

Started by Gober, 22/02/08, 12:52

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25/02/08, 01:50 #75 Last Edit: 25/02/08, 01:53 by dj_roy_xspinn
eh iya sedikit pengen curhat nehh.....banyak banget seeh aparatnyaa???  :-\ :-\ :-\
Semalem sekitar jam 2an, secara udah dalam keadaan ngebut sengebut2nya...eh di sebelah gw entah ada aparat ato bnn gw gak tau pake jaket item dan topi 4 orang kaya ambon gitu..dan mereka udah ada di sekeliling gw...nah satu orang dari mereka yang ada di sebelah gw dia ngeliatin gw sambil ngebasin/ngepretin jaketnya gitu ke gw....spontaann gw berusahan nyetrika muka gw yg udah lecek berat dan mundur dari posisi gw berdiri...untungnya itu teke kaga ngikutin gw...dan gw langsung drop se abis2nya waaaaa... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Gw nyoba ngawasin itu orang....dan ternyata eh bener dongg...dia nyiduk salah satu orang yang ada di situ...
shit mannn!!!! Ngerikan...hahahaha.......sumpah parno abis gw...trus gw mencoba nyari pecah lagi kaga bisa bisa dong!!! yah udah pulang lah gw....huhuhuhu  :'( :'( :'(
Tapi Overall Mbc Playground GOKIL!!!!
Oh iya setnya PVD menjelang2 akhir juga gak karuan...secara gw lagi dalam posisi parno dan drop gila...hahahaha..... :-X :-X :-X

   So good to see music lovers united!!
OVERALL... it was an AWESOME NIGHT!!!!

25/02/08, 04:03 #77 Last Edit: 25/02/08, 04:24 by LosTSisKa
[another stories from vj log of Playground...]
*Start flight from solo 7.40
yg ternyata airasia itu burik, kita dtg ditolak mentah2 hanya krn check in counter was closed padahal pesawat blm di runway dan msh jelas2 loading bagages, shyte!....akheran kita beli mandala satu2nya next flight yg ada.  :-\ :-\
*Apa kabar jakarta?....
dari cengkareng ke kuningan mansion bersama vj raphael kita 'autis' dulu lanjutin bikin peer buat set di playground dgn konfigurasi layar LED yg 'superwide bgt' cukup menguras pikiran dan bikin cape si mac os juga core duo  :-X :-X
Jam makan siang mutter stop by buat anter microcam yg kita sewa sambil ngobrol sebentar mengenai setup dsbnya...
*titt...titt..tit....Sms sent from abang :
'Hi all semua check sound dan setup dimundurin kelar maghrib terima kasih atas perhatiannya,,"
Ok, still we got a  time then i called chris.m yg malah nawarin anterin ke venue, then jam 7 kita otw ke venue berhenti bentar di booth take away mac.d trus lanjut ke arah main stage di pantai carnaval. Begitu masuk playground area,...wow it's zouk out look a like, udah kebayang bakal spt apa...keren  *bgs* *bgs*
*main stage field
begitu turun udah liat abang on the spot dan berbicara masalah teknis sambil menuju ke booth di foh yg mejanya basah krn hujan,...
Sambil menunggu si gendut LED 18 meter yg dinyalain permodul [gilinggg ngesetnya laamaaa.. :-\ :-\]
a jounalist from indika wants 2 interviews live on air with me, so ok then i take and getting on air...setelah on air dtglah tamu2 dr vj tetangga [anak2 global port] lando agak wories juga ngeliat riders kita yg msh blm komplit dan instalasi multimedia ga kelar2 nyampe tengah malam krn antar LED screen, projector and datatone beda vendor jd permasalahan pd org2 equipments itu yg ga ada komunikasi.... *jlk* *jlk*
Then the president of VJRI Roots digitalized came, thank u ya bang udah nyambangin dan supportnya, juga vj Mocco, bersama wen'd *bgs*
So i asked chris for goin home, it's was very late thanks for the ride sob!!...tunggu punya tunggu almost 4am and the giant led still didnt turn on in completed ,it's only 10 module was connect [ya ampyuuuuunnn msh panjanggggg djuooooo...bisa2 ga tidur niy  :-\ :-\]
akheran kita putusin better kita balik hotel aja drpd bsk malah berantakan dan ga konsen, so another deal we will check and setup at 11 nextday....
woke up at 08.30 [huwaaa rasanya niy badan huhuhu...baru tdr jam 1/2 4 kalee.. :-\] we packed all the equipmet then move to navotel mangdu dan nyampe venue yg astaaagaaaaaaaaaa....booth2 tenda kerucut berterbangan krn angin dan hujan yg deras,..whataaa meeezzzzz...apalagi meja kita penuh air gara2 booth lightning atas jadi danau kena tampias air hujan... :( :( :( dan si gendut LED pun dicover apa terpal krn hujan derassssss.........[ pee-eerrr lagi deehh,kebayang tunggu nyalanya... :-\ :-\]
So dari jam 12 and the time was running out, si gendut blm nyala semua sampe jam 3 dan kita ga bisa ngapa2in so i decided to goin back to novotel for take a shower krn pasti klo entar2 ga mungkin lagi sekalian bawain baju ganti buat vj Raphael yg tetep stay di venue buat nungguin LED nyala, tungguin org operator datatone ama screen....
*Jam 4 nyampe venue lagi,..
msh belum nyala juga, mas2 dr dataone udah dtg setelah tunggu dan tunggu tapi tetep kita ga bisa setting krn LED msh nyala separo,...wedewwww udah almost jam 5 niy...
*Jam 5 lbh,,
LED msh blmnyala dan ada missed diantara digitalmedia online vs mata elang, minta ditarik kabel RGB dapetnya composite...huhuhu, begitu LED nyala, waddddduuhhh flicker and oversaturated gamma...
[yaaaa iyaaalaaaaaaahhh secara RGB 3 sinyal, composite cuman  2  :-\ :-\]
*all VJRI!!!...roll, out!!!...LosTSiska here called vj Mocko and Tinkerbell,..mayday..mayday!
"..sob bawa converter, sob bawa monitor,..sob jgn lupa ini, sob jgn lupa itu....and sob titip panasnya mc'd 2, beli aja di counter samping jalan mo masuk ke arah carnaval entar diganti ya, trus klo mau lo pesen juga gih..."
parkiran didepan penukeran tiket tunggu para 'penolong' dtg sambil ngobrol ama beberapa ravers dr solo dan jgj, then dtglah team swat vj mocco, eye spinner, tinkerbell yg kliatan ribet dgn bawaannya yg kita pesen...Thank u, thank u 1000x....all VJRI ,guys u all the best....!salute!,,,
*vj booth yg msh ribet...
ditambah dtg orang2 yg 'berkepentingan' [sponsor] biasalah nasib kita selalu direse'in ama org2 begitu...huhuhuhu, gee kita juga khan hrs consider kemauan pvd lg tunggu keputusan mau ga dia di lednya kluar bumper iklan rokok yg tiap 1/2 jam sekali?...giling!!..

so sorry that i couldnt make the llight of led more soft like u wish'cause if i do this all colourfull bumper/footage will  goes badly..and 2 much gamma will appears, i appologized for 2 much branding for the visual...i cant do anything about this.....
[blm juga 1/2 jam lewat lagi-lagi penganggu itu dtg lg,...'mana kok ga kluar2 punya gua!!, Huh ngomong baek2 kek...ga usah bentak2 napee.....reseee!! >:( >:(]

*kembali ke setup & instalasi .. 
yg siap [siap ga siap ato bisa juga disiap2in??.. :( :(]  jam 8 dgn  keadaan terlalu byk 'missed' dr materi dan set kita,..dgn konfigurasi modul 3x6 sebayak 3 biji dgn 3 output LED 1 ga sync ama LED 2, LED 3,terlalu redup....so vj mocco ran to the stage behind LED utk setting adjustment dgn inform dr pengelihatan Tinkerbell dr vj booth melalui phonecell,..dan gua msh juga sibuk dgn pengaturan logo2 yg semakin ngeribetin, sedangkan vj Raphael msh ribet masalah setting output/input antara edirol dan dataone......
*Jam 1/2 9 wedddewwww....... :-\ :-\
akheran tukang screem nonggol!!, deeehh kemana aja sih mas kirain screennya ga jadi...huhuhuhuhu...dan jam 9 microcam udah tersambung dgn mixer, atas jasa si mas dr vendor projector
[Thanks again and again....for Roots digitalized wihout his good networking with multimedia equipt. our LED and screen maybe never catch the lights on...u're the best!!... *bgs* *bgs*]
*Show must go on!...
Malam yg sgt massive dlm arti yg sebenar2nya, 2 much despress'...2 much missed,udah sinyal ilang satu krn dapet sambungan kabel composite trus tambah lagi ..no offense ya,...dr kenyataannya memang kabel output LED ke foh ga terlindungi dgn baek, terinjak2 para crowds ngebuat sinyal sering bikin ngedrop LED...dan semakin gua bete...
[yahhh agak terbantukan dgn tepukan di bahu,..'sabar,ya......yg sabar ya..!" dr vj Raphael, Roots Digitalized, vj Mocco, Tinkerbell dan paman donald.. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*]

ok, i'm out,...

@ all rvlx
maaf kangen2an ga bisa lama, ga ikutan bergabung, cmn ketemuan sebentar juga...atau yg pd sms ga sempet dibales,,,,,malem itu gua hectiiccccc bgt djuooooo.....maaf, maaf...

kok ga ketemu lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!........... :-\

ma ksih cantik udah nyambangin booth kita... :-* :-*

@rvlx jgj
thanks for the support dan ga bisa gabung buat seru2an bersama ya sob....

@manifesto fam
maafkan bundamu ini,nak... huhuhuhu...i'm trying' 2 give all the best but 2 much 'missed' 2 say...u all was right that those night i never play,i couldn't play... i'm just make the LED full with footage that all....and that's not me,not real me.......... i supposed could be much better, yahhh secara kalian biasa nemenin setup jadi ngerti klo bundamu ini maunya apa, setiap footage yg ada di monitor hrs sama dgn yg kluar di screen tentang adjusment colour, brightness dsb......krn klo gak dapet pasti bakalan bete terus dan ga bisa maen,....... :'( :'( arrgghhhhhhhhh.....siaalll....

thank u buat  temenin curhatan... :-*

@dj Denny
maaf ga bisa lamaaaaa ngobrolnyaaaa....

thank buat nyambangin kita... *bgs* *bgs*

and finally for all those stories was made [LosTSisKa feat. Raphael ]would like 2 say,...

@Roots Digitalized
Thank u for supporting and always stay behind us, you're the best ..much respect! SALUTE!.. *bgs* *bgs*

@vj Mocco & Tinkerbell
wihout ur hands guys, those night will never get the ambience,....both of u make our LED more brighten and colourfull guys u're rooccckkkk!!..respect  *bgs* *bgs*

thanks for the ride and pengertiannya, yehhhh abang ga salah kaliii.... :-* :-*

microcam sangat membantu bgt, thank u bgt for everything + sisa cakue yg dikasih....*halag  *piss*  *piss*

......always rooccckkk!!!,,,,,,

25/02/08, 04:18 #78 Last Edit: 25/02/08, 04:23 by Ucil
PVD kenapa yah ?? jet lag mungkin......one or two cool tracks here and there.....tapi gak keruan ah.......overall......loved jose padila, agrikulture, grant nelson.....and of course the lovable abang irwan......love u bang....saved my ears from the mayhem before u hehehe.....sik asssiiikkk hehehe.........

dateng2 disuruh muter2 cari parkiran sana tutup, sini tutup, nyari ke bagian artis/vip,yg ngasih info salah, yg bener kasih taunya malah polisinya, bukan yg orang2 pake kaos playground, ada setengah jam muter2 buat parkir doang  :-\
Josse Padilla: mixingnya bletak bletuk gitu, langsung ganti lagu, lumayanlah buat awal2, sambil santai ngemil n minum2.. ;D

vhs or beta: baru liat gw, kirain lokal hehehe..tapi keren juga  *bgs* sayang gw cuma sempet liat bentar

agoose: mantap, uplifing  *bgs* cuma kok kayaknya tegang banget yah pas liat di screen  *piss*

grant nelson: wohoho..mantap, classic with new sound  *bgs*

pvd: keren banget pas awal2nya, sampe sekitar jam ke 2, kayaknya mulai ada kesalahan teknis, agak2 kurang mood gitu maennya.. sayang sekali, padahal gw berharap ga kaya gitu..

silent disco: seruuu, walaupun ngantri panjang, tapi pas didalem enak banget, pengalaman baru..

mc vika kova: ini baru mc,ga cuma ngemc doang,tp improve n bisa ngebawa crowdnya  *bgs*

All VJs: Salute!  *bgs* *bgs*

Embassy Playground: Wicked! ditunggu selanjutnya...

pulang muter2 lagi, jalan ditutup mobil2 pada parkir..  :-\
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Hehe mau kasih field report sedikit guys,

gue miss satu yang penting, silent disco!  :'(

untuk Jose Padilla, dia emang sedikit bermasalah pas main, karena selain kepanasan, mixernya denger2 jg agak bocor. overall dia mampu memaintain crowd.

mengenai pvd, menurut gue faktor utama knapa dia kurang all out adalah karena kelelahan (bisa dilihat dari schedule main nya yang sangat teramat padat plus jetlag). menurut temen gue yang jadi l o nya, begitu selesai main n sampe mobil, doi bener2 'hilang' alias tidur yang sangat pulas. perjalanan dari venue dari hotel yang cuma makan waktu 10menit bener2 dimanfaatkan dia utk istirahat. bahkan istrinya menelpon pun tidak diangkat sama dia. hope he will be back soon dengan kondisi yang lebih baik.  ;)

vhs or beta mantep gila! tp koq gue denger gosip pas sore2 banyak yg bilang ga jadi ya? pdhl mereka uda di situ 2 hari sebelum acara. trus mlm ini sempet after party dadakan sama silent disco di oishisha, gue aja agak2 kaget, huhu.

btw ga ada yg liat belle n sebastian dj set aka dj rico sama grant nelson ya? rugi besar, huhu. apalagi grant nelson, walaupun gue ga liat lama2, kata orang2 doi bener2 top markotop. both of them are good people, ramah2 semua. bocoran dikit, belle n sebastian pengen buat asian tour full band, n mungkin bagi yg ga liat grant nelson, mudah2an bs kejadian lg tahun ini dia dateng lg, hehe. seperti nya dia cocok dgn makanan indo lho. *tepuktangan*

ada yang liat dj rectangle? sebenernya dia seneng bgt bs main di sini, cuma pas main kayaknya crowd kurang suka musik rnb hiphop yang dia bawa, jadi dia ngubah set nya jadi sedikit lebih house. orangnya kocak bgt n doyan ngomong, haha.

segitu dulu ya, mau tidur dulu ahhh

ps: special thanks to embassy playground team yg udah make this happen, esp. abang yang uda cape2 ngurusin kita2, hehe  :)

Quote from: osvaldo on 25/02/08, 00:34
PVD di beijing juga set flownya kayanya lebih ngaco deh..ehuehuehe..ada yg trance.trs tiba2 elektro..trs trance lagi..knp ya tu org?..eheuheuheue

emang begitu bukan dia os? bisa dari house nyambung techno, dan di akhirin sama banging trance... well selama ngaturnya masih enak si kaga apa2.. kalo kemaren.. gue juga bingung disikat nya kayak gitu...
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

taking indonesian dance music culture to the higher level.....

PVD rawks....sepertinya CDJ nya sempet ganti (ada yg macet kayaknya) ......

Jose Padilla ...tracknya the Cure goskieelll....

P V D...Whats wrong with him..?? :o

But the party is great...!!! *bgs*

Thanks to Embassy... :)

25/02/08, 07:39 #84 Last Edit: 25/02/08, 07:41 by Gober
I am really not that keen, if at all, to review Paul Van Dyke's "show" at the Embassy Playground at Pantai Carnival in Ancol on Saturday night for so many reasons. To sum up, my biggest beef with his performance was that his choice of musical journey that he'd envisioned to create and direct for Embassy Playground clearly lacked spirit, uninspired and was so uneven, albeit still commanding very good technical masterly of his craft, especially in mixing and layering/reworking of old songs.

There might be some reasons behind the piss poor performance: he was probably still tired (he was rumored to have landed in town only severals hours before he was due to play?) - and yet how really tired one gets when flying first class?. Also, there were obviously some technical/sound/speaker problems during his performance. In the end he still delivered, but i felt that he only did a minimum what he had to do, while he could have chosen to exert more effort to deliver so much more; considering he has top of range DJing skills, has extensive experience and there was awesome crowd support. By taking the option of the lesser path, he risked devaluing his reputation as one of world's top DJ. I am not trying to be cynical here: a little screw up in a gig in Jakarta - Indonesia may not seem too big of a deal to you, eh Paul ?

I actually think the tracks, individually, were quite rich and complex and interesting with nice peaks and troughs. There was a little problem though: when those tracks strung together, the intervals between the peaks and troughs were almost always way too short. It's almost like he's already been influenced by MTV-sacred ideology: make each parts just little bit interesting, and put them in short snippets. We should have seen the warning: his mediocre "in Between" album was almost too poppy commercial (with notable exception of "New York City"). During his set, before we were given the chance to enjoy and get ourselves immersed in the wonder of an interesting rework of a song, he already switched fast to either dramatically different part of the tracks or even to the next track altogether, which may not have been a great transition (mind you, that kind of feat still required great mixing skill to accomplish it). Unfortunately, it did give effects of jarring and awkwardness plenty of times.

I personally didn't think much of his set flow. Apart from being greatly uneven in some parts, the tracks as a whole just did not feel gelled together to construct any kind of good 3-hour musical journey. In other words: some musical experience that is dramatic and beautful but still give opportunity for the crowd (ie. PAYING CUSTOMERS) to actually able to enjoy most of it -uninterruptedly. His set was the opposite: it's like the sum of all tracks is much less than the individual tracks. Of course a DJ could create mediocre set and get away with it a la Tiesto, but they have to play mostly songs with high energy and channeling their energy into the crowd. This, however, was missing from Paul Van Dyk's performance.

And I was pretty dumbfounded with his take towards the set closure. What the hell was that ?? First it was kinda cute, but to stretch it to unbearably several minutes of trying -and forcing- to get the crowd to sound out some non-discernible melody was just so not on. He should have known better than to stoop that low.

Thankfully for most of us, he completely finished his set just before 3 AM. I guess he did not want to play a single second longer than what was written in his contract.

Okay, now on to some positive notes: He threw in popular anthems such as "For an Angel" (did not care much for the version), "Born Slippy" (interesting rework, i might admit), "The Anthem" (cue for mass Karaoke). There were also nice bouncy highly dance-able tracks such as "Crush" as well as some easy tracks from his new "In Between"Artist album. A nice crowd pleaser here and there for crowd to catch a breath, seek refuge from a barrage of tension-charged mind-convulsing tracks.

Although we should be grateful for the still rare event to witness a great DJ at work in Jakarta, it still bugged me and I could only second guess his motive at choosing such "ribet" (overly complicated for no apparent strong reason) set. Was he trying to create new style of a less "hard/more driving" and more variety set, and to make it more intellectual ? If it was the case then he failed on several levels. A great DJ like him should be able to create more layered, interesting pieces without sacrificing the beauty and wholeness of the musical experience.

This review may seem a scathing attack on Paul Van Dyk's Embassy Playground performance. But really, I was only expecting a standard entertainment service from the former world's #1 DJ and current #4 (according to DJ Mag). Maybe DJ Mag is right after all, Van Dyk's ranking has slipped down to fourth in parallel with his stagnant/worsening Djing performance? I have seen him playing live in The Netherlands 7 years ago and it was better than what I saw last saturday night.

My advice to him is: get off his high horse of misplaced, uninformed political stand and focus more on being ever-innovative as a DJ/producer and to always try to give his best to any crowd he's playing for. Or better yet, try to get less face lifts (if reports that he has spent considerable amount of money on "correcting" some of his facial "imperfections" are to be believed).

At the end, I was still enjoying very much the main stage area at Embassy Playground as the weather was very agreeable, there was plenty of space to dance and relax, and most important yet: soaking up the whole experience with a number of great friends.

"one of rvlx member"
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
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Gak sempet liay Grant Nelson!! hik hiks... tp produksinya, stage nya.. gokil banget... Sound nya juga 8 out of 10 scale... salute to embassy..

Quote from: JESSY ECHY on 24/02/08, 16:44

kasian d pvd wek :P *piss*

gw baru 'enak' setelah pvd, siap sih dij-nya? minimalnya ok bgt.....

Quote from: bimzkee on 25/02/08, 07:04
Quote from: osvaldo on 25/02/08, 00:34
PVD di beijing juga set flownya kayanya lebih ngaco deh..ehuehuehe..ada yg trance.trs tiba2 elektro..trs trance lagi..knp ya tu org?..eheuheuheue

emang begitu bukan dia os? bisa dari house nyambung techno, dan di akhirin sama banging trance... well selama ngaturnya masih enak si kaga apa2.. kalo kemaren.. gue juga bingung disikat nya kayak gitu...

kalo diliat dari interviewnya dia sih bilang gini :

" is not about trance, progressive, electro, techno etc.. its about Electronic Dance Music "

kalo yang gw tangkep dari statementnya dia diatas sih,
jadi he is not playing one special genre.

hes playing everything,
kan dia tekenin di Electronic Dance Music..

kalo armin kan dia lebih spesifik mainnya,
keliatan banget mewahnya buat ukuran worlds best dj !

drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


pas dateng.....
langsung motret Vijey....

sorry sis...kejaohan....maklum pake digicam.....(n ga bisa nyamperin yah...secara...akses VIP ?)
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

hasil kerja keras Vijey.......
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

Buat yang ga bisa datang....  ;D
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

MC nya bener2 keren.....

n betul kaya komen2 diatas....

doi...bisa nyanyi......hue..hue...hue.....

Vika kova keren.....  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

25/02/08, 11:27 #93 Last Edit: 25/02/08, 11:29 by KoJack
Salah satu pemandangan di stage Malboro sebelah kiri..

konon disinilah banyak penampakan "Orang2 penting RVLX"

ada... Ron Jon, DJ Deny, Sony Daffkaf, yg putih gendut kacamata tuh sapa yah... DNAB ?, trus SEPET,

(ga liat Ija (pdhl aku sms yah ...hue...hue..hue..). SONIKUE  juga ga liat.....

akhirnya aku ketemu KEPALA SUKU........ minta stiker deh ama dia.... tengkiu,,,,,Yon.....

asli gua mah kaya anak ilang.....rombongan bandung juga kaga keliatan.... Wuaakakkaaka... *tepuktangan* ;D
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

Quote from: Debon on 25/02/08, 09:12
Gak sempet liay Grant Nelson!! ..

Yang ini kan.....orangnya ....??/
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

its a great saturday night rave party...
secara keseluruhan penampil2 kemaren keren abis...
tapi menurut versi gue best credit point goes to :
1. grant nelson (ciamik lagu2nya & bikin badan gak bisa diem, bawaannya jejogedan)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
2. winky (opening yang edan & track2nya edan juga)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
3. agoose (bikin gue tambah edan)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
4. silent disco (lucu juga nih, kapan ya ada silent disco lokal....????) *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
5. vika kova (very atractive & bisa ngebawa crowd) *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
6. Abang Remi (enak banget buat "pendinginan") *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
8. Jose padilla (tracknya enak buat santai sore2 smbl ngopi & ngerokok) *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
7. PVD (agak kacau tapi tetep ajjiiiibbbb) *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

buat jeng siska, mantebb abiss lho "gambar2nya" apalagi screen di embassy main stage keren abis & gokiilll....

thanks banget buat embassy yang bikin the best rave party di awal 2008 ini...
taon depan bikin lagi yah....

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Bukan Sembarang Pria, Pria Sembarangan....!!!!

Poto2 PVD nya dunk....;)

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

PVD SAMA DJ AGOOSE BAGUSAN AGOOSE MAIN NYA.. kampRet belanda.. yang di bayar mahal aturan agoose ma winky main nya keren gila.. Fuck PVD lah
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

@ wedhus : track nya gw gaq tau apaan aja, males gw dengerin nya.. mending agoose kemana2 main nya.. winky GoKiL, ABANG irwan kereeeeN

Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

Quote from: JESSY ECHY on 25/02/08, 11:48
PVD SAMA DJ AGOOSE BAGUSAN AGOOSE MAIN NYA.. kampRet belanda.. yang di bayar mahal aturan agoose ma winky main nya keren gila.. FCUK PVD lah

biasa aja kaliii
bused deh... :-\
masi aja emosi.. ikhlasin ajeeee, emng gk boleh terlalu sempurna kyknya ;D ;D

underground movements...