???
mau juga dong plat trance... ehehehe
bener tuh tulis aja listnya di rvlx bos
Quote from: SGStronix on 25/12/06, 02:04
mau juga dong plat trance... ehehehe
bener tuh tulis aja listnya di rvlx bos
wah wah,, calon dj kondang nih!!!! Juoo,, studio udah gw booking buat hari rabu & jumat, pilih mana tuh??
RABU aja dulu na... jum'atnya liat sikon... hehehe
duh, males oi nulis listnya, itu plat dari th 1999 - 2005
tapi ini g lagi tulisin kok, tapi nanti ya masih lama oiiiiii
sory semuanya ....
apa mau langsung liat aja?
ambil banyak diskon kok,
ato tuker sama plat house,
huehuehue rubah aliran... cape oi
numpang tannya ni....
locodice nya yang ada lagu "phat dope shit"nya bukan...?????
plat nya tinggal sedikit sob, tapi masih ada sih yg pumping2 buat di club...kl mau liat boleh aja
Quote from: RoniJoni on 18/12/06, 03:17
hehehe ya pasti ngga dong dikau kan main house...hehheeee
kok di jualin pak..main cd aja hehheeeee
dikau pa kbr ? kerjaan lancar kan..???hehheeee
baik baik sob, biasa lah perlu re shuffle music nih biar fresh...btw rabu lalu gw dengerin lo di juxbox traxx fm hehehe...sayang set nya banyak kepotong iklan tuh
kalo mau ngeliat harus kemana nih...????
Quote from: wasteddays on 31/01/07, 07:26
kalo mau ngeliat harus kemana nih...????
bisa sob, telp aja 02168363676...ntar bisa ketemuan
jo mo nanya nih yang tersisa apa aja??yang house gitu masi banyak gak?
banyak kok yg house, ada sekitar 30 - 40 biji lg
hehee..mau donk liat-liat..boleh gak?
sama bole di denger2in dulu gak?
trance donk...
Quote from: 16Pixels on 12/02/07, 17:59
hehee..mau donk liat-liat..boleh gak?
Quote from: 16Pixels on 12/02/07, 18:00
sama bole di denger2in dulu gak?
Quote from: vandegra on 19/02/07, 02:38
trance donk...
boleh kok kl mau liat n denger2in dulu, soalnya barang gw titip di rmh temen gw jd harus janjian dulu. telp gw aja 021-68363676...thxx
@ vandegra : kl mau plat trance bisa langsung aja cari di toko2 dj terdekat, ini soalnya plat bekas koleksi gw sendiri, bukan barang toko yg bisa dipesan, peace *piss*
for your love nya gak dijual nga ?? atau buat anak lo nanti biar kelak bisa menjadi
seperti ayahnya yg pecah bgt.... hehehhe goodluck ;)