On Stage => Visual Jockey => Topic started by: Gober on 01/11/11, 03:47
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Software populer Visual Jockey, Resolume akan segera merilis versi ke empatnya yang adalah kelanjutan dari versi Avenue (3.x) yang sangat sukses. Berbeda dari perubahan versi 2.x ke 3.x, tampilan dari versi ke 4 ini tidak banyak berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya, yang banyak berbeda adalah isi jeroannya. Versi baru ini akan hadir dalam 2 versi, yaitu versi standart yang diberi nama sama dengan sebelumnya (Avenue) dan versi media server yang diberi nama Arena. Dengan Resolume 4 Arena, kita bisa mendapatkan fungsi tambahan salah satunya adalah screen warping, yang memperbolehkan kita untuk mengontrol bagaimana proyeksi gambar yang diinginkan. Hal ini tentu saja adalah kabar gembira bagi yang demen visual mapping, karena ga perlu lagi menambahkan layer masking, karena masking bisa langsung diatur dari softwarenya.
Upgrade ini sedang dalam tahap beta testing, apabila lo punya lisensinya, bisa coba sekarang di website resminya www.resolume.com (http://www.resolume.com). Gambaran besar perubahan dari versi baru ini bisa dilihat di video dibawah ini. Bagi yang membeli Resolume 3 setelah tanggal 3 agustus, akan mendapatkan nomer seri versi baru ini secara gratis. Seperti biasa, Resolume tidak terlalu pelit menghargai software buatannya. Harganya tetap sama seperti versi versi sebelumnya yaitu 299 Euro untuk versi Avenue. Kalau minat dengan Resolume Arena, bisa ditebus dengan harga 699 Euro, dan kalau pre-order dari sekarang hanya 499 Euro.
What's New in Resolume 4 (http://www.vimeo.com/28227392)
Auto Pilot
With the Auto Pilot you can play all clips in a layer sequentially or in random order. You'll find this on the Layer Properties panel and in the clip menu.
Clip Transitions
When you're triggering clips in version 3 it always makes a hard cut between the clips. With the clip transitions in version 4 you can automatically fade between clips. It's super nice and easy to use, just set the transition time with the slider on the layer and optionally choose what blend mode or transition you want to use with the dropdownlistbox. This can make your style a lot smoooother.
Effect Clips
With Effect Clips you can work with effects like you can with normal clips. This means you can trigger them with the keyboard or midi controller. Sequence with the Auto Pilot and automatically cross-fade with the Clip Transitions. This is a whole new way of working with effects and we love it.
You can now change the order in which the effects, masks and transformations are rendered. This means that you can now for instance scale a clip without scalings the mask. Or apply an effect on a clip but not on the mask.
MIDI Output
Yes, you can now make the buttons on your Akai APC40 light up or (even more fun) make the motorized faders move up and down on your Behringer BCF2000. All you have to do is enable MIDI output in the MIDI Preferences and all MIDI mapped controllers and notes will be sent out.
MIDI Controller Range
Set the range of the parameter in which the midi controller is active. For example to Rotate only between 0 and 90 degrees with the MIDI controller. You find this range slider on the MIDI mapping panel when you edit the MIDI map.
8 Dials Dashboard
The dashboard now has 8 dials so it corresponds better to the layout of most MIDI hardware. The APC40, Behringer BCR, Novation ReMOTE, etc, all have 8 dials or sliders in a row.
Global Speed & Direction
Instantly change the speed or direction of the clips playing in ALL the layers. Bam! Improvise.
Wave Your Hand in the Air
You can now VJ with one hand waving in the air (like you just don't care) and the other on the keyboard using the arrow keys. Select layers with the up and down keys. Trigger clips with left and right.
Random Beat Playback
Play the beats from an audio or video clip in BPM Sync in random order. This is the perfect way to mashup the amen breakbeat even more!
Play Once then Pause
As requested by many, you can now set a video clip to play once and stop on the last frame instead of disappearing.
OSC Output
Resolume is not the silent slave anymore that just listens to commands, it can now control other software or hardware by sending out OSC (or MIDI). By sending out OSC your TouchOSC layouts on your iPad or iPhone will feedback to what Resolume is doing. You can even slave multiple computers running Resolume via OSC. Enable OSC output in the Preferences and then use the OSC mapping to fine tune the outgoing addresses.
Clip Reconnect
If you have moved the media files on your hard drive or even moved the composition and files to a different computer you can now easily point Resolume to the new location of the files and it will fix your composition and decks.
Faster Faster Faster
Deck switching is faster so you can quickly browse your clips. The rendering engine is faster so you can run at a higher resolution. On the Mac the interface is faster so it feels (much) more responsive.
lengkapnya bisa cek dihalaman ini : http://www.resolume.com/software/whatsnew.php (http://www.resolume.com/software/whatsnew.php)
di tunggu sawah deh.... ;)
woooowwww........ ciamikkkk 8)
*tepuktangan* autopilot, hands in the air *tepuktangan*
*vjpengenjalan2 ;D
wah gak perlu plugin lagi buat mapping,..
walaupun ga ngerti tapi lihat gambar aja udah ayeeee, keren!! makin canggih aja..
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 03/11/11, 12:43
*tepuktangan* autopilot, hands in the air *tepuktangan*
*vjpengenjalan2 ;D
jgn jauh2 jalannya pet nanti di ambil orang mac nya :P
wowwww.... autopilot .... vjnya bs turun ke dance floor hhaaa.... asiknyaaa.... :D
Resolume dah make autopilot, VDMX jg udah, apalagi Modul8.
tinggal GrandVJ ae nieh yg belom ::)
Quote from: humzie on 11/12/11, 10:07
Resolume dah make autopilot, VDMX jg udah, apalagi Modul8.
tinggal GrandVJ ae nieh yg belom ::)
GrandVJ pake Auto VJ aja. cari temen yang bisa gantiin hehehe
pingin resolume arena nya......enak ga usah pake mad mapper lagi
Quote from: stormtroopers on 12/12/11, 17:36
Quote from: humzie on 11/12/11, 10:07
Resolume dah make autopilot, VDMX jg udah, apalagi Modul8.
tinggal GrandVJ ae nieh yg belom ::)
GrandVJ pake Auto VJ aja. cari temen yang bisa gantiin hehehe
WAHAHAHA!!! Speechlesss..... ;D
permisi yah mastah...
mau nanya, insert text di resolume gimana caranya yah?
makasih :)
mantapp nih sopwernya..ini contohnya Arena :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daArzYnFBVw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daArzYnFBVw)