
On Stage => Visual Jockey => Topic started by: Discomfort on 03/10/06, 12:11

Title: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Discomfort on 03/10/06, 12:11
Hei hei! Tuker2an site2 yang biasa dipake bwt reference donlod plugins/software/footage dong?

Yang gw biasa samperin tu yg pasti di site nya resolume (lotsa links n the forum was pretty helpfull), trus kalo donlod footage yang aneh2 di http://www.archive.org (SEGALA MACEM footage ada, dari footage propaganda amerika waktu PDII, animasi2 jadul, Iklan2 , film2 pendidikan, etc. sayang download speednya lelet, tapi kalau sabar itu asli kepake bgt). Kalo freeframe gw biasanya di  http://www.freeframe.org, di sono banyak link2 yg menarik (gw penasaran sama efek freeframenya inside-us-all, yg lego.. gokil semua object bisa dirubah jadi lego via efek ini!!).

Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: mutter666motion on 14/10/06, 17:45
yang ini link FULL dengan artikel2 untuk belajar segala bentuk kerja seorang videographer,
keren deh ! (at least for me) dari pendalaman alat (camera video), lighting, sampe kontrak team kerja sebuah proyek film, buat sendiri steadycam bracket, how to deal a wedding video atau gimana cari celah bisnis di dunia asuransi... (penasaran kan?)
ini link langsung ke artikel2 keren: http://www.videouniversity.com/article2.htm
pokoke kepake bgt deh, trust me..!
yang ini free-share visual loop:

ada beberapa yg gw pake, dan kayanya juga cukup banyak VJ yg pake stock di sini (sempet liat beberapa VJ pake soalnya)
heheheeee.. yg ini link lirik lagu BEATLES :   :)
ini link yg suka pake efek2 keluaran TRAPCODE :
asik neeh ! banyak project After Effect yg bisa di download, tinggal kita ganti2 aja size, behaviour, etc..
cool bgt deh, sangat2 mempersingkat waktu setting2 itu efek@ TRAPCODE yang se'gambreng"
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: SHINJI on 17/10/06, 08:38

Thank's to google

Best regard

Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: adhievizuale on 19/10/06, 01:15

Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: raphael on 06/11/06, 13:13
elo bisa cari semua file video termasuk mov,flash.avi,mpg dll dah......cuma seperti biasa harus rajin nunggu downloadtannya......silahkan and thanks vj's
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: cuzzy on 18/11/06, 12:14
setuju ama bapak MUTTER
TRAPCODE dkk. oke bgt
karena google juga seh,,,salute!
utk reference nya coba www.motionographer.com
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: visualizer on 19/01/07, 14:37
kreatif semua yaa ...
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: disc'O'mate on 19/01/07, 19:12
hehe.. kalo gi boring gw paling demen liat2 foto di www.flickr.com
masukin kata kunci apa aja..

bisa muncul gambar2 ajaib
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: visualizer on 23/01/07, 14:32
wah keren tuh websitenya, seep thanks
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Discomfort on 08/02/07, 15:31
gw baru nemu site yg menarik ttg VJing, lebih banyak mengenai konsep2 dan teori2 sih, tapi cukup membantu buat nyari ide.. alamatnya di  www.vjtheory.net
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: modusvj on 21/02/07, 13:09
buka linknya di vjcentral.com banyak banget tuh downloadable footage hehehehehe segera
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Discomfort on 21/02/07, 15:35
Ini ada yg keren lagi..


kyk gini yg pgn gw kejer...

(tapi kekejer gak ya? kyk ngejer lamborgini pake sepeda mini perasaan.. heheuueue)

Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 10/03/07, 16:49
1. ADDICTIVE TV : www.addictive.com
2. VELLO VIRKHAUS: www.vsquaredlabs.com
3. VJ ANYONE: www.anyone.org.uk
4. COLD CUT: www.coldcut.net
5. VJ CULTURE: www.vjculture.com
6. INSIDE US ALL: www.inside-us-all.co.uk
7. HEXSTATIC: www.hexstatic.tv
8. D-FUSE: www.dfuse.com
10. ALEXETJEREMY: www.alexetjeremy.com
11. DUBASSY: www.dubassy.com
12. ELECTIC METHOD: www.electic.net
13. BEN SHEPPEE: www.lightrhythmvisual.com
14. 4YOUREYE: www.4youreye.at
15. PUNKVERT: www.punkvert.tv
16. LOVEMUSHROOM: www.lovemushroom.com
17. PFADFINDEREI: www.pfadfinderei.com
18. HOLLY DAGGERS: www.forwardmotiontheater.com
19. VJAMM ALLSTARS: www.vjammalstars.com
20. UNU: www.unu-web.org

ini TOP 20 VJs POLL 2006 DJ MAG
yang udah pernah gw liat sitenya ADDICTIVE TV kereeeennnnnn...

@Discomfort: thanx info site UVA nya...oke yah LED nya huhuhuhuhuhuh...ayo kejer pakkkk.....sapa tauk lamborghininya mogok.....jadi bisa kekejer pake tenaga  manusia melalui sepeda mininya....apa sepeda kumbang?hehehehheheheheheheheh
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: roots digitalized on 01/04/07, 17:41
Buat yang suka sama flash animation bisa free donload di sini :

http://www.triggermotion.com/fileshare.php (http://www.triggermotion.com/fileshare.php)
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: roots digitalized on 08/04/07, 02:31
Untuk nambah pengetahuan...
Selalu update

Kita selalu ngikutin informasi dari sini :
http://createdigitalmotion.com/ (http://createdigitalmotion.com/)
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: danzadanzi on 23/06/07, 17:56
wah coba ah buka2 site yg direkomend...
gw bukan VJ hanya sepertinya bakal nyari2 reference grafis,gambar n moving images buat present bantuin temen gw...produki TVC .

mayan banyak juga ya yang sdh dishare .. tetep ada lagi kah yang terbaru?mau ding ;D

discomfort : thx ya sob, gw sampe nelpon ternyata di site tercinta ini ada euy threadnya
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: NiNjaskoo1 on 04/10/07, 20:50
wah thanx banget buat yang udah bagi-bagi sitenya..
sekarang ngebantu banget buat vj kecil kayak gw sih.. thanx bro.. *bgs*
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: vjzephir on 01/12/07, 06:08
vimeo.com >> kyk youtube tapi lu bsa donlot :P
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 01/12/07, 16:28
http://www.sanbase.com/gallery.php --- digital artwork free download

http://www.showfootage.com --- bayar sih, tp lumayan buat refrensi

http://www.i2off.org/  n http://r3nder.net/ --- info,update, trik, etc
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: chimunx666 on 09/12/07, 23:49
www.vjforums.com (di threads Finding Content)
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Rendy on 06/01/08, 17:31
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Q_MOTION on 18/02/08, 01:59
www.redtube.com manthabs.... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *piss*  *piss* *bgs*  *bgs*
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: groovyL@nd on 18/02/08, 03:27
et dah bocah otaknya gak jauh2 dr bokep!!!!
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Q_MOTION on 24/02/08, 18:49
Quote from: groovyL@nd on 18/02/08, 03:27
et dah bocah otaknya gak jauh2 dr bokep!!!!
mantabhs kan....
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Wind:p on 25/03/08, 12:17
iya manthabs mas....!!!! :)
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: flicker_screen on 30/03/08, 22:55
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: flicker_screen on 30/03/08, 22:56
satu lagi.....
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: flicker_screen on 06/04/08, 01:25
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/04/08, 05:59
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Discomfort on 16/07/08, 20:51

Image bookmarking.. nice
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Motion Chamber on 06/05/09, 22:23
ini keren ni..
www.VJHive.com (http://www.vjhive.com)  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Motion Chamber on 06/05/09, 22:50
want some free footage anyone..??

http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=mediatype%3Amovies%20AND%20collection%3Avj_loops%20AND%20subject%3A%22loop%22 (http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=mediatype%3Amovies%20AND%20collection%3Avj_loops%20AND%20subject%3A%22loop%22)

maaf kl aga pasaran.. :-\ nanti kl nemu lg di share lg dech.. ;D hehehe.. *piss*
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: modusvj on 08/05/09, 11:25
http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net/ (http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net/) ada yang berminat?
Title: Re: share you reference site anyone?
Post by: Discomfort on 08/05/09, 20:40
Quote from: modusvj on 08/05/09, 11:25
http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net/ (http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net/) ada yang berminat?

berminat beliin tiket dan urusin visa? heauhueahuhae.. gw jg ditawarin brod. workshopnya canggih.. but you know lah..
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