
File Sharing => Videos => Topic started by: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 10:50

Title: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 10:50
Coyor Panon vs Doo Rag (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKfFXKRyM7g#)

Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 10:54
Or this one?

TEU BOGA DUIT (Kassaf Mashup) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVyrlBmDDxg#)
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 13:52
tapi kayaknya juaranya yang ini:

Darso vs Missy Elliott (kassaf mashup) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVC7Ce3mSjY#)
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: audie_alb on 06/11/09, 16:40
Anjrit hahaha, keren bgt jo. Gw vote si Darso vs Missy
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/11/09, 22:09
hahaha... gw vote teu boga duit.. grupii... *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 07/11/09, 02:18
Quote from: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 13:52
tapi kayaknya juaranya yang ini:

Darso vs Missy Elliott (kassaf mashup) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVC7Ce3mSjY#)
eh asli ini tahik banget, bisa pas gitu sama yg main angklung hahahaa
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 07/11/09, 02:59
Quote from: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 13:52
tapi kayaknya juaranya yang ini:

Darso vs Missy Elliott (kassaf mashup) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVC7Ce3mSjY#)

kereeen pisaan euy!
kreatif bgt! *bgs*
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Gober on 07/11/09, 12:10

Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Gober on 07/11/09, 12:13
cek 2.11 :

missy "Quiettt!!!" .... (diem).... ARARATEUUULLLL....

Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Discomfort on 07/11/09, 12:35
Buahahahahah!!! mantap ya!.. yg mau MP3 aslinya bisa minta langsung ke si "geladen" tuh..
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: walasok on 07/11/09, 14:41

kreatif.. siapakah gerangan dia sebenarnya?
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: Discomfort on 07/11/09, 15:04
masih misterius! hahahah
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: pramcore on 07/11/09, 15:32
Quote from: Discomfort on 06/11/09, 13:52
tapi kayaknya juaranya yang ini:

Darso vs Missy Elliott (kassaf mashup)[/url]

Juara euy..  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: lazydog | rico on 10/11/09, 11:49
Quote from: Gober on 07/11/09, 12:13
cek 2.11 :

missy "Quiettt!!!" .... (diem).... ARARATEUUULLLL....


hahhaha asli.. pas banggett... ararateuuulllll
Title: Re: Indo mashups of the year!
Post by: iaz_holic on 10/11/09, 12:31
gokilll....hasil karya anak bangsa...
mending kaya gini deh..berkarya tanpa mencerca...
ada yg punya mp3 nya gaa...
Darso vs Missy Elliott (kassaf mashup)   
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