General Hype => Main Talk => Yogyakarta => Topic started by: vivahouse on 13/12/08, 16:01
Happy B'day ya Mr.Ucok [ acid029 ].. sukses slalu sob.... sip.... *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* ;)
Mas ucookkk...happy b'day yah..wish you the best..
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Wetsss,, Happy Birthday Bang Ucoookkk,,,,,,,, *tepuktangan*
Happy B'day..
Semoga tambah Oke..
All the best deh Pokoknya..
Btw Ucok yang mana ya ??? :-X :-X :-X
heppy birthdays bang ucox ...sukses trus ya bang *tepuktangan*
happy b'day ya mas.......sukses ya..
*bgs* *bgs*
hepi besde ya om ... sukses hari ini & esok
happy birthday bro..all the best ;)
happy birthday bang ucokxz... wish u all the best
happy bdayy om,
all the best ;)
happy birthday bang ucok... *tepuktangan*
best wishes ;)
Bang Ucok H'py B"day....
happy besdei pak.all the best ya *tepuktangan* :D
bang ucok hehehe,hepi belsdai yaaaw . . . makin sukses yaaa ,gbu
bang ucoxz happy birthday ya.. Sukses selaluu..
hepi birthday jg ya bang ucoxz.moga2 makin mlenuk dan gidal gidul :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to PAK UCOX's... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
wish u all d best lah pokoknya...
moga2 cepet dapet jodoh,biar ada yg ngurusin... ;D ;D ;D *piss* *piss* *piss*
Happy B'day Bang Ucok..........
semoga makin sukses selalu........
happy birthday bang Ucox... best wishes bang... ;)
happy b'day pak ucok.....
Hebohhhh Bash nya !!!!
happy bday bang,
best hope n wishes
Cheer ;)
happy belated bday lae UCOK..
Happy Birthday !!!
Wish you all the best.......
happy b day
Skali lagi hepi besdey bang....
sekali lagi HAPPY BDAY Bang... Sukses Slalu.. *tepuktangan*
happy b'day................... wish u all the best *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Yth.Mr Ucox...Hepi Birthday yaa..wish u all the best... ;D ;D ;D
Happy Birthday Bang Ucox......all the best all success *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Hepi bday,Bang Ucox.. :)
party yang seru banget..
all the best sob,
happy birthday bang :)
happy bday :)
best wishes *tepuktangan*
happy B'day Jogja EDM Godfather!!!!!
many happy returns and best wishes in the future!!! ;) :)
walahhh sayang ga bisa hadir....
bang ucoxxx tambah oyesssss....... ;)
happy birthday bang....
bang ucooook!! slamat ulangtauuun!
smoga perutnya ga tmbah gembul yaa.. hihihih :-*
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
May all ur wishes come true.. *tepuktangan*
B'Day Mr Ucox.........Sukses selalu.
vivahouse,Natasya,DimsumonDLine,bullebali,nickvan,RoniJoni,dgital3xy,DJ Deny,bimzkee,luthfi,Ricco.Sepet,RyoKha,novaboi,blank footage,echaaaa,NewReaL,innerlight,Paidjoe,ToM`s ~Hardcore~,joey_30,eye_bones,bullebali,bLacKdaMAN!,Teeyo,sendyoke,opik_ER,wedhus,vans,iNsideR,osvaldo1945MF,Don_Juny,Tya,JUragaN KObam,^rustyman^,colis,bgajulan,Narzisstia,juno...abang fufui..Joevanblade..embassy crew..ardigo yada..dimitri..dj dewa..mc xbo vj raphael...dj fanggy..adri grooveinc surabaya.. *tepuktangan*
dan temen2 yg lain yg sudah ikut hadir :)
special thanks buat temen2 indotrance yg udah jauh2 datang ke jogja...Omphie Haze..oki...rully Nikola.. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
bang ucokkkkkkkkkkkkkk
happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyy
maap telat, baru kembali ke meja kantor soalnya huehehehe
sukses terus yaaaaaaaaaa
*tepuktangan* :-*
@ dhAnty Thank you..:)
happy birthday bang....
selamat kepada abanganda ucok, semoga makin sukses di semua lini, heuheuehue..
happy bday bro..
happy bday bang, suksess selaluuu
happy bday ya pak ucok,jek eling aku,david cah semarang
@ mas ucoxs...happy birdday...cicit cuittttt
happy belated birthday pakkk..
aku padamuuu :P
@ Mario 78, mamin, dj_aldee, david85, phuture89, thank you bro.... *bgs* @ walasok kapan ni hadir :P
Happy Belated Birthday Bos... Sukses terus ya... ;D
HaPpy Bday Pak UCOX!
Keep rocking pak!
@ Dekra - Mr Din thanks *bgs*
happy belated bday bro
gud bless u :D
pakkkk.. telatt ngucap ke kieeee.. met ultahh yohhhhhhh.. panjang umur n kabeh sing iso dipanjang2kan lahhhh ;D